Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Washing Ones Worries Away
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Arrival Alexandria Marshall

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Title   Washing Ones Worries Away
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Arrival Alexandria Marshall
Posted   Sat Jan 24, 2009 @ 9:26pm
Location   Matahari Bar and Grill
Timeline   SD-06 23:00

It had become a fact of life on Deep Space Five's Promenade. Every once in a while, Natrina would expell some of the more rough looking characters when she though that they had enough to drink. Some people thought that Natrina was a little extreme on her rules, but her bar was clean and there was no trouble. This was one of those moments. First a Bolian flew out of the door, followed by a Nausicaan. Natrina exited the bar. "Now then. By all means, have at it. But not in my bar. Do come again when you're in a better mood." She then promptly re-entered the bar.

Zorana returned to her quarters after getting the 'all clear' from the doctor. She had returned from the misadventure with Jarred. He was still being treated but it looked like he was going to pull through even with the amount of blood that he had lost. She had done her best to keep him alive...that was her part of her job but she hoped that he would spend some much needed time in the brig!

She got out of the sonic shower and wrapped herself in a towel and looked at herself in the mirror. "Well my dear, you have had worse days but you don't look so bad!" She told herself. She did her hair and put some makeup on and went to her closet. She wanted to forget about what happened with Jarred. She found the black flowing dress that she was looking for, put it on and left her quarters looking for some fun.

Natrina neared her bar and one of her waiteresses grabbed her attention. "Ms. Kerran. The Applicant for the Bouncer Job is here. The waitress directed her toward a waiting Gorn. Natrina examined him and grinned. "You're hired." The Gorn let loose a hissy laugh. "Of courssee I am. I have been the bouncer for sssome of the finesst clubsss in the alpha quadrant."

The Bartender giggled, "I'm sure you have. Can you work today?" The Gorn nodded, "Yesss!! Msss. Kerran." The Gorn followed Natrina over to the Door. "The job is simple. Decent people get in, Let some of the usual locals in, anyone looking for trouble gets expelled." The Gorn nodded and sat down.

Zorana walked to the promenade and looked around, she had no interest in shopping...she needed something stronger. Off to the bar we go! She walked to the door and there sat the bouncer, she looked at him but he didn't say anything so she walked in.
Natrina noticed the person entere. "Hello there, What can I get for you?"

"Vodka straight." Zorana czech accent thicker than usual.

Natrina nodded and opened a cabinent. She prepared a shot glass and poured the drink into it. "I have not had the pleasure of meeting you yet. I am Natrina Kerran. Owner of this bar."

"Hello Natrina, I'm Zorana Kasikova, Chief Counsellor of DS5."

Natrina smiled, "Don't let the Gorn over there intimidate you. He's there to deal with any troublemakers. Wherever there is a bar, you will attract all sorts of people within five light years. Some of them can be quite unpleasant."

"Yes well, I am used to the bars back home the troublemakers there are well..." She downed her shot and pushed the shot glass forward wanting more. After the day she had she wanted to wash the blood from her mind

Natrina watched the woman a bit. "Bad Day?"

"Yeah...let's see...I was all but kidnapped, attacked on another ship by weapons I have never seen and well...I had to save my 'kidnapper'." She sighed wanted yet another shot.

"Kidnapping? How dreadful. And people say that one is safe in Federation Space." She poured another shot. "However, I have come to believe that peace is maintained through control. Take the Bolian that happens to be wandering around outside with his handcart. Why if the Federation had looser laws, his handcart would be filled with assorted illegal goods, and he would be a ruthless smuggler. I have an old saying. It is better to keep people in apathy, than to give them the means to stab a knife right into your back." She said with a smile.

Zorana smiled and nodded. She would of laughed out loud if she had been slightly more intoxiated. "It was a Federation officer that took me. I don't know if you could completely say that it was kidnapping but I am damn furious about it and hopes he ends up in the brig for a stint or two." Her accent became thicker and more pronounced.

"Such lack of discipline within Starfleet. Yes, this definately needs to be addressed. If it were up to me, I would have a... discussion about proper discipline. I think that Starfleet needs somewhat more effective forms of discipline. As the old Cardassian saying goes. 'Everyone is Guilty of Something.'" She put the Vodka away. "I believe you've had quite enough for tonight. Any more, and you'll end up like the Bolian outside."

"I am Czech, I can hold my liquor." It was true from a young age her parents let her have a small tumbler of beer with her lunch and supper and then when she was 16 they let her do a shot of vodka...slowly building her tolerance to liquor. She had only gotten sick once and that was when she learned that her father had been listed as MIA. That was the only time she had ever lost control. "Another round.Don't worry about the officer either...he will be dealt with I'm sure."

"I'm sure you can hold your own liqour. But as you can see, I run a respectable bar. You carry the Uniform of one of Starfleet's Counselors. Maybe you should take the advise you so generously give to this crew. I hope I am not given the impression that Starlfeets finest are Hypocrites? You've had the regulation limit for a Starfleet Officer, and I will not have the Nausicaan in here harassing me about it." Natrina turned toward another customer that walked in. "I'll put it on your tab Counselor."

"Sure no problem." She smiled.