Unity – Allies by proxy
by Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Allies by proxy
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Thu Apr 15, 2010 @ 7:07pm
Location   Klingon Embassy
Timeline   SD17 Morning (Back Post)

Toran woke and left Yzalla sleeping in the bed a lot had happened since the explosions on the station. His personal security had been increased and his warriors were on alert. When the Hednot had returned Lord Ral'nath had informed him of some interesting news. Da`nal, Ral'nath's son had brokered the end to generations of conflict with their adversaries in the Romulan Empire. The same family of Romulan's that was now headed by the Romulan Ambassador on the station.

While he had no love for the Romulans and trusted them even less, he saw an opportunity. Stepping from his private room and into the outer living area his aid was standing ready. "Greeting my Lord."

"Contact the Romulan Ambassador.....Invite her for breakfast."


Well, I can hardly refuse, Isha thought as she responded to the invitation, how could she let it be known that she had doubts about what she had done? She could not.

At the same time she summoned erie'Riov Liviana t'Khev. After the previous evening Isha had no intention of leaving the embassy alone or entering the Klingon establishment without someone to attend her; sub-Commander t'Khev had served her long enough and Isha knew that even if they insisted that t'Khev left her arms that she could provide she, Isha with adequate protection. The two women discussed their approach before they left.

As they entered, it occured to Isha that she had not been into another's territory - the station itsself did not count. As the doors opened she smoothed her skirts over her hips and entered, t'Khev following closely behind.

Toran bowed his head slightly at the Ambassador's entrance. He took in her escort with a grin. "Greeting Ambassador. I must apologize for not meeting with you sooner after your return to the station."

"The demands placed on an ambassador's time do not always allow one to perform the formalities that one would otherwise observe," Isha replied accepting the apology, "My bodyguard, t'Khev," she added with a nod to the other woman, "I trust you have not been inconvenienced by recent events," she said with an informal note, as though being invited to breakfast by Klingons was an everyday event.

The corner of his mouth curled slightly. "No more than you I assume. Though it is frustrating not being able to face ones enemies in battle. These....terrorist have no honor." He paused slightly. "However, I understand that during your absence you stabilized the stituation that culminated in my arrival here."

"Which situation would that be?" Isha enquired, any number of events could have precipitated the Klingon's arrival though she suspected which one he referred to, "Ah, don't tell me, you are acquainted with Da'nal," she continued with a slight smile that belied her discomfort.

"Not directly. His father, yes. It was the Romulan attack on the station that was the reason I was dispatched here at the request of the Federation. Da`nal's father requested the use of my ship when he believed his son in trouble. Then I was informed that the Hed'not was in orbit over Romulus during the final events of the The Freedom's mission; and escorted it from Romulan space." He knew that revelation was a calculated risk, but it was an admission that could have benefits.

Isha had not been aware of this, but she did not doubt that it had been detected; the additional presence had probably ensured the Freedom's cordial reception, and helped convince the Praetor that Isha was indeed about to take steps to end a debilitating feud. The ambassador chuckled softly, the Praetor probably thought that she had been aware all along, though if she had been aware she would likely not have risked taking Da'nal to Nniol's estate - there was far too much that could have gone wrong.

"What a small universe we live in," Isha said.

Not the reaction he had expected from a Romulan after hearing their space had been violated by a Klingon battleship. Well no matter and his expression showed nothing of his surprise. "Indeed. It must have been difficult for you..accepting aid from someone destined to lead a House that has been an enemy of your family for so long."

Isha could still smell the blood mingled with the dewy grass and the rising scent of evening flowers. This is where betrayal takes you, Nniol seemed to whisper in her ear. "Don't be mistaken, I did not accept help from Da'nal, I accepted help from the Federation - a woman in my position knows when pride and independance need to be put aside," she said ignoring the ghost that lurked at her shoulder, "I did expect him to try to kill me, but ruling a House whether Klingon or Romulan brings its own responsibilities ... I deemed it a necessary and unavoidable risk in order to shape the future of the House I inherited from my Husband," she told the Klingon sketching a litte common ground.

