Incommunicado – Unwanted Attention
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Unwanted Attention
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Jan 26, 2012 @ 10:29pm
Location   Marine Barracks
Timeline   SD48 21:55

April was relaxing in her section of the quarters, reflecting on the events of the past few weeks. She rubbed her hands over her face to get rid of the sleep deprivation and ran her fingers through her hair. Fair enough, boot camp trains for the sleep deprivation, but this was getting ridiculous: half an hours worth of a nap in 3 days. "Stupid Darson, making me stay on watch these stupid shifts." April muttered to herself.

"What was that about Darson?" came a voice from nowhere. One of the 2nd Lieutenants, David Fawer, poked his head around the corner, having been walking past to go to his own bed. A bit of a douche, Fawer did provide some humour for everyone when morale was low. "By the way, you aware you look like crap, ma'am?"

April looked up at him with a blank look. "Thanks!" she said sarcastically, watching as he walked over and sat on the end of her bed. "What do you want?" she asked, raising her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them loosely, curling her toes under to stretch them.

"Just wanted to check on you, make sure you're OK. It's been a tough few days." Fawer stated as he sat down and pulled his legs underneath himself. "Can I be blunt?" He questioned when she appeared to be at ease.

April looked at him, her brow dropped as she wondered what it was that Fawer wanted and deemed it necessary to set himself on her bed.
"What do you mean 'Blunt'? If you have something to say, say it!" She remarked annoyed at his turn of phrase as she pulled her legs in tighter.

Fawer cleared his throat."OK, I hear you have been in touch with the Portland." David stated matter of factly.

Aprils brow drop turned into a scowl.
"Where in the hell did you hear that?" She questioned disguising the guilt.

"Rumor mill. So I gather it's true?" David responded as he shuffled about to face as he sat on the bed.

April sighed, but still her hands held tightly onto her legs.
"Yes, I have and tomorrow I plan on giving my transfer request to Darson." April stated.

David shrugged his shoulders as he pushed himself from the bed. "Our loss." He muttered and gave her a salute as he turned and made his way back to his own bunk.

"Indeed." April said under her breath and eased her legs back under the single sheet and tried to settle down as her mind raced with what her future would hold.


Lieutenant April McKinnon
Marine XO in Transition to USS Portland
(Finished by Captain Tasha Tahir)