Beg, Steal or Borrow – A kidnapping along time ago
by Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   A kidnapping along time ago
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Fri Jun 26, 2009 @ 2:36pm
Location   CDO's office
Timeline   SD 9 16h00
Ayren went through a trade agreement between the Flaxon Corporation and Epson Mining colony. A name struck her between the eyes and she flinched. Passet.....

Her fingers trembled and she paled.... It was not only the name, but the whole wormhole of events surrounding a time in her life she wanted to forget..

The dreaded Tupana - that hateful planet they had gone to. Ayren felt nauseous and she placed her hand over her mouth, trying to calm her breathing as a memory invaded her mind..


The first thing Ayren was aware of was the pain in her wrists. It felt like someone cut them right around. She tried to bring her hands forward, but they were restrained behind her back. She winced at the renewed pain. She tried to speak, but there was something in her mouth... a cloth. She heaved... the fabric was pushed down far in her throat and the sour taste of old sweat didn't help.

Slowly Ayren became aware of her surroundings. She was tied to a chair in a darkened room, smelling of wet concrete.. she heaved again. Opening her eyes seemed near impossible, her eyelids felt like lead. Especially one.. then she remembered.

After talking to Mary, she wanted to go to her apartment to change. She remember that the door was opened and she thought that maybe JC was still there. After walking in though she had soon realized that it was everything but that.. The place was ransacked. It seemed like the full contents of every single drawer and closet was sprewn all over the floor. Even the painting on the walls were destroyed. The thoughts rushed through her brain in a split second. First she thought is was a break in, then thinking that someone was looking for something, but it had been more than that... Her belongings were demolished.

The next moment she sensed someone., a distinct presence.... As she turned to run, she looked into a hand weapon of some kind, which stopped her dead in her tracks. The weapon connected with her face so hard it knocked her to the ground. Her attempts to defend herself failed. Two more men appeared and she was soon overwhelmed. A prick to the side of her neck faded everything into complete oblivion. Untill now...

[A few hours later]

The presence again... She heard movement and voices and then the door opened revealing light behind it. A sillouette appeared in the door frame and he called to the back. "Mr Passet, she is awake now!'

Ayren heard more movement and then the sillouette stepped back to make way for a shorter one who slowly and deliberately walked towards her. He came to stand in front of her. What she sensed eminating from him filled her with dread.

The blow exploded on the side of her face with such force that the legs of the chair made a scraping noise in the floor, sending the fabric plug flying out of her mouth The taste of blood prickled her tongue. She lifted her face to view the man, to try to make out his face, but couldn't. The light behind him cast a shadow on his features.

He lifted a hand and backhanded the defenceless woman again. The ring he wore made a cut on her cheek, breaking the skin. She felt the warm feeling as the blood trickled down her face. The man leaned forward and touched her chin, first gently, then forcing her to look at him. Now she could see a cold, malicious glitter in his eyes, the hatred for her oozing from him.

"So you are the pretty little thing Trugg kept himself busy with... well you won't be so pretty anymore when I am finished with you, darling..In fact you would not be the same at all.." His deep chuckle gripped her heart with ice fingers. She had been trained to withstand interrogation. .. but this.. this was different. At least something started to make sense. He was after Fox.. This wasn't the government, but she wasn't sure if that would turn out to be worse.

He suddenly stepped back and put his hands in his pockets. "First I want information though... That little device some woman designed...Mary is it? I want to know where it is.. You see, I can really use it well..." His voice was lilting and overly sweet.

Shock must have shown in her face, even if she did try to hide it. "Oh... you thought everybody was loyal to you...Tsk tsk tsk" Passet wagged his forefinger in a dispay of superiority. "Well I had to use some.... more persuasive methods.. Gorron, well he had family .. and some debts.." That chilling laugh again. His move to her was quick and calculated, his mouth inches from hers as he leaned over her. "So where is it?" he sneered.

"And don't try to lie to me... I know about your scheme, but I don't really care... I want that little machine!"

She realized that if he knew as much as he thought, he wouldn't have referred to Derick as Trugg. Gorron... one of her managers... he would know alot, but wouldn't have context. Information without context was meaningless. It gave Ayren hope.

Ayren knew there were a few ways to respond during interrogation, the one she found best was to not answer anything. That would also provide her with the possibility to use Vulcan mediatation techniques to lock down her thoughts and bear what ever came her way. Her body shook violently as he hit her in her solar plexus and for a moment she felt dizzy from the sudden woosh as oxygen was forced form her lungs. She gasped for air and groaned in pain, slumping forward in the chair. The effects of the drug she had recieved earlier was beginning to wear off, making her more aware of the injuries she had received during her struggle in her apartment. Her whole body ached from the encounter and coupled with what Passet was doing to her.. she was worried. She wasn't sure how long she could endure, she wasn't that strong.

He continued to try to force the answer form her, her body nearing shock from the hammering. At one point his face was so near hers that she felt his breath of her skin. "I wonder how it was with Trugg.... huh, was it good little darling?... " He licked his lips lewly. "Oh maybe I will try you myself..."

An anger rose inside of her and she raised her face to meet his eyes. He was going to kill her whether she gave him what he wanted or not, the process may just be a little bit longer. When she spoke her voice was hoarse, a little more than a whisper, but her words were measured, filled with disgust and hate. "You..will.. . get .. nothing ...from ... me..." she forced through her swollen lips.

"So that's how you want to play it, you whore!" He slapped her again and spat on her. "We will see...!" His hand went into his pocket and produced astamping device.. the same type she and JC had found in her apartment. The one used to stamp her and the whole away team with new identities "Just for you.. you bitch and you will dance as I play the tune".

Ayren eyes widened with raw fear. "No.. no.. please NO!!" she heard herself scream. Her struggle was futile as Passet planted the stamping device against her right temple. It sprang to life, causing a biochemical chain reaction in her brain. The pain came in nausea first, then in a copper taste in her mouth, but her body gave in. Blackness overwhelmed her as she slipped into unconsciousness.

The most vile swear words filled the room. This was the last thing Passet wanted, he needed Ayren conscious. "What the hell happened?!" he screamed at his man. "They didn't f#$% say she was going to pass out!" He was livid. His man produced a padd and looked apologetic even if he wasn't guilty. He had informed his boss of the procedure to plug the stamp into the padd first and then apply it to the woman.

Passet looked at the padd and swore again. "Well she is stamped now anyway ... let me know when she wakes up again" he said and stomped off. He had someone to take down further.

From the communicator Ayren had on her, he got a few numbers. Ayren wasn't stupid enough to have names on it, but it didn't take him long to get Fox's number although his hapless victim was unaware of this...


Ayren Kelan