Lieutenant Jana Kasikova’s Personal Log - Long time no write

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Title   Long time no write
Author   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Thu Mar 05, 2009 @ 2:11am
I haven't written a log since before I joined the crew on the Starbase and a lot has gone on since I arrived...not even sure exactly where to start...

Zorana has left to escort the captain back to Earth and has left me in charge of the entire crew's mental health and I feel like I am slowly losing mine! But I am not the only one that is losing control. Jarred has asked her to do some surveillance for him and Intel. I worry about her, she is my best friend...more like a sister. I told Jarred that she better come back in one piece.

I'm worried that she is going to run into Frederick while back on Earth. I think that it will set her back emotionally again if she does have a run in with him. He is quite possessive and controling with her, even when she left and I am worried that he may do something drastic to try and keep her back on Earth. I guess I will have to take a wait and see approach.

I found Commander T'Lan in the holodeck expressing emotions, of course for a Vulcan this good be very bad. Supressed emotions and memories are resurfacing. I have asked Vulcan Medical for her records and the man I spoke to was evasive and scared at best...again from a Vulcan it made me extremely nervous. Melody Bray and I had a meeting with the Commander to discuss options. I brought Melody in because I am hoping to be working with Ayren in a diplomatic capacity. Even though Melody is human she is has a perspective on a person's mind as if she had telepathic abilities.

Jarred Wallace...what can I say about him? We went for coffee at a Bajorin Cafe on the Promenade. Ended back at his quarters later that night and that is when things went wrong. He could feel all the emotions that I had bottled up from everyone around me. Having this gift is often a curse if I can't deal with the emotions in a constructive way...and since I arrived here and have had to tell with the emotions coming from T'Lan and Zorana before she left.

The emotions were rolling off both of them like waves and I needed to make them feel more relaxed and less stress so I took on everything. Without thinking about it I let all go and it happened too quickly. I experienced a mind storm and it affected him more than I could of thought. His mind was screaming out, I tried so hard to close everything off but it was difficult and took me 5-10 minutes to close my mind off. It has left me terribly weak. It left him with a massive headache.

Now he is gone on some mission. Even before I knew he was gone I could still feel his presence. Now I am unsure what is going on but I hope he comes back safe...I really don't have a good feeling about this.

I will end here as I feel as I am rambling.

End Log