Beg, Steal or Borrow – A Major Command
by 1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady & Colonel James Darson

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Title   A Major Command
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Sun Mar 15, 2009 @ 1:26am
Location   Marine HQ
Timeline   SD8 11:30 (Backpost)

Having just finished speaking to Commander Davies, 1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady had put his rucksack and personal belongings in his quarters and had briefly taken a look around them before deciding to go and report to his new CO, someone by the rank and name of Major James Darson.

After asking a few questions and directions for his destination and getting lost a few times, Brady finally made it to the Marine CO's Office. Straightening up his uniform and relaxing his muscles, Daniel waved his had over the chime to the entrance. A voice called from within.

Walking into the Marine CO's office, Daniel quickly studied the vast interior of it before coming to a halt in front of the desk and announcing, "1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady, reporting for duty, Sir!" He gave a quick salute to his Commanding Officer.

Darson lounged in his chair; PADD’s scattered all around him, filled with detailed descriptions of emergency protocols and Federation regulations, as well as classified evacuation plans for the station’s leadership. If the Romulans were going to be mounting some kind of internal attack on the station, he was beginning to think that it might be wise to get at least some of the senior officers off site, and ensure continuity of command.

Darson steepled his armored hands, and placed his cloaked elbows on his desk as he regarded the tall young buck that stood before him. He had perused his file on the long journey back through the Jeffries tubes from the conference room, and he wasn’t sure whether to be impressed or annoyed.

On PADD’s, he looked amazing. Top scores in school, top scores in boot camp, specialized training in Advanced Weaponry and Stealth Technology, and several brothers in the Marines to boot. He appeared to be the perfect candidate for an Executive Officer on a station like this.

On the other hand, his service jacket was mostly bland. A few notes on his time on the Pegasus, Starfleet intelligence, and his first stint as an MXO on the Discovery. Even after paying special attention to the time he was working with intelligence, nothing exciting popped out. No classified missions, no Special Forces training, nothing. At least Lt. Flynn had been in a couple of battles. Not that she fared well, but at least she had the experience.

Darson stared at Daniel for several seconds, more than the usual time for a senior officer to acknowledge the presence of the junior. Eventually he waved his hand and said quietly, “At ease, Lieutenant,”

After a moment, Darson leaned back, chuckled darkly and said, “Well, Lieutenant. It appears that you’re my new Executive Officer. And if I may say, you’ve picked a very inopportune time to show up. We’re in the middle of a crisis here. So is there anything you want to say before I put you to work?”

Daniel thought about it for a moment before saying, "Only one question, Sir: What’s the current situation, so as I can get to sorting some things out?

Darson let out a noise that might have been a sigh, “Everything’s completely screwed up. We’ve got pirates; we’ve got Romulans, and a host of other problems on this station. I want you to begin by getting up to speed on all security measures in place, and then work together with Lt. Flynn to liaise with Security, Intelligence, and Strat Ops. Other than that, stay on the lookout for anything weird going on…this station is filled with so much subterfuge its coming out of every orifice…if there is nothing else, you are dismissed, Lieutenant.”

"Thankyou, Sir. I'll get on it straight away." Brady snapped to a salute.

Darson waved him away, and returned to his work as the new XO left.


Major James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer
Deep Space 5

1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady
Marine Executive Officer
Deep Space 5