Interlude – T'Pal and her boxes of Delights
by Lieutenant T'Pal & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   T'Pal and her boxes of Delights
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Thu Jun 17, 2010 @ 12:53pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 23, immediately after 'An Unexpected Encounter'

Her face showed nothing of her encounter with Isha, her consequent thoughts or her activities earlier that day. Impassive, though alert, was the face T'Pal wore when she stepped into the bar she visited a few days ago. She needed distraction and this seemed the place to get just that.

Yolanthe was collecting empties when the Vulcan hybrid came in. She found Vulcans hard to read, even this one. But whilst the woman was alert, her eyes weren't surveying the bar. She didn't want a drink. She fell into step beside T'Pal. "Welcome back. I'm guessing you're not here for a drink. What other delights can I ply you with?"

T'Pal turned her head to face the owner. "Your observation skills are impressive. You are quite right, I am not here for drinks. I require *physical distraction*," she said bluntly.

"Sex or violence?" Yolanthe replied cheerfully. "Or both? We have a very extensive menu." She thought about her recent misadventure with the Cardassian ambassador. "Though I don't recommend the Borg."

T'Pal hesitated for a moment. She actually was only thinking of sex, but violence could be helpful too. She seldom engaged in releasing her Klingon urges. Combined with the Vulcan primitive emotions, they were very powerful and hard to control afterwards. "Perhaps both," she heard herself say anyway.

Yolanthe put her tray on the bar, leaned over and retrieved the padd that listed the holodeck programs, thumbed to the relevant section and handed it over. "That's what we have. All the classics - The Pleasure Goddess of Riix, Emanuelle, Debbie Does Delta, Slave Pits of Orion - plus everything else under the stars. If you don't see what you need, talk to Klia. If she can't write it for you, it can't be made."

T'Pal nodded and took the PaDD, looking over the programs. Finding one she liked, she pressed her thumb next to it. She could always have the parameters changed if needed. For now, sex with a strong human male will suffice, until her appetite would require a more aggressive approach. "This will do, but I might need to change the program parameters later and I want safety protocols disengaged," she stated.

The bartender took T'Pal up to the holosuites quickly, and pointed out the changing rooms and the showers. "We have a wardrobe replicator just through there, otherwise its holosuite three." Then she disappeared to load the program. A moment later the indicator panels on the holosuite blinked on. The program was loaded and ready.

T'Pal stripped her clothes and took a hot shower, savouring the feeling of the steaming hot water on her bronze skin. Even if it was only a holodeck program, she wanted to be clean... and ready. Now she allowed the time in the shower to attune her disciplined mind to flow with every sensation on her skin. Her hands ran over her silky frame as she lathered herself with fragrant soap. She lingered a while longer and her body started to respond to the anticipation of what was to follow, she stepped into the holosuite, dressed only in a thin silky wrap, clinging to her wet skin.

The chamber materialised around her, a large, luxurious room. Thick spicy incense perfumed the warm night air. Underfoot, where the rugs weren't thick and soft, the tiled floor was comfortably cool. The slight breeze lifted the silken curtains that hung across the wide open windows to a balcony.

More curtains and hangings hung around the room wafting gently. There was a large four poster bed heaped with pillows draped in silk. There was a sunken area, where overstuffed couches surrounded a tables loaded with fruit and wine. There were candles throwing soft shadows around the edge of the room. But there was no sign of the strong human male she had ordered.

Then her sharp ears caught the faintest sound of bare feet sneaking up on her.

Turning her head slightly to the side, s feint smile formed on her mouth. In her peripheral vision the sound took shape in the form of a tall dark haired man in his late thirties, with a body of a seasoned soldier. T'Pal's breathing increased slightly in anticipation of the unknown. She had no idea what her male would be like and that added to the excitement for her.

As her skin dried slightly, the wrap dropped from her shoulder to fall gently on her arm, which she left there.

He closed the distance between them till he was right behind her. He hesitated just a moment, before sliding his arms round her, pulling her back against him. "Making it easy for me?" He breathed into her ear, pushing the wrap further down her arm gently, before sweeping his palm over the slope of her breast. His hand came to rest around the base of her throat, holding her still whilst he bit softly at the sensitive flesh behind her ear. "How very dull."

T'Pal could feel her body respond to the sensations of his touch and she savoured every one of them. Closing her eyes, she laughed softly, pleasantly surprised at his demeanour She gripped his wrist, elbowing him in his ribs, at the same time turning around, out of his embrace, facing him now, still holding his arm. The wrap had now fallen to a pool at her feet, leaving her fully naked, but for a small g-string. "I wouldn't want to *hurt* you too much, before you have had me thoroughly," she breathed close to his face, her eyes challenging and inviting him. "Of course, that is if you can....."

In turn he locked his free hand around her own wrist, stepped past her and twisted. With a small push he had her arm bent behind her, straining her shoulder. He shoved her sharply, propelling her two or three footsteps into the nearby wall, pinning her there with his entire body, his own skin warm against her own. He stroked the smooth skin along her side from hip to shoulder."Once I've had you thoroughly you won't be capable of standing, let alone anything else. You'd better hurt me first." He tugged her hair back, so he could look her in the eye. "Of course, that is if you can."