He nodding in understanding of the responsibilities that come with ruling of his own House. Motioning her and her body guard into the dining area as his aid stepped into the room. As they took their seat Toran continued. "Why do think he didn't kill you? I don't mean to dwell on the subject, as you well know we have more vital issues to discuss. However I'm curious about the future leadership of that House."

t'Khev remained by the door, but Isha sat and folded her hands in her lap. She had asked herself the same question several times.but Isha was limited in the answer she could give having no idea if the Klingon ambassador knew if Da'nal's brother had not died in battle - his brother had been quite ready to, but Da'nal stopped him, with reason, not force and Isha though that if he had not listened to reason she would be dead, and a feud would have become a war.

As the Klingon Ambassador had declared himself a friend of Da'nal's father she was not about to reveal that information unless he showed her first that he alread knew. "I think because he had given his word to protect me as an officer of Starfleet," Isha said eventually, "he had ample opportunity and I daresay ample provocation, indeed he could have let an assassin take me rather than hurling a blade through his throat."

"Interesting...So he set aside personal glory in the Empire by not killing you, or letting you be killed, for the honor of duty in completing his mission. The only thing that elludes me is how he brokered the truce between your Houses. Or was that the price; letting you live?

His aid gave from the side to fill his lords tankard, but Toran quickly covered it. "Guests firsts, where are your manners."

"Forgive me My Lord, Lady Amdassador."

Isha raised an eyebrow, "No matter," she said twisting a large blue stoned ring on her finger.

It was difficult for Isha not to state the real reasons, that she had bought peace with the life of her husband's brother and the tacit agreement to let an old Klingon believe his son had died in battle rather than lived a slave. "Though I inherited the House I married it, I was not born of it - without the blood there would be no honour, only a new conflict with my mother's House. I do not believe that either empire wishes for a war that cannot be won," some of the reasons were those that Da'nal had given her, others were her own.

While he didn't believe in the idea of a no win situation, this was not the time for that debate, besides he now had the answers he was looking for. Now down to business. "What is your impression of the current situation?" He asked as he took a bit of his food.

"One in a series of unrelated incidents - this place is of no particular strategic location save that it extends a ships range into unclaimed territory. It is remote enough to invite attack from independant groups wishing to make a name for themselves whilst knowing that reinforcements will take days to arrive. Yesterday's attacks appear to be designed to cause panic, disruption and damage yet conspicuously little injury, if the reports are to be believed," Isha spoke candidly. "I am concerned, however, it feels almost a distraction."

Such a ploy seemed the standard procedure on this station. However what was the ultimate goal of those orchestrating these events. "I would tend to agree." He thought, ~an attack on the station would be just the thing to speed the Captain's return, but if she were the target why not attack her during her return. No...she is not the target.~ "We have a mystery here and most likely little time to solve it.

"One of the reasons I had asked you about the House of Varal was that that House is allied with mine." With that alliance the House of Moqrhat had become even stronger than it had been. A threat to some...a power to befriend to others. "While I would not call your relationship with that House an alliance, it is certainly more cordial than it has been. That would also make US allies of a sort. During your absence it didn't escape my notice that the Romulans on this station had become 'friendly' with the Cardassians here. At present, that does not concern me. I propose we join forces to discover the true intentions of whoever is behind these attacks."

And this was where it became dangerous; the 'Romulans' in question were Rh'vaurek. Isha knew that he had his motives, not least forcing a distance between herself and Getal but there was more to it than that. she had to have faith that Rh'vaurek could take care of himself and his own side of the game.

An alliance betweent Varal and Illialhlae was perhaps a truce too far; it was still a very fragile peace and not yet tested, Isha thought, "It would not be the first attempt on Tahir's life," she said, "but this would seem a very elaborate scheme to lure back someone who would return anyway ... perhaps on this station at least, Illialhlae and Moqrhat have a common interest," she agreed. "What do you propose?"

"My ship and warriors stand ready to act once we have a target to pursue. Unfortunately we are still relatively new on the station. You on the other hand have been her for some time. No doubt you have a eye and an ear in more than a few areas..even operatives perhaps. I also have contacts in the both the Federation and the Head of Klingon Internal Security is a member of my House. With your knowledge of the station and its key players, and my contacts and troops we should be able to come up with something.

"No doubt Dorian is looking at external threats, and those behind thing may very well be. But typically the best place to hide is in the open....where one least expects."

