Things Past – Gun blazing
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   Gun blazing
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sat Nov 19, 2011 @ 10:40pm
Location   Hromi Cluster
It was not exactly normal for Wayne to do what he was doing. He was sitting in the center seat of his flagship headed for the Hromi Cluster and the planet Gamma Hromi. What was abnormal about this situation was that this was not a trade mission nor a military action this was supposed to be a negotation. To that end Wayne had prepped himself for what could be a gueling several days of talks with deals being made or broken almost at the drop of a hat.

They had just entered the Hromi Cluster when suddenly the ship shook rather violantly. "What the hell was that." Said Wayne as he picked himself up off the floor where he had landed

"Sir a low yield photon torpedo struck our aft shields. shields holding and only minor damage to the outer hull." said the young crewman from the tactical station.

"Who the heck would be attacking a civilian ship." Asked wayne to himself more then anyone else.

"sir the only thing I can think of is pirates or raiders of some kind." said the tactical officer

another photon and the ship shook again with a couple consoles blowing out. "Damn get us out of here maximum speed." Said Wayne flatly he did not want to fight and he had a feeling that if whoever was attacking them thought that they were scared or unarmed then maybe they would get careless and make a mistake at some point. "power up the weapons systems but keep them offline until I give the command." He added

"Aye sir." said the tactical officer she had seen this move several times since she joined BII and had even seen it done a couple times in the fleet. though the results did not always work out for the starfleet ships.

the pirates closed the gap and continued to fire low yield photons at them. "Wayne watched the sensor screen the ship was within range of the photon torps but only just barely it was to exterme range to merit taking the shot "Come on you little bugger I have not had a chance to kill any pirates in a few years." said wayne under his breath

"sir the pirates are continuing to close they will be within phaser range in a matter of minutes." Said the tactical officer

"I am aware of that hold your fire until my command. Engineering begin fluxuating our speed make them think they have done more damage to us then they have." Said Wayne he knew it was a risk but he was willing to take it.

"Sir they are within phaser range now and closing." Said the tactical officer

"Alright let them think they have the upper hand by now they have scanned us and found that we are carrying some fairly valuable cargo they will want to board us not destroy us so they will keep closing. When they find our shields still up they will either press the attack or board us." Said wayne calmly

"aye sir." said the tactical officer

A half minute later the pirates ship was within range where Wayne wanted them. "Tactical fire phasers and photons helm come to bearing 087 mark 300 full speed. engage." said wayne he felt the ship change speed and direction quickly "tactical full shields to aft this will be rough." he added

"Aye sir." Said the tactical officer

just a few seconds later the pirate ship blew apart as wayne and his crew rode out the shockwave. It was not exactly a pleasent ride but they had survived the encounter and were able to continue on their way to their meeting