T'Pal inhaled sharply, feeling a very pleasant warmth from her loins spreading upwards in her body. Her eyes darkened as hidden passion pressed forward. Even his scent filled her nostrils, an added bonus of the highly sophisticated program. She had to let go of the fact that it was a holodeck character. She leaned slightly back, pushing backwards into him. What she felt there let the warmth develop into a heat. "I am looking forward to it.." she near growled. She shoved him backwards with surprising strength, wrestling him to get out of his grip.

He shot backwards letting out a grunt of surprise and breaking his hold on her. He turned it into a graceful roll and came back to his feet. "That's better, pussy-cat." he grinned . Then charged her, putting his shoulder to her midsection, and heaving her over onto her back.

Air whooshed from T'Pal's mouth as she was airlifted and thumped onto the floor. Using his forward momentum she thrust her legs and hips upwards, rolling him over to land on top of him. With a triumphant grin she straightened her arms to lift her upper body and slide her full breasts along his torso downwards, her hazel eyes locked in his.

Beneath her, he shuddered, his dark eyes filling with raw, animalistic desire. His fingers tangled in her hair, insistently pushing her head further down his body with a steady pressure.

Slowly, cat-like she slid her lithe body upwards again, using her beasts and hardened nipples expertly on his hot skin to entice him further. Dropping her head, her tongue found his neck which she trailed towards his earlobe. "But you would have to do a little more to have me.... she whispered and suddenly broke free from his arms rolling away from him.

He growled is frustration and dived after her, clutching for an ankle. The first time his hand closed on empty air. Scrambling to his feet he flung himself at her, catching her around the knees, and hauling her back beneath him, pinning her thighs with his own and catching her wrists and pressing them to the floor. It was his turn then to nuzzle his tongue along her neck. But he moved down instead of up.

"I can do more," he breathed, his mouth hovering over her breast And then he bit her, raking his teeth slowly over the nipple, making sure the line between pain and pleasure was kept maddeningly blurred.

Between grunts, groans and yelps of pleasure was the ever increasing sound of bodies slamming together. No mercy, no tenderness, no intimacy. Just sex.

From there on, it was a blur of violence and sex, some of which would have ruined or even killed a lesser female or even a male, had it not been a holographic projection.

The bodies tangled, an element of vicious violence now added to the lust for sexual pleasure. Others would see this as abuse, but it would be hard to discern who would have been guilty. The female matched the strength of the male in this coupling and caused as much damage to him as he did to her.

When after a rather long time she collapsed on top of him, she tried to gain her breath and coherency against his neck, her cheek rested against a deep bite mark in his neck. "Computer..... save this ...character...." she managed exhausted.

The computer responded with a mood-destroying "Acknowledged." Her partner and the room disappeared, leaving her naked, bloody and sticky on the holosuite floor. Her robe lay in a heap a few inches from her hand.

"This was NOT what I meant!!" she growled furiously. It took a few moments before she regained a measure of control over all her faculties. Her hand crawled towards the robe, which she donned on loosely as she rose, not bothering to clean herself. "Computer how much time do I have left?"

"This holosuite is not currently pre-booked." The computer responded. "You may continue for any period you determine at this point up to a maximum of eight point five hours. Time is charged per half hour at the pre-arranged rate."

"Arch!" T'Pal said. As it appeared she quickly determined that the owner had restrictive protocols in place to protect her programs, so she had to work around them. "Computer, I want to create an additional program. It will be saved under a different name. Use this path to save it," she said an tapped the console. The computer objected.

"Access is denied."

"I know, use this protocol to bypass the access," she said and tapped it again. It should work. Thirty years experience in intelligence gathering came in handy at times.

The holosuite may have been state-of-the-art, but it had still been built from a commercial pattern, and the back-door code hadn't been disabled. "Access granted."

"Computer, create a data Padd. When it appeared she transferred data from the rod, Isha gave her to the Padd. "Good. Now create a character named Gerak, based on the following data." She used the holodeck Padd to interface with the arch console. That way there was still no evidence of the rod. "Add any information available on the Cardassian Ambassador Tharek Getal to create the character."

The compromised holosuite began to download the log of the Ambassador's recent adventure with the Borg Images from it flashed across the screen, providing T'Pal with physical profile, glimmers of his fighting style, even the exchanges with the bar's owner, who had been there with him.

T'Pal raised an eyebrow. This was indeed interesting, a hint of a smile touched the corner of her mouth. She tapped the console again, creating a separate file fro the logs, which she saved in a similar path she had used before. "Integrate the data into a character as instructed and create a suite similar to a luxury room in the Hotel Mercurius," she said pragmatically, using a room similar to where she was staying, but not the same hotel.

She watched the person materialize and in seconds the person of Legate Tharek Getal stood in front of her, while the holosuite changed to a lounge area of a large luxurious suite. Time to work.....

Yolanthe Ibalin
Holosuites are for porn

Thoroughly distracted