Judgement – Tensions Rising
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Tensions Rising
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Fri Apr 22, 2011 @ 4:50pm
Location   Dhelan
Timeline   SD36 - 9:20hrs

The 'interview' that the Political officer had scheduled with the two journalists on board was not an uncommon thing, but as Thomas' meeting had gone rather smoothly and only took twenty minutes, Ai'lani believed his would too. So, when he found himself still stuck sitting opposite Maiell, arguing with him after over an hour since coming inside, he wasn't too surprised when he finally left to find Rianni standing there.

"I'm leaving," he told her, obviously angry and upset as he walked passed Rianni in the hallway, going towards his assigned quarters to get his things ready.

"Whoa, whoa! What?" Rianni asked, dumbfounded, "Ai'lani, what the frack, huh?"

Ai'lani stayed quiet as he walked, reaching his quarters. There, when the doors opened, he looked at Rianni. "I'm leaving. As the ship has already left DS5 I request to be dropped off at the nearest base," he suggested, walking inside, but leaving the doors open.

"Whoa, wait a frackin' second!" Rianni spat, still confused as all Hell, "Why would you leave? We're just a few thousand kilometers from where the story of a lifetime, the biggest break of your career, is about to take place. You can't leave now!"

"You want to bet?" Ai'lani asked. "Let me explain," he allowed. "Your Political officer wants to medicate me so that I emit no pheromones because apparently, I'm such a sexually manipulative deviant, I'm plotting to take over the ship. I don't take any medication, that's that. The only other options is that I leave. So, I'm leaving."

"The Hell you are!" Rianni yelled, furious. She stormed from Ai'lani's quarters to Maiell's office and strode through the door like a targ out of Hell, "What the frack are you doing?"

Maiell looked up calmly. "Excuse me?" he asked, lowering the padd he'd been reading.

"I mean this insanity of demanding Ai'lani take some sort of hormone suppressor!" Rianni continued, she'd managed to bring her voice down to almost normal, but a blind man could've still seen she was pissed, "Who do you think you are? And what the frack would motivate you to even make that demand? In that order!"

Maiell watched her for a moment before sitting back in his chair. "He's Deltan, which means he gives off pheromones that affect everyone around him. Which makes then more susceptible to him. And that's something he's taken advantage of in his career, to get people to open up. I mean, who wouldn't? As for who I think I am, I am your Political officer, which means it's my job to make sure the orders of the Empire are followed through and that its safety isn't compromised. And I'm not going to allow a person with that kind of power to roam around this ship. So he has a choice. Medicate or leave. Apparently, he wants to leave."

"Because you're forcing him off the damn ship, Maiell!" Rianni snapped back, "Seriously, are you that intent on ruining what could be a once in lifetimes thing for two nations?"

"And for the record, Commander, you have no right to actually reprimand me on making this meeting happen on such short notice. You sent me a note yesterday, deciding you wanted to host a little press party on this ship and invite not one, but two Federation journalists. I had no time to check their backgrounds or have any say in whether or not they could come aboard," Maiell continued to explain after a pause.

"Excuse me, this is my fracking ship isn't it?" Rianni asked, "I mean, if this is your fracking ship then let me know where I can get off, but if it's mine, then I'll do what I want and have who I want here. Any other questions?"

"Yes, I have one. Do you realise you're not on a Federation Starfleet ship? And for the record, I did not at any point suddenly ruin this once in a lifetime thing for two nations. You can have one journalist, that's it. You can have two, but Mr. Elley can only stay if under medication. Which he is refusing, so I'm not kicking him off. I'm giving him a choice and he's made it. And you work your way through thing thing for the two nations, but my job is ensuring the complete and utter safety of this nation." Maiell was getting pretty pissed off with Rianni's little tantrum but he hid it extremely well.

Rianni was getting one Hell of a headache from dealing with Maiell, and screaming herself hoarse wasn't helping matters, "Look, this is my ship, Maiell, and as such Ai'lani and everyone else on it is my responsibility, so I will note your concerns and assume responsibility for Ai'lani's behavior while he's here, but he's going nowhere. If you want to register a formal complaint with the Tal Shiar or the Ambassador I'll dial the number for you."

Maiell looked at her in disbelief. "Alright, this is obviously not getting through to you," he began, the fact that he was frustrated beginning to show. "Yes, you are responsible for the ship and everyone on the ship. Except me," he said. "I'm responsible for anything you do on this ship. As for filing a formal complaint to the Tal Shiar, as arrogant as you may think this will sound, but on this ship," he told her, motioning to their surroundings. "I am the Tal Shiar's representative. And I don't file complaints and I'm not going to put myself and my new position on the line just so you can keep your Deltan friend on board. So, no, Elley is not staying on this ship and that's final, Subcommander."

