Cascade – Looking for Antiques in all the right places
by Lieutenant JG Malak Muz & Arrival Atlana Durak

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Title   Looking for Antiques in all the right places
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Malak Muz & Arrival Atlana Durak
Posted   Fri Feb 15, 2013 @ 5:38pm
Location   Antique Shop
Timeline   SD 71
Malak had just gotten off duty - and wanted to explore the Promenade more. He was trying to get out more - he didn't like being by himself. So.. What did he need? That's right! Antiques. Whom doesn't like Antiques? The pilot slowly looked around the store as he tentatively made his way in.

Atlana still had no license to sell her beautiful antiques because of Trellis, she when another starfleet officer walked into her beautiful store she felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She was still opening boxes and pulling out the last few treasures she had from storage. "Hello," she said in a soft and warm voice. She came around the corner of some old Bajorian art work and smiled at him. "I'm at Atlana... can I help you, Lieutenant?"

The pilot looked around and a frown came to his features after a moment. There were still boxes..and they looked like they werent open yet. The trill turned to Atlana and then another pause. A Cardassian with Bajoran artwork. It wasn't necessarily rare from his past memories - it's just the circumstances were different. He dipped his head with a smile,"No No. I'm sorry. I was just looking around." He motions to the place,"I didn't realize you weren't open. I can come back later."

"Absolutely not," She offered. "There's no reason to apologize." Atlana had a warm smile, she had a friendly disposition when the situation called for it. Honestly she almost liked being just a shopkeeper. "The company is good to have, these old bits and bobbles don't talk much." She said. Atlana looked at the Lieutenant. "And the get the impression you're a man who needs to talk a little."

"I thought every item had a story to tell - or something like that." Malak waves his hand in the air as if to dismiss his own though. He smiled to the woman and there was a slow shake of his head,"..Talk? No. I am here to buy antiques and flirt. That's about the fullness of what I intend to do." He continues to talk with a jovality,"So.. You're just setting up shop then? What all do you sell?" He inquires gently.

Atlana looked at him for a moment and then nodded. "Yes many of them have horrible stories to tell. Some more, some less." She admitted. Flirt and shop huh... She couldn't help but smirk at his confidence. "I've been here a few days, retirement." She offered even though she wasn't as old as most people who retired by cardassian standards she was actually very young, most Cardassians lived to be about 150 years old and Atlana wasn't even 40 year. Still she'd seen enough in her lifetime to warrant a break. "I sell all sorts of things in here." she offered. She wasn't going to come right and admit she was or had been part of the Obsidian Order... that was just silly.

"Retirement? Ahh.. I don't know that I'll ever be able to ever 'retire'." Malak says with a grin himself,"I enjoy being out so much - I don't know that slowing down is my thing." He slowly moved as he looked around and nodded slowly,"Do you have any Trill things?" He offers as he looks to her, having no idea she was probably a better looking version of Garak.

Atlana had to think about it. "Well, something that is strictly Trill is very rare as I'm sure you aware." She admitted having a knowledge of history. "Are you a host, Lieutenant?" she asked him as she looked through her trappings. She'd always been a collector.

"I am, infact." Malak says with a smirk,"Is it that obvious or just the fact I am trill?" He tries to softly joke and moves closer. His hands do stay behind him,"I'm the eleventh host. How many joined Trill's have you met?" He offers gently.

Atlana grinned at him over her shoulder as she moved around a few paintings. "Not as many as I'd like to have." She offered. "Trills and Starfleet are more closely connected through the Federation, Cardassians don't get a warm welcome much of anywhere we go." she added. "Not even those of us who are just interested in learning." She said. "ah..." She moved batleth and a few swords away from the wall, behind them was a small tube. "This is as far as I know the only purely trill item I have." she offered as she lifted it out of the dust. She unsealed the end and slide out a rolled up painting.

"The history of your culture is something that is hard for some to get over." Malak notes softly as she points that out,"I do hope they've given you a better welcome here?" There's a brief smile and he takes a step back to take a look at it. His eyes going over the painting,"How did you come by it?" He reaches out as if to touch it, but stops halfway through.

Atlana glanced at the painting. "A young student gave it too me some years ago while I was venturing through the Evora sector some 20 years ago. Her name was Neema," Atlana admitted. She had beautiful taste in colors and a wonderful eye." Atlana admired the artwork, it was a paint of long waterfalls, Neema had said they were from her homeworld but Atlana had never been able to verify it because she'd never been to Trill.

"Ok.. Sold. I'll take it.." Malak says with a smile and nod, his hands coming to cross as he looks it over,"Assuming it's not ten thousand pieces of gold pressed latinum." A slight grin and a joke. His head tilting forward,"Can you have it delivered to my quarters?"

Atlana grinned. "Not at all, 40 federation credits will do just fine." She offered. "I'll have it delivered absolutely." She began to role it back up gently taking care to be delicate with it. "Thank you very much, Lieutenant. I will keep an ear out for more trill works for you."

"Oh? wow.. Federation Credits don't go that far.. Being a government that doesn't have alot of use for money." Malak says with a slight smile. He dips his head,"Thank you.." He reaches down to take out his Padd and taps the information on it - putting his thumb print. He hands it to her with a smile,"I suppose I'll be on my way.. I couldn't interest you in breakfast tommorrow could I? I'll make sure it's all Cardassian Treats."

It was the first time Atlana had been asked out since she'd arrived on the station. "Federation Credits have some pull in some environments." She offered. "Here they do nicely." She took the padd and updated her own information before handing it back to him. "Breakfast would be wonderful." She smiled.

"Great. Tommorrow Morning then." Malak offers with a dip of his head. He watches the woman once more and then turns to head out.


Malak Muz
DS5 - Starfighter Wing Executive Officer


Atlana Durak
Owner: Unique Antiques