Judgement – Merde, baktag, hnaev, skragh, yev yev yev
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton

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Title   Merde, baktag, hnaev, skragh, yev yev yev
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton
Posted   Sat Jul 02, 2011 @ 10:32pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   Sd38 2120

Rosh Pelin slunk up to Edward Stapleton with a very worried look on his face. Tapping the older man on the shoulder, he leaned close to Edward's ear so the dabo 'boy' wouldn't have to take his eyes away from the table. "I need to talk to you. Now!"

The other man's eyebrows drew together, but he raised his hand high in the air, signalling for Ahjess. He felt Pelin take a step back.

When Ahjess arrived, he saw Pelin and noted the look on his face. "I'm guessing this is not you needing a potty break." He glanced at the lay off the table, then nudged Edward aside with a hip. "come on Ladies, gents, You can do better than that. I'm a lot prettier than the other guy." And as the punters looked up to check, he spun the wheel.

Pel pulled Edward to one side. "We've got a serious problem. Trellis is shutting us down!"

"What?" Edward asked, a bewildered expression on his face. "On what grounds?"

"One scuffle too many, I think," Pelin scrubbed the heel of his hand through his hair. "There was a bit of a misunderstanding at the bar. Harry had to eject them."

"He was just doing his job," Edward defended the Gorn with a frown. "That's what Yolanthe pays him for." He pursed his lips, thinking. "Alright. So do you know when this is supposed to take place? If it's not immediately, we can go down to security in the morning to see if there are specific charges that he's levelling against the business. In the mean time, I suggest that we don't say anything to the others. No sense in making them worry, if we can talk this through." Edward looked around at the busy club. It was noisy, but the atmosphere was positive, and the employees were doing their jobs. He could see no legitimate reason for the COS to shut them down.

A quick look at the soft seating area, and he noticed the blue hair group was gone. So was their spy. "Any idea where the Granny Brigade had gone off to?" He scanned the main floor and lifted his eyes to the upstairs railing, looking for the young waitress.

"Not seen them, but I've had my hands full with the fight. And Trellis is claiming it's to protect the safety of the station," Pelin ground his teeth. "And he wants to do it now!"

"Right." Edward's eyebrows lowered and his voice dropped. "Okay, we want the patrons on our side, if possible. A free round on the house for everybody. But ask the waiters and waitresses to make discreet note of their customers' names, so that we can call on them later as witnesses - if that becomes necessary. We will not go down without a fight, but we fight within the rules." He took a deep breath. "And find me Harry."

"What? Just announce a free round?" Rosh frowned, creasing his Bajoran ridges until they stood out like fins. "Won't that just make him mad?"

Edward grinned like a shark. "Not if he doesn't know. We do this quietly, Pelin. No announcement. Tell our kids to just bring each person another round of what they last ordered. If the customer asks why or says they didn't order it, just say it's compliments of the house, and leave it at that. Nobody's going to turn it down, unless they have a personal limit or they're ready to go home. And believe me - they will remember it with goodwill in their hearts."

Pelin nodded. "Okay, I'll let the waiting team know. But just so you know, when it all kicks off, I'm pointing him at you."

Edward chuckled. "No problem. Now tell me about this fight at the bar, so I at least sound like I know what goes on around here."

Pelin shrugged. "As far as I know some Romulan came on to a Fleetie. She spurned his affection, and he glassed her. Harry threw him out, and we dabbed up the blood and packed her off to the Infirmary."

"Right. And that constitutes a danger to the station. In a pig's eye, it does," He said, wishing he could spit in derision. "Someone in that constabulary has an axe to grind, is more like it. And if what my wife says about Trellis is true, he whacks first and asks questions later." He unbuttoned one of his pouffy sleeves as he spoke, rolling the cuff up to the elbow. "So do we have security members on the premises already, or were we just forewarned that they were coming?"

"He's about to leave, talk to the woman who got glassed." Pelin pointed at the door, where the trill could be seen leaving.


A JP Between

Rosh Pelin
Assistant Barman
The Box of Delights


Edward Stapleton
Dabo Boy &
Pilot for Bradshaw Enterprises
(NPC by Charlene)