Things Past – Visitations in Sickbay
by Arrival Atlana Durak & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Visitations in Sickbay
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Arrival Atlana Durak & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Wed Mar 13, 2013 @ 1:40pm
Location   Medical
Timeline   SD71 1200
Atlana Durak had sent word days before she arrived to the Cardassian Embassy on the station that she was coming, it was standard protocol to allow the personnel in charge to know an operative retired or otherwise that they were coming into their territory. She'd explained herself rather well she thought in the message. But if Turvan was questioning her intentions it was possible that Getal had not gotten the message or he had not shared it with Turvan.

She made her way to medical thinking it best to check in with the Gul her father had spoken so highly of. Atlana had met Getal only once as a child and doubted he would recognize her some years later.

She didn't know the Ambassadors condition and had to check on him. Turvan's personality suggested he'd kill Getal in his sleep given the chance. She walked into medical and after asking a nurse were she might find the Ambassador made her way to his bed.

Getal winced slightly as he sat up, the implant he had installed must've taken damage in the explosion. His wince faded as he saw the coming Cardassian woman, approaching his bed. He clenched his fist, just in case this female was someone else sent to kill him. "Can I help you?" Getal asked as he propped himself upright.

She saw him ball his fist, her blue eyes softened slightly as she recognized the man's intention to fight back if need be. "Completely unnecessary, I assure you Ambassador. My name is Atlana Durak, you served with my father some years ago." She didn't openly announce herself as an operative of the Obsidian Order. Anyone who had kept communications with her father until his death would have known that much about her. In some families it was a matter of pride, in the house of Durak it had been something of shame. "I came to check on your progress and to offer my assistance." She
smirked. "Which is more then I gave that weasel Turvan."

Getal's fist relaxed as he heard the name of the girl. "Miss Durak, your name is a bright light in these dark times. Please, sit." He said the comment almost as if to an equal, something he rarely ever did. "Pay no heed to Legate Turvan. He may act big but he is still just full of hot air and my temporary position."

"And enjoying that position immensely." She smirked as she sat down on the stool next to the biobed he was in. She took in all that he'd been through, the bruises the cuts, the general exhaustion of his posture. "How you are is a very complex question, so I will simply as you how can I help?" She added. "I was not sure you'd gotten notice of my arrival before the.... attack."

"Attack?" He repeated her words with confusion. "My dear, an attack means that there is a higher power attacking a smaller power. This wasn't an attack. This was terrorism at it's core." Getal spew his philosophy onto the former agent. "And no, I've had little contact with my embassy since the explosion. But, I am glad you are here, and I am so very glad you've asked to help." Tharek propped himself up yet again, in preporation for another piece to be brought onto the board.

"I need to find out who bombed my embassy. And I am in no condition to track down the culprit responsible. I need you to do it for me."

Atlana has a very different philosophy about the word attacked and the foolishness of others. "Sometimes those who think they are higher are merely blinded by their own lack of stature." She retorted. "Nevertheless, I would be happy to assist, Ambassador." she retorted. "Have you any idea who might have wanted you dead?" Her lips curled. "Besides, Sarish Anjar... that is."

Yes, Atlana was aware that Central Command liked to play chess and at the moment she was merely being posed as a pawn in a much larger game. But the fact remained that the Gul had been a friend of her fathers and so Atlana felt she needed to assist. She'd treat him as an ally until the Ambassador proved otherwise... if he proved otherwise.

"Sarish Anjar wouldn't have the gall to do anything to me now." He pondered in thought for a moment. "There are many people that want me dead, but none with the will to execute the movement. One lead could be the Romulan Embassy. Another may well have come from my own embassy."

Atlana could see Turvan having enough ambition to want Getal dead and out of the way. The Romulans would have to be looked into. She nodded as she thoughts. "You are armed I assume in case someone attempts to finish what they started why are in medical?"

Tharek smiled at Atlana. "My dear, I need no weapons." He stated bluntly. "Whoever bombed my embassy would've thought me dead, otherwise they would've come for me whilst I was unconscious. Nobody will attack me here, not around the Federation and certainly not now I'm awake."

Atlana smirked back at him. "And yet you readied yourself when I arrived." she retorted quickly.

"This is true. But when you see a Cardassian women with confidence in her stride like yours, you can't help but to ready yourself. Death comes in many forms, and sometimes the best weapon is hidden behind a smile." He ended his sentance and politely asked if Atlana could hand him his water. "Should there be any special requirements you need, contact Sotar Telet. My chief of staff. He will procure them with no questions asked."

She retrieved the glass for him, unsure if he was being genuine in his compliments or political. Nevertheless they had an effect on her ego. As she handed him the glass of water she nodded her head. "I will keep his name in mind." she added. "Thank you Ambassador." She offered him a small smile. "When I find out who is responsible, do you prefer I handle this our way, or the federations?" She wanted to know if she was allowed to kill whomever was responsible or hand them over to Trellis.

"The Starfleet way." He stated bluntly, lowering the glass onto his lap. "The Federation thinks me immoral, even cruel. I will make a grand gesture of... " Getal chose his next word with precision. "Friendship, shall we say? I would have you by my side as we give the criminal over to Starfleet as a sign of faith."

Atlana digressed. "With all due respect, Ambassador. I should much prefer to stay out of the limelight." She admitted. "The less people know of my colorful history the easier it is to do my job."

Tharek held his palm to his head and squinted his eyes. "Of course, my mistake." He then raised to look at her. "I will make sure you are well compensated once I have all relevant information. Thank you, Miss Durak. You are definitely your fathers daughter."

Atlana's father had shunned her, considered his daughter lost once she'd joined the order and later committed suicide before she graduated at the top of her class. She hoped she was more then her father. "Thank you, Ambassador, I will let you know what I uncover soon." She dipped her head slightly out of respect for the man's history and his rank.

Getal returned the bow with no more words, just a sign of his respect. He picked up the glass of water from his lap and took a small sip, watching his new piece go onto the board.

Atlana backed up before showing him her back, her mind set was shifting from civilian shop keeper to Obsidian Order Operative. Whether or not the order was in it's glory or a shell of its former self and on the verge of collasp, Atlana was still very good at what she did. Someone was on borrowed time, the only person she could rule out was the one person she wanted to blame.


Atlana Durak
Shop Owner: Unique Antique (most of the time)


Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador