Judgement – Best Served Cold - The Main Course
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Best Served Cold - The Main Course
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Fri Jul 08, 2011 @ 6:08pm
Location   Security
Timeline   SD38 0200

It was after midnight when a tall man with pale skin, wearing a black coat over an expensive black suit and carrying a briefcase walked into the Security offices on Deep Space 5. The two officers working the nightshift looked up, eyeing the smart-looking stranger for a moment, stood up to greet him.

"Can we help you?"

"Yes," the man said, his voice carrying an odd accent. "Good evening. My name's Chad D. Mehen. I am the appointed attorney of Ms. Ibalin," he told them, holding up his ID and pushing it through the slot. It beeped, confirming his identity and Chad smiled charmingly. "I have an appointment," he said.

"The Romulan Ambassador did arrange for one visit tonight," one of the Security men told the other. They nodded, going into the brig.

“You’ve got a visitor.” Yolanthe looked up at the words. Two yellow clad security officers appeared at the opening of her cell, and deactivated the forcefield. “You know the drill,” a burly looking human warned her, holding up restraints. Yolanthe was too tired and too excited from Isha’s visit to offer any resistance, holding out her hands which were rapidly turning bright blue with anticipation. With silent efficiency, they cuffed her, and she followed the first out to the interview rooms. Once there, she sat, and let them snap the chain of the handcuffs to the table so she couldn’t do any further harm to whoever came to talk.

She didn’t care. She knew who it was, and she wasn’t going to give them any excuse to cut the visit short.

The door in-front of her opened. The blue of her skin deepened. “Tharek?”

The lawyer walked in and glanced back to see the door close before smiling at his old friend. There was something in his smile. It didn't quite reach his eyes, which held a glint Yolanthe had never seen before. "Guess again, darling."

She flashed through all the colours of the spectrum before she settled back to a more tropical, less saturated blue. “Draylin!” Not who she was expecting but no less welcome. “What are you doing here?”

He looked different. Blonde hair, green eyes, which weren't covered with any kind of eyewear for once. But it was him.

"I couldn't very well let my little girl get into this much trouble, can I?" he told her, looking around. There was no surveillance here for now. He was her attorney after all. Listening in on their confidential discussion would be illegal.

Yolanthe gave a snort. "I'm taller than you are." But there was a big grin on her face for a moment, and the blue brightened. Then it started to fade. "I'm really in the shit this time, Dray. Ever since I got here, things have been going wrong, and now Klia's dead."

"I know, sweetie," Draylin said, walking closer and sitting down on the chair opposite Yolanthe. Taking off his coat, he put it over the back of the chair and leaned forward to look at his friend. "I know," he said, giving her a look of disappointment. "That's why I'm here."

She reached out to him as best she could with the handcuffs locked to the table. "I could hug you right now." She knew he didn't like it, but hoped he'd understand the sentiment. "But you better be a miracle worker. I've been framed. And not even because of me, its all just a ploy to get at Tharek, and there's nothing I can do." She suddenly blushed from blue to bright yellow and thumped the table. "I hate this. I fight my own battles. I always have, and now I can't do anything. If you've got any tricks up those sleeves of yours, I'll take whatever you can give me."

Draylin sighed, looking her over. "Well...maybe you shouldn't have gotten involved with Getal, hmmm?"

She turned a paler yellow, then a hint of orange started to flush through. "How do you know about that?" she asked suspiciously. "Never mind, probably the entire quadrant knows." She leaned back looking at the cieilng. "I didn't mean to. It just sort of happened, and I can't make it unhappen. And even if I could..." She looked back at him, fixing his unsettling green stare with one of her own, blank white and featureless. "Why is everyone so down on him, Drey? I know he has a bit of a temper on him, but I like him." The orange blurred through red to an intense, imperial purple. "He's not like what I'm used to. He's vibrant and raw and passionate and..." she trailed off, blinking furiously.

As she spoke of Getal, the look of disappointment in Draylin's eyes grew and he shook his head at her. "Yolanthe. Sweet, innocent Yolanthe," he said under his breath. "Haven't you listened to anything I've ever told you, dear heart?" he asked, a tender tone to his voice. He couldn't believe the sweet way she spoke of Getal. That murderous lunatic.

She blinked some more. She was emotionally and physically exhausted, everything she'd been sitting on for the last few days threatened to overwhelm her. The purple began to take on grey tones. "He's an ambassador. A politician. He's hardly a criminal." For a moment the gray faded, overshadowed by a return to purple. "He said he loved me." For a moment she thought about it, and then gave a little smile.

Draylin fought the urge to roll his eyes. "Darling, people lie," he said simply, reaching out and placing his hand over hers.

She shrugged. "I know that. but I don't think he was. "

He sighed again. "How would you know?"

She looked away, chin jutting stubbornly. "Either way, its irrelevant. Someone out there has killed my best friend to get at him. And I'm going to hunt the down and split them open. " As she spoke her colours changed, progressively brighter and brighter yellow. "They'll not lay another finger on me or mine."

Draylin tilted his head, looking at her curiously. "You really think this is about Getal?"

"Who else would be?" she asked. "He's the important one. Security are out to get him, its all they can talk about. And the Romulan ambassador pretty much implied it was some other cardassian behind it. What possible interest could I have for another cardassian?"

"Tharek isn't important to me," he said with a shrug.

She squeezed his fingers in hers. "You’re so sweet. You always say such lovely things. But I'm just a bar tender, and Klia was just a programmer. Where the profit in killing her? Why bother framing me? I don't have money, or friends in high places."

Draylin smiled, caressing her hand back. "Apparently you have friends in ugly places. Which is what got Klia killed. So, when you get right down to it, you did kill her. Indirectly, but still..." he told her calmly, looking at the hands.

She looked up at him sharply, her colouring now suffused with turqouise. "What do you mean?"

"Well, when you hang out with wrong crowd, like Getal, you get hurt, Yolanthe. You should know that by now. And if you don't, the people you love do."

"He had nothing to do with it!" The yellow was coming back, lemon bright, "And how do you know him anyway? Since when do you rub shoulders with politicians?"

"I rub shoulders with a lot of people, Yolanthe," Draylin told her. "But you don't know that, do you? All you see when you look at me is a sweet little guy, in need of your protection."

She looked at him, her body fading back and forth between shades of turquoise and cream as her feelings churned, "Of course," she gave him that weak smile. "You’re all beautiful precious creatures. You. Pel, Ahjess, Blake, even Tharek." Just saying his name tinged her shades or red and purple, and she blinked furiously, trying to prevent a fat tear drop from escaping.

Draylin shook his head, then noticed her tear. "Are you crying, dear heart?" he asked. "For Klia? Or Tharek?"

She was silent for a moment and then shook her head sadly. The action dislodged the tear drop that rolled down black cheeks to splash on to Draylin's skin. "For all of you," she said. "I'm supposed to be the one who fights. The one who dies for others."

"I'd never let you die," Draylin told her. He reached up, cupping her cheek gently and wiped the wet trail her tear left there. "I have something for you."

"What?" her eyebrows, barely visible, black hair on black skin, creased.

Reaching into the pocket, Draylin pulled out a silk napkin. Unfolding it, he placed the item inside gently onto Yolanthe's palm.

She looked at the beads sitting in her palm, and the world went away. There was just hissing in her ears, and the room seemed too bright. Against her skin the glass beads glittered on the woven cord. It was a version of a sisterhood bracelet, each knot and bead had a meaning. She had given it to Klia as a present for her birthday not long after the little Orion had pulled her fat out of the fryer at the Floating Market. Klia, in her own inimicable fashion had insisted on wearing it round her ankle. "Where did you get this?" Her voice shook.

"Klia gave it to me. Well, I use 'gave' very loosely," Draylin told her.

She looked at him, dumbfounded, But only one explanation was presenting itself. "No." She started to shake her head. "No, you didn't. "

"Oh, I did," Draylin nodded simply. "But I warned you this would happen."

For a moment she just sat there, to stunned to speak or move or feel, and then the midnight hues of her grief boiled away, and she turned pure brilliant white. In one motion she kicked her chair back and jumped to her feet, ready to exact her vengeance despite his gender. Only the shortness of the cuffs pulled her up short. She didn't even notice the pain, straining to rip the whole bolt from the table. "Why Draylin? What did she ever do to you?"

"Her? Nothing. She's just a means to an end. Didn't I tell you this would happen? That you should be worried about the type of people you hang around with? That one day it'll blow up in your face? Well, I couldn't bear the idea of something happening to you because of your idiocy, so I thought I'd teach you this little lesson myself."

She strained at the table bracket once again, but it wouldn't give. "You killed her to teach me a lesson? And you think Tharek is the wrong person to hang around with?"

"Of course he is. Then again, with the way you regard me, I don't know why I was surprised when I saw you were with that psychopath. Disappointed that you still lack any insight into other people's personalities, but surprised nonetheless," Draylin explained, looking calmly at her. "You need to calm down." With one swift movement, his hand suddenly shot up, a silver cylinder in hand, and Yolanthe felt the press of cold metal agaisnt her neck before her body went numb.

She collapsed slowly done to the floor, Dreylin guiding her fall. She ended sitting on the floor, held up her wrists still cuffed to the table top. She couldn't move, but she could feel the bite of the metal cuffs against her wrist bones. Slowly, the white faded to a bright green, that deepened to a dark jungle green as she realised she was absolutely helpless at the feet of the man who had killed Klia.

"Calm yet?" Draylin asked, his voice even as he calmly walked around the side of the table to kneel down next to her limp body. "I did try telling you. Every time we've ever gotten together, I told you about how deceitful people were, Yolanthe," he said, almost sympathetically. "So don't go blaming this on me. You're the one who wouldn't listen, sweetie," he told her, caressing her cheek.

All she could do was glare at him impotently, her muscles giving off tiny spasms as she fought the poison in her body. He could see her pulse throbbing in her neck as her pulse rocketed and her breathing sped up.

Running his fingertips over her colored skin, he slid then down to her throat and she heard a small gasp escape him as he felt her pulse quicken beneath his touch. He sighed quietly, gazing at her neck, a far away look in his eyes.

Inside, Yolanthe was howling with fear and fury over being so hopeless. But nothing reacted to her commands. Not so much as twitch a finger, let alone scream or kick out.

Blinking his way out how his small trance, he looked into her eyes. "You know...it took me by surprise just how green an Orion's blood is," he stated, tilting his head to the side thoughtfully. "Not that there was too much of it, of course. It was a nice, clean kill. Well, after the torture, it was a clean kill. She actually begged for it near the end."

In her mind, she called Draylin all the names she knew. He had killed Klia to get at her. The hate and fury was overwhelming the fear. Turning her orange and yellow in turns.

"You know, Yolanthe. I always wondered something. What color is your blood? You change your skin color so much...it makes me think..." he trailed off.

Her body twitched as she tried to throw off the sedative, but that was all. If he was going to learn what colour her blood was, there would be only one way to find out.

Draylin looked at her almost tenderly. "Don't be afraid, dear," he told her, caressing her cheek, which was wet from the tears of frustration she'd shed. "Don't cry," he told her, a colder, authoritativeness creeping into his voice. "You never did know who to show yourself to. To cry to. Did you?" he asked coldly, running a lone finger from her tear line down her soaked cheek. "You drove me to this you know."

As he said the last, the El Aurian slipped a hand into his jacked and then pulled out a thin, sharp blade, watching it glisten in the artificial lighting.

She watched him hold it up, unable to turn away, unable even to shut her eyes of her own volition. She couldn't believe he was blaming her. The yellow lightened again, becoming creamy pale, half because of him, half because she was furious at her own helplessness.

