Unity – All Change in the Science Department
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero

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Title   All Change in the Science Department
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero
Posted   Wed Jan 13, 2010 @ 12:17am
Location   Science Offices, Deck 61
Timeline   SD16 19:00

Having recently made all the arrangements with Captain Tahir & Lieutenant Devero, Davies breezed into the Science Office and smiled at the assembled science Officers.

"A better turn out than I expected." He spoke with a cheerfulness in his voice as he stepped up onto the slightly raised podium and rested his hand on the fake wooden stand whilst synchronising his display to that of the central computer and the link to the USS Castor. "I know some of you have been a little unsure as to the direction of the science department since Lieutenant Devero left for Earth, but in agreement with both Lieutenant Devero and Captain Tahir, were hoping to put that back on course."

Davies moved to the right of the podium as the lights dimmed a little and the large display behind him sparkled into life and the figure of Captain Tahir appeared to a small volley of applause.

Tasha felt herself redden in pride as she composed herself.
"Thank you." She said, her voice wavered and she coughed to clear her throat. She smiled, continuing. "Thank you. Commander Davies has forwarded the reports of the 'Anomaly' situation, and we have come to the decision, in concurrence with Lieutenant Devero, that Lieutenant Commander Tovon should take over as Chief Science Officer."

The gathered members of the Science Department began to applaud as Tovon stepped up to the podium. He shook Lieutenant Telgar's hand on the way past. As he reached the display screen the lights rose to encompass him.

"Thank you everyone." He began, a little embarrassed. "And thank you captain, I look forward to actually shaking your hand when you return. This is in fact our first meeting. Anyway I'm glad to accept this honour and would like to thank everyone's help so far. I couldn't have made it through without the help of every dedicated member of the department." He turned to look at the captain.

Jayfe knew only too well how he had felt when he been given the position, but things had taken a steep nose dive for him since he had been to Earth and he didn't know how long he would be able to remain on DS5. He had spoken to Tasha at length about the Science officers position, but she had guaranteed him that a position would remain on DS5 whatever should happen. The camera now focussed on Jayfe and he felt a little embarrassed to be put into the spotlight.
He swallowed as he spoke.

"Er, what can I add. Commander, I am sure that the science department will accept you as they did I and I know from your acts recently, that DS5's science labs will be in safe hands." He nodded in passing the mantle to Tovon.

"And I cannot add anything to that at present, except to say that I look forward to meeting you in person in the next couple of Days Lieutenant Commander. Good luck and thank you Commander Davies for arranging this for us." Tasha smiled warmly as she reached out to close the channel to DS5. "USS Castor out."

The screen darkened and the room lit back up as the audience clapped their approval.

Davies manoeuvred himself back to the centre of the stage alongside Greo and he extended his own hand to congratulate the new CSO.

"Well done, a deserved promotion." He said as the men parted their hands.

"Thank you Commander I can't wait to get started." Greo looked at the assembled people, who were beginning to talk amongst themselves. He turned back to the Commander.

"So what will happen once the captain returns?" He asked. Greo had started to get to know this man, but it seemed as if he was going to have to get used to a new leader all over again.

David shook his head. "Both Captain Tahir and Lieutenant Devero approved the promotion, but what happens is you carry on as normal." He advised with a slight shrug of his shoulders as he lay an assuring hand on Greos' shoulder "Other than that, I don't really know as I have not actually met Captain Tahir myself," He admitted with a slight drop of his head.

He took a casually long look around the room, watching various scientists talking to each other and few still watching both Greo and himself. "I guess you have to get a seal of approval from those you work with." He squeezed the CSOs shoulder and his arm fell to his side as the other guided Greos view to those who were watching, "they're looking to you now." He added.

Greo looked at those around him, now his department. He felt pride within himself and knew that his father would be proud of him. He made a mental note to contact Berik Moritan and tell him the good news. For now he had to be seen as a leader. He shook Davies hand again and stepped up to the podium again. After a short cough those gathered turned to listen.

"Can I just say that you have all been so supportive of me over the last week or so I have felt right at home here on DS5. I don't think I've had an easier transition. First off let me say that I'll be holding a department review the day after tomorrow to make sure we're all on track and to re-focus the section heads. Before any more work though I am going to go for a celebratory drink tonight and you are all welcome to join me!"

The gathered people laughed and clapped their ascent. Greo was pleased with the response and returned to Davies.

"I hope you'll join us Commander?"

"Of course." David responded, "Just tell us where and we'll join you." Davies stated.


Commander David Davies

Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon