Things Past – Translator, Part 4
by Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Translator, Part 4
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Mon Jan 02, 2012 @ 10:32pm
Location   Security Department
Timeline   SD40, 1600
"Good work, Doctor Stapleton." She paused for a moment, the following decision was not going to make her popular with Security, but Villiers really did not give a flying flip about that. "Please ask the acting Chief of Security to ask his questions again and instruct him to document her colour changes. Observe the interview, and compare her responses against your test sample. If it checks out you have my authorization to release her."

Bridget entered the Security department with trepidation. She wasn't looking forward to telling Trellis that he was ordered to perform another questioning of the detainee, Yolanthe Ibalin. As for the woman herself, Bridget had mixed feelings about seeing her again.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a young woman who exited a door directly behind the front desk.

"I don't care what arrangement Dorian had with any other department! I'm in charge now, and I'm not going to allow any non-security personnel to have that kind of access to this department!" Trellis said angrily to the young woman as she left his office.

Apparently that's my cue, Bridget thought sarcastically. In spite of it, she smiled to the woman behind the desk. "I'm here to see Mister Trellis. Commander Villiers sent me." She hoped that would shorten any bluster the security officer might make.

Alexia looked the woman in Medical Teal up and down. "Lieutenant Trellis is not receiving visitors at the moment, but I could take your details and let him know you called. If he wants to contact you when he's free then I'm sure he'll be in touch."

Ensign Jackson had a hollow look around her eyes and a deep sadness within them. She was little more than an automaton as she relayed her instructed rebuttal of all and sundry. Part of her liked the look of the doctor, she seemed to have a kind face but Alexia wasn't prepared to risk standing up to Trellis today.

"Sorry." she added before taking up a padd with the intention to record Bridget's details.

"You're just doing your job," Bridget filled in with a nod, her smile having faded from perfunctory to sympathetic. She could clearly see the harried look on the officer's face. "Only problem is, if I tell Commander Villiers that Lieutenant Trellis blew me off, there's gonna be hell to pay in this department."

Alexia's resolve wavered. "Should I risk my hide and try again?" she asked advice from the more experienced doctor. "Lieutenant Trellis would be pretty mad... but if you think.... devil and the deep blue sea?" she was clearly torn.

"I think this will help both of us," Bridget said as she pulled her padd from her hip. Her fingers flew over the screen and she pulled up a document. "Hand this to the Lieutenant. It's an order from the Commander. She sent it to me just before I came. Pretty much spells out what I just told you, and then some." She handed the device to Alexia.

Alex's eyes sped across the text and she nodded, a slight smile showing her relief at having the decision taken out of her hands. "If you'd be kind enough to wait here, i'll see if Lt. Trellis has become free lately." She knocked on Trellis' office door, sheepishly going in even though he didn't respond.

"Sir? I'm sorry to intrude, but these orders are from the Station XO and I thought you would want to see them as soon as possible?" She moved to his desk and held out the padd. His high-backed chair was turned away from her as she entered, and she waited for it to turn back around, expecting it to reveal an occupant, presumably Trellis.

Trellis rubbed the bridge of his nose out of frustration. He knew that he had several hours before the end of his shift, but another drink would sure be welcomed at this point. . .

"What now?" He asked in annoyance as he turned around to face the woman in his office. "What orders?" he asked.

Alexia held out the Padd she had been handed. She figured it would be more self-explanatory than if she were to attempt to fill him in, and risk his impatience if she wasn't making it clear.

Trellis accepted the padd and reviewed the information. His brow furrowed as he read the orders that had been given to him in regards to the prisoner currently located at the Romulan Embassy. He was far from happy with his orders, but he had no choice but to comply.

He sighed in frustration, tossing the padd across his desk and watching as it clattered to a stop. "Contact the Romulans and have them prepare the prisoner for an interview." His tone was obviously cross.

"Yes Sir." Alexia rushed to grab the discarded padd and took it towards the door, to do as she'd be ordered. But she stopped almost at the last moment, as if struck by a thought, and turned back.

"An interview with yourself, Lieutenant, I presume; but would you want the lady outside there, too?" Alexia asked the question, not sure what details to pass on to the doctor outside.

"What lady?" He asked. He was wondering if he should just televise it across the station to save time.

"The doctor who gave me this padd to give you... she's waiting outside, Sir. Do you want me to ask her to come in and explain? She seems very nice......" Alexia offered, gingerly.

"No. . .no. .. forget it, I'll do it myself." He said this wearily as he continued to rub the bridge of his nose. He stood up to walk around his desk and towards the door. He was beginning to question why he even wanted this position anymore. It seemed as if every time he turned around, someone was either questioning his ability to do the job, or just outright overruling his decisions. Now he was having a murder investigation completely taken over by Station Command.

He stepped into the main reception area and looked towards the Doctor. "Yes?" he asked in an impatient tone. "You are requesting to have the prisoner re-interviewed?"

"Actually," Bridget began, "Commander Villiers has ordered the prisoner re-interviewed. New information has come to light regarding Miss Ibalin's colour changes, so the Commander feels that warrants a new interrogation."

"What does the color of her skin have to do with her involvement in the murder of the holosuite attendant?" he asked, with a mixture of annoyance and confusion. "Quite frankly, unless she is prepared to make a confession or at least indicate who was involved in Klia's death, I think we are wasting our time."

Bridget sighed and shifted her weight to one foot. She'd expected this kind of thing from the acting Security Chief, and he was starting to irritate her. "Listen," she said, her tone taking on a sterner note. "Hadn't you noticed the way Yolanthe Ibalin's skin changed colours when you questioned her? It's a display of her true feelings. It's not something she can intentionally manipulate. Therefore it's a way to read whether what comes out of her mouth matches what she really feels. We've tested for a baseline interpretation of these colours and that's why Commander Villiers wants you to ask her your questions again."

"I . I. . .I don't see how her poly-chromatic ability can have any bearing on her culpability in this matter. I believe the forensic evidence my department has uncovered to be much more reliable than the nervous ticks of a woman who's race we know next to nothing about," he responded.

"What you believe has nothing to do with your orders, Lieutenant." Her tone was cold and she added a glare, hoping it would have the desired result. She'd noticed his stutter and saw it as a weakening of his resolve.

Trellis sighed wearily. He was not in any mood to fight, regardless of how pointless the orders seemed to him.

"Fine. . .I'll perform the interview." He said in a defeated tone. "Is there anybody else that needs to be released as well?" He asked somewhat flippantly as he returned to his chair.

Alexia wasn't sure if that was a question aimed at herself or the visitor but she wasn't risking upsetting Trellis so she just tilted her head to one side attentively to show she was listening to him but without nod, nor shake to commit herself in reply. She stood up to show the Doctor out just in case she decided to take that as an opening and actually ask for another occupant of the Brig after all.


Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Ensign Alexia Jackson
Secretary, Assigned to Security Dept

Ensign Bridget Stapleton
Doctor (General Practitioner)
Main Sickbay - DS5