Beg, Steal or Borrow – Surprise!! :D
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Surprise!! :D
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Apr 09, 2009 @ 10:59pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD8 14:00
Tag   Bryan

CWO2 Mercedes Denoublier was planning a special date with Bryan and had been racking her brain to think of something different to do. Doing a tour of some of the promenade decks for inspiration she came across an unusual little amusement which she booked and then set off back again to make preparations.

She had told him to keep the afternoon free the next day but wouldn't say where they were going. She wanted to throw him off the scent of the 'real' destination so she mentioned the holodeck and suitable clothes for somewhere hot but refused to say any more, telling him it was a surprise and he mustn't ask questions.

Bryan had been intrigued at whatever it was that Mercy had planned and as agreed the day before, he kept his afternoon free and met her as arranged on the viewing platform.
He watched with a swelling pride as she glided towards him. He had never until a few days ago, realised how stunning she was out of uniform, but every time he cast his eyes upon her, her beauty dazzled him beyond comprehension. He hoped that this feeling would never subside.

"As promised, here I am." He held out his hand to her and smiled warmly as she approached.

later =

Taking him down in the turbolift to the level they needed, Mercy was excited and tugged softly at his sleeve. "You're going to love it! I know you will!" she reassured him. Or was she trying to reassure herself? She did say it way too many times to be convincing.

They hadn't got to their destination before the lift comms began to bleep, red lights flashed around the panel and Commander Davies' announcement putting the Station on Red Alert came through.

Mercy looked at Bryan with a mixture of disappointment and confusion, her eyes wide with surprise and slight disorientation for a moment. She had set her whole attention on the surprise.

"Looks as though we are going to have to call short our date, the Romulans have decided to spoil our fun!" Bryan remarked with a shrug of his shoulders.

Mercy nodded in agreement and wound her fingers between his as he halted the lift and changed the destination.

"Computer, hold lift, redirect to main promenade." He ordered, leaning over and planting a gentle kiss on Mercy's cheek

They didn't have time to change back into their uniforms and the corridors and walkways of the Station were all bustling with people. Some purposefully going about their duties, others milling around in confusion and some looking frightened and panic-stricken.

Mercy noticed a small boy whose face was white, his eyes saucer-shaped with fear as he looked frantically around the legs of the crowd around him, blocking his view. She motioned to the boy, showing Bryan what she had noticed.

"He's become separated from whoever he should be with!" she said, peering around the faces up and down the hallway, trying to see if someone was looking for a child.

He also looked at the child and his heart went out to him. He knelt down, trying to get to the same level as the youngster.

"We should help him, I know we'd have to stop and we ought to get straight to our stations, but we can't leave him like this!" she looked into Bryan's face, her eyes pleading. "How long can it take just to find his mother?"

Bryan sighed, the child remained motionless, about to burst into tears at any moment. "In this situation, we may never find her and we have our own duties to attend to as well." Bryan reminded her.

"I know, and I never forget my duty to Starfleet comes first, second and last... but we could do both if we were quick, couldn't we?" she desperately wanted to help the child and yet she knew she should not allow herself to be distracted from her orders. Her eyes sought guidance from Bryan.

His eyes fell back to the child and then back to look up to Mercy. "I think the best thing, would be to take the boy and place him in protective custody. I am sure that his mother or father, will come looking for him and better us than some of the strangers around here. What do you think?" He asked, already knowing what Mercy wanted to do.

Mercy hugged him, forgetting that they were technically on duty, but the absence of uniforms helped her to feel informal. Approaching the child without fuss or quick movements that might frighten him more, Mercy reached out her hand and smiled, crouching down as she got close.

Just as he blinked and began to reach back towards her, Mercy was knocked sideways and sent sprawling to the floor by a Lippian carrying a large sack of his most precious possessions which was blocking his view in most directions. He was in danger of lumbering right into the child next.

Bryan looked at both, unsure of which to dive for, the child who would be sent flying, or to his lover, who was already sprawled across the floor.
He dove forward, glancing the legs of the Lippian and grasped at the child, only to have the Lippian fall onto his back, just as his fingers touched the childs legs.
The pain in his back was excruciating, his lungs exhaled every ounce of air they held and within a heartbeat, Bryan lay unconscious on the cold deck, not feeling the footfalls of those who were in too much of a hurry to see him beneath them.

Mercy cried out in alarm and struggled to her knees. The sight of Bryan underneath the huge bulk of the Lippian, limp and unresponsive, she feared the worst. At that moment out of the corner of her eye she noticed an adult scoop up the child and she was able to concentrate on Bryan alone.

Hauling herself up over the Lippian's bulk, she tugged frantically at his garment, desperately trying to move him. Fortunately all he wanted was to get up too, so between them they finally managed to right him and set him lumbering away. He had seemed to want to try to help get Bryan up but Mercy was afraid he'd just do more harm.

Feeling Bryan's neck for a pulse, Mercy was able to reassure herself that her worst fears were unfounded and that he was at least still alive. Carefully she wondered if she should attempt to move him, but as she kept getting pushed away from him and the crowd kept stepping on him and herself, she decided she had no choice but to try to get him clear. Kneeling above his head she reached under his arms and tugged with all her strength to drag him to one side of the promenade.

A man who was passing stopped to help for a moment and that was enough to get Bryan clear and under an abandoned stall for protection. Crawling under there with him, Mercy took his head and arms into her lap and sat there at a loss, cradling him, stroking the side of his face and praying silently that he'd open his eyes and smile at her again. Nothing else mattered. One silent tear fell, but she wiped it roughly away. She wasn't going to be weak. Bryan needed her strong now.

He had been vaguely aware of the pulls and tugs, but it was like a distant memory, rather than the present. He felt her arms about him and at first, he wanted to bat them away, remembering how they fought and teased each other.
It was not until his head was cradled in her arms, her soft breath against his dew laden eyes, that Bryan found himself feeling elated at her bosom, her heartbeat thumping away at his cheek.

"Merc.." He started as her fingers fell to his lips, silencing him.

"Shhhh! Don't try to speak!" Mercy's relief expressed itself in a release of those tears that had refused to fall earlier. Trying not to let him see how worried she was, Mercy gently restrained him from trying to move.

"Lie still!" she said gently but very firmly.

And he was content to do so, nestling into her, feeling calm, if not a little cold and ignoring the thumps of something rapping at the hull of the station.

Chief Warrant Officer Bryan Surzchenko
Played by Tasha

Chief Warrant Officer 2nd Class Mercedes Denoublier
Played by Chelsea