"Just a second, dildo!" Rianni snapped back, "Who the frack do you think you're talking to? Seriously! You work for me, not the other way around, bitch. Oh, and as for your little 'that's final' if you want to see something final I'll shoot you right out the frackin' airlock if you keep talkin' shit, there's your frackin 'final' right there, pal!"

Maiell raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Wow, I can't believe that for a moment there I thought you were being immature," he said sarcastically, now standing up. "And here's a newsflash, t'Khellian, I don't work for you, I work for the Tal Shiar."

"Okay, look, you saved my life once, even if I didn't want you to, and I'm grateful for that, but you don't own me or my ship." Rianni replied, "And you aren't putting anyone off my ship without my say so. Get that through your head!"

The argument was gaining heat, without either of the two Romulans realising they'd gotten an audience in the meantime in the form of a very upset-looking Ai'lani. He'd come to the office to find the door opening on it's own in front of him, revealing the arguing pair. He'd gone in quickly, wanting to keep anyone else from overhearing but, once inside, he immediately regretted it. The words being thrown around the feelings behind them were slowly becoming too much for him to bear, especially since he was the cause.

This had to stop. Now.

"Hey," he called, but the two ignored him. He sighed, gathering his strength. "Hey!" he said louder this time, managing to draw Maiell's attention.

The Romulan looked up, and the frustrated look in his eyes was obvious to the Deltan standing near the now locked doorway.

Rianni, mere seconds from telling Maeill exactly where he could put it, then showing him how, stopped in her tracks and turned to Ai'lani.

Once he had their attention, Ai'lani took a deep breath to calm himself before speaking as calmly as possible in his unsettled state. "I came here to tell you both I'm leaving as soon as we entered the next system. There's a base there I can be dropped off to. And before you say anything, Rianni, I told you I'd decided to leave. There was nothing to discuss. I'm not a politically or military minded guy, but I know enough to know how things work on a ship. I'm not saying I want to leave, but, actually now that I come in here to see this, I kind of DO," he told them both. "If I wanted to listen to a teenage temper tantrum I could've stayed at home with my son instead of being here listening to the two of you. So that's what I wanted to say. I'm out and good luck because from what I'm looking at here, you're going to need it."

"Ai'lani, don't do this!" Rianni called after him, "He's not going to mess with you, I'm not going to let him!" Seeing Ai'lani's pained expression caused her to turn back to Maeill, "This isn't over, tr'Tham."

"It's tr'Tahn and you know it," Maiell told her.

"Rianni stop!" Ai'lani told her, his voice slightly raised, unnatural for him. "This has nothing to do with him. Not in the way you think. Yes, I'm pissed because he has no faith in me and is xenophobic and distrustful, but I can't exactly blame you," he finally said, looking at Maiell this time. "So I'm not leaving because you're forcing me to leave. I'm leaving because you're forcing me to make a choice. And I've made it. It was my choice to make, Rianni." He looked at Rianni.

"All right." Rianni sighed, depressed at this turn of events, ~That's it, that fracking Tal Shiar guy has got to GO!~ "We'll put you off at the next base."

"Thank you," Ai'lani told her with a nod, letting out a sigh as he looked from one Romulan to the other. "I'm going to my quarters. I just wanted to thank you for giving me this opportunity, but considering it conflicts with my principles, I'm sorry that I'm unable to stay," he added, looking at Maiell now. The Political officer nodded.

"I understand. I just wish we could've gotten this sorted before we set off and it would've saved you the inconvenience," he told Ai'lani politely. He didn't like that the man had to leave. He could tell Elley was a decent enough man, but he couldn't take the risk.

"It's not problem. Not everyday you get a chance to come onboard a Romulan Warbird, even for a little while," Ai'lani replied with a smile. Maiell smiled back.

"You're not trying to say we are secretive and elusive are you?" the Tal'Shiar officer asked in mock hurt.

"Me? Wouldn't think of it!" Ai'lani just returned with a smirk. "Anyway, I have to go finish packing a few things. I'll stay in my quarters until we get to the base," he informed them and Maiell gave him a grateful nod before the Deltan left the office.


erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
CO. IRW Dhelan

2Lt. Maeill tr'Than
Political Officer IRW Dhelan


Ai'lani Ellev