Adjusting it in his hand, he gently caressed her face with the sharp edge, not applying enough pressure or the right angle to cause any damage yet. Keeping his hand on her pulse point, Draylin carried on this torturous, slow ritual and, as Yolanthe just became used to it, he stopped just under her eye. Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through her and a silvery liquid immediately blocked the vision of her left eye.

He felt her pulse jump, and suddenly her skin flushed from creamy yellow to dark grey, and line of silver blood glittered against it.

He slid the blade through her skin slowly, fascinated at how it changed color but the silvery blood stayed the same. Finishing the bloody slit through her flesh, he lifted up the blade and, seeming to consider something, pressed it in again, the pain too sharp for Yolanthe to truly feel just where the new cut was.

Inside she howled, the blood filling her left eye so she could only watch him out of her right. And still, despite the pain, despite the anger, she couldn't move. She just wanted this to be over. She looked away as best she could, not wanting to see where the knife would go next.

This cut was smaller, but the next one followed quickly. By now, she was in so much pain that when he stopped, she hardly noticed until she saw the blade rise from her face, the silver blood covering the equally silver blade. She saw him reach into his pocket and take something out. He pressed it against her wounds, keeping it there for a few moments before the item seemed to disappear as quickly as it had shown up.

"Our time seems to be running out, dear heart," he said softly to her after what seemed like an eternity.

For a moment, the grey was a pure intense pine green, as fear overcame the pain. For a moment she thought he meant to kill her. And then he put the blade away, and the fear subsided, and the grey returned. Blood tears splashed down her neck on one side, real tears on the other. She looked up at him, and finally the pain was crushed by total hate and loathing of the man she had trusted above all others, even Tharek. She bloomed a dark, burnt orange. She glared all her hate and venom at him. It was all she could do.

Still kneeling next to her, careful of the silver blood, Draylin watched her quietly for a few seconds. "I hope this has gone through to your head, Yolanthe. I did this for you. So that you can see that people are never what you think of them. That when you least expect it, the person you thought you could trust with your life can come within an inch of taking it away from you. I'm just sorry it had to come to this, sweetie," he told her, and for a second she could almost hear regret in his voice. Her body flushed lemon, her hair turned white. The paralysing agent was holding her still, but her muscles were quivering, it wouldn't last much longer. But it didn't need to. Three slashes from her eye to her cheek gleamed with silver blood. He'd done what he came for.

As if having broken away from a trance, he suddenly sprung into action. Grabbing Yolanthe carefully, he hauled her up onto the chair again and adjusted her so that she looked like she was leaning forward, her face buried in her folded arms. The blood reflected the light that fell onto it, so it couldn't be seen clearly and Draylin thanked the deities for small blessings. Gathering up his things in what appeared like record time, he slid his coat over his arm and picked up his case before slipping out.

Outside the room, the El Aurian approached the two on duty officers. "That's it for me, gentlemen," he told them, looking quite worn out, almost emotional. "I'd give her a few minutes if I was you. She was quite upset with all the charges against her. I left her crying, so I think giving her a few minutes would be best. With her sexist nature as it is, it would cause nothing but harm for you two gentlemen to see her so weak. Goodnight," he nodded to them before leaving the Security offices, immediately turning right and leaving their sights.

Once he was sure he was out of their sights, Draylin slipped into a crevice between two bulkheads nearby and quickly shed his coat and ripped off the blonde wig he'd worn, revealing his white hair. Taking out his contacts, he put on some dark-rimmed sunglasses and turned his jacket inside out to reveal the other, red color variation of it. Putting it on, he took off in an almost full out run towards the nearest docking bay. As he passed, he tossed the discarded clothing into a recycler before heading into the docking bay. He was sure that they had gone into the interrogation room by now as he slid his transport ticked through the marker just in time before the gate closed off. "Made it just in time," a pretty looking Bolian woman told him with a bright smile as she guided him into the transporter.

With a smile, Draylin walked inside and within a few moments, he felt the airlock close off and the transport take off, leaving DS5.


A JP between

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner of the Box of Delights


Draylin Tal (NPC by Maja)