Beg, Steal or Borrow – Mercy has her Moment - Part 2
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Mercy has her Moment - Part 2
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed May 06, 2009 @ 10:48pm
Location   Emergency Secondary Infirmary
Timeline   14.30 - 16.00 (Backpost)


Lifting the hangings from the heavy stall the young man reached under and felt the sleeping CWO's pulse. Flicking his badge he called sickbay and Chelsea responded. Having heard Mercy's version of the situation, it wasn't long before Adams had given the location of the Ensign to the transporter room and had all three of them beamed to the Emergency Infirmary. Mercy was so grateful to the Ensign who had helped her that she hugged him tightly, embarrassing him but too relieved to notice.


Chelsea examined the injured man who had been beamed onto a biobed and scanned him for spinal damage.

"I'm going to have to operate. He has a crushed vertebra" she said to Mercy who went white.

"Will..... w....will he okay?" Denoublier stammered. "W....was it mmmmy fault?"

"I don't know and I don't know, in that order" Chelsea was too tired to be her usual gentle self. "I'm afraid you'll have to wait and see."

Mercy looked miserable and Chelsea relented.

"I don't think it's anything I can't fix, ok?" she reassured her. "Why don't you find yourself something useful to do while you wait? I have nurses and medics who are desperate for help around here and if nothing else you could see they all have a drink or something?"

"Yes, of course!" Mercy was grateful for something helpful to do and trotted off with a backward longing look, desperate for Bryan to recover but redundant at the moment.

Chelsea drew up the med-arch, scrubbed up, called in an assistant and set to work with a deep regenerator and reconstruction laser probe.

* * * *

An hour later, Michael Befran, assistant chief recovery technician, was waking up the patient and checking all his vitals as Mercy, who had been told Bryan was coming round, was hurrying back.

The first thing that Bryan managed to focus on, despite the pain in his back, was the blue cover all of the doctor.
He tried to speak but his mouth was parched dry and he needed hydration.
He cleared his throat, drawing some attention to himself.

Chelsea turned and looked up from the notes she was making on his Padd.

"Bryan?" she realised he was awake and moved closer to him. "How do you feel?" It was a standard question.

He tapped at his lips as his tongue licked at them and the doctor understood what it was that Bryan was asking for.

"Water?" she understood and without waiting for him to signal affirmative she went to get some, returning with a glass of cool water in one hand and with Mercy, looking wide eyed and terrified at her side.

At the sight of Bryan with his eyes open, Mercy let out a little cry and rushed forward. Chelsea held up her hand and stopped her.

Mercy looked at the doctor, a pleading look in her eyes.

"Take this and help him sip at it... just little sips at first although he'll be very thirsty, if he gulps it down he'll bring it back up, understand?" the question was aimed at both Mercy and Bryan and both nodded in response. Smiling Chelsea handed over the glass and let Mercy ministrate, returning her own attention to the report on the padd and the steady flow of medics asking her questions and giving her constant updates. Twice in the same number of minutes, her comm badge chirped and she answered it, flicking it off again when done.

Mercy approached the man she loved softly, the glass held in her hand as she offered the rim of it to his lips.

Bryan tried to place his lips against the glass, but the water trickled down his chin and down onto his neck. He closed his eyes in frustration

His lips seemed too dry to manage the glass, so Mercy looked round for a small pad of gauze and used it to dip into the cool water then patted the moisture onto his parched lips softly.

"There, is that easier?" she coaxed him to try again to sip at the glass.

He supped at the gauze, the water now reaching his tongue. "Much." He whispered trying to smile, as hsi hand sought Mercys.

Chelsea looked up and nodded approval. "Bryan is going to make a full recovery" she was attempting to convince Bryan as much as Mercy because it was vitally important he should believe this to be true for it to actually happen. Mercy turned her large eyes towards the doctor, full of gratitude.

"He *will* have a long journey back to health" Adams broke it to them as gently as she could. "He will need to virtually *learn* to walk again but we have plenty of means of helping him with that and in the meantime I know he will have you to help him, Miss Denoublier."

"Oh I'll do EVERYTHING for him, nothing is too much trouble!" Mercy was waaaay too keen for Chelsea's medical liking. Personally, she found her devotion sweet but her patient would do better if his carer would let him do things for himself whenever he could manage it.

"No, you mustn't let him get lazy! Don't wait on him hand and foot!" she warned, a small smirk and a wink to Bryan as she did so. "I *will* be able to tell, young man, if you're not making enough effort to do things for yourself" Chelsea had no idea if she was older or younger than Bryan but it made no difference. She was taking the "Doctor-knows-best" line with him and calling him *young man* made it clear she wasn't having any nonsense.

Called away to a *crash* alarm, Chelsea nodded at the water. "More, but gently, ok?" was all she had time to say as she sped off towards a flashing light several beds up the ward.

Mercy's fingers wrapped tightly around Bryan's searching hand as if she wanted to hold him here by never letting go. Her eyes were full of the agony of having genuinely believed she was going to lose him and the guilt of feeling it was all her fault. No tears would fall, so deep was her emotion.

Bryan could see she was upset and it hurt him, deeper than he could say at the moment. His throat felt sore, but his back felt as though a herd of Targ had mated on top of him. He gripped her hand, comforting her as she did him.
"I.....OK." He managed to say, blinking his eyes wishing they would water with a tear but none came.

"Oh Bryan" she sighed, it was all she could do to speak one minute, then as suddenly as blinking, she found her voice at last and began to bubble over.

"I was so worried. You were so pale and you were shaking and I knew you were going into shock... I learned that much from our training... do you remember trying to teach me about that? I was so bad, I was trying to get your attention back then, but you never seemed to notice me and I just did everything wrong so you'd have to show me... like demonstrate, so I could get you to lean close to me, or hold my hands to show me how to do things. I used to live for those sessions. I made them last as long as I possibly could.... oh Bryan... I nearly lost you! Please don't ever die.... I couldn't bear it!"

Bryan shook his head, but Mercedes didn't notice.

Mercy didn't seem to have taken one single breath throughout all this confession and narration until the end when she drew in a whole lungful of air in one, which sounded more like a sob. She buried her face in his chest and just lay there silently, shaking with relief that he was ok and that she could finally let go of her fear that he might die.

Bryan brought up his other hand and lay it upon her dark soft hair, caressing her, consoling her. It was not her fault, but she was taking all the guilt for something she didn't do, neither of them. He coughed.

Suddenly remembering she was supposed to be keeping him drinking, Mercy sat up and picked the glass back up from the side. She soaked the gauze again and set about trailing the water over his lips and into his mouth gently.

"Do you feel you could sip from the glass yet?" she asked, wanting to get as much fluid in him as possible, but actually, quite liking being able to run her fingers and the gauze around his lips. Mercy decided that pandering to his every need was going to be fun and she wasn't going to listen to the doctor on this one. She *would* wait on him hand and foot, she decided.

~ Except when he needs to do his exercises and things like that, but that will be later. For now I could treat myself to making a fuss of him and there won't be much he can do about it either!~ She smirked at him, even though he could have no idea what thoughts inside her head had brought that on.

He moved his head from side to side. He didn't think his neck would stand the strain of supporting his head if it left the pillow. he wanted to shout that he was in love with her, deeply and truly, but he could not find his voice, not yet.

Gently stroking his hair back from his forehead, Mercy used some more of the gauze to mop his brow and neck and then offered him more water.

He held his hand up and stopped her putting the moist gauze to his lips, when all he really wanted was her lips to caress his own. She completed him, but she also worried him, frightened him a little as she smothered him with care. "Too much." He croaked, meaning she was doing too much, but unable to put his thoughts into formed words.

"Don't be silly, if I wanted to drown you, I'd find a much more exquisite way of torturing you! Have you actually thought about this? You're at Mercy's mercy now!" she grinned and on seeing the look of alarm on his face, laughed softly, kissing his fingers.

"Oh, stop looking so scared! I've already admitted I can't live without you, so I'm not going to let you die, am I?" she scolded him gently, her fingers still tightly entwined with his and beginning to go a little numb now, but she wasn't intending to let go until they anaesthetised her and dragged her away.

He reached out and pulled her close to him, tucking her under his chin and holding her gently.
"Silly!" He uttered, only being one word in his thoughts. _~ Don't be silly, I love you and I don't intended going anywhere else just yet ~

Despite the lighter joking of their conversation now, Mercy was still terrified of losing him. It would take her a long while to get over this, as it would for him too.

Joint post between

CWO2 Bryan Surzchenko
NPC - played by Tasha Tahir


CWO2 Mercedes Denoublier
NPC played by Chelsea Adams