"Gabriel sees threats everywhere," Isha said quite sharply. "We do however have certain security information that we have of course already shared with our Federation hosts." She drummed her fingers lightly on the table, Rh'vaurek's report was incomplete, but he had already shared it with the Federation. "We encountered a very irregular event in the aftermath of the explosions. One of our citizens was found dead, a man already thought to have been killed in the recent attacks on this station - another man, a Vulcan is now missing," she said.

With a dismissive wave, "Gabriel is a fool, but I would tend to believe that he would not take information from an outside source seriously unless he had no choise. What did you know of this Romulan you found?"

"He defected during the Dominion war. We found he was alive and well and living in disguise on Earth of all places. We chose to leave him there in case he should become useful at some point. Next thing he turns up here on DS5 and dissappears again. We do know that he had been in contact with the Vulcan who had claimed to be assisting him in gaining Federation citizenship."

"It seems odd that a defector would come out here, so close to Romulan Space without taking considerable risk. Do you think he or this Vulcan could be link to the current situation?"

"We believe he was merely a convenient tool, Vulcanoid physiology is difficult to distinguish, even for an expert, had a burned body been found it would have been assumed that it was the Vulcan. He is where we should be focussing our interest. I do not believe in coincidence and if the Vulcan thought now would be a good time to disappear, then he is involved in the current situation," Isha explained, "and he is still somewhere on this station." Despite Rh'vaurek having spoon fed them the lead she doubted station security would make much progress in locating their missing Vulcan, indeed she doubted that station security could find their way out of a wet paper bag.

Toran chuckled slightly in agreement with her as he took a drink.

"Ambassador, whilst you will agree that my next statement is unorthodox, I beg you to consider it. You have already stated your connections with the Federation and from you some information I have may be taken seriously." Isha paused glancing at the food for the first time, She was not hungry, but she needed to distract herself while she did this. It was Getal who had turned on her and was trying to pressurise her into keeping silence regarding their 'game' of Kotra but Isha was not one to be silenced.

"I am loathe to speak ill of my peers," she continued, "but if we are to be allies, however briefly I must tell you this. You will be aware that I returned to Deep Space Five in secret, nodody aside from the commanding officer knew of my arrival yet within an hour the Cardassian had visited me, we played a game of strategy and with his moves he intimated a plan regarding the station and its defences, among them your own garrison," Isha said. "You may think this revelation to be duplicitous, but I fear for the safety of my own emabsay and the future Empire's citizens who are located here above all else. Your facility was identified as a specific target," she added.

Toran lowered his tankard slowly and listend intently at reveelation. Fortunately only half of his warriors were barracks on the station at any one time. It would be the strategic move to strike against the strength on the station. If it was war that the Cardassians want he could give them one...if her story was true. "And was the method of this attack mentioned during your 'game'?"

Isha picked at a pastry but still ate nothing, "I understand your scepticism, and I cannot prove what I say, but I have reason to believe that the Cardassian enterprise is a danger to us all." she thought back on the game, describing in detail how they had discussed motivation and played a game of Kotra with four sets of pieces, of the early destruction of the single red piece on the board whilst the blue were distracted and red's reinforcements were still far away, of the renegade attacks, of the denial, even of her own part in the plan. (for the ful game: http://ds5.co.uk/sms/index.php?page=post&id=821) .

"Sometimes a game is more than a game, Ambassador Toran," Isha said aware that she was admitting her own part in the conspiracy, "Cardassia is a creature wounded and bleeding, that makes her unpredictable and on reflection I decided that I did not wish to be part of this alliance ... the risk is too great."

The fact hat she was not eating was obvious. Normally a host would take offence, but he took no notice. Instead he leaned back in his chair as she continued to speak. "That is very true."

"Why the object we seek. It ties together the dead defector, the missing Vulcan, and I think the explosions. Our archaeological survey revealed an Iconian settlement in unclaimed space and our teams have been working for its recovery - I think that its existence is no longer a secret and that many would like to acquire the device. I would sooner see it destroyed than for it to fall into the hands of the remnants of the Obsidian Order, that is why I am sharing this information with you."

~Iconian?! Any 'device' of Iconian creation was a handsome prize indeed. No wonder they were will to go to such extremes to cover their activity.~ "You honor me with your confidence. Perhaps what is need is to 'stimulate' our Cardassian friend. When your enemy acts in anger his judgement is clouded and it can make him act when he is not ready."

As ever Isha chose her weapon very carefully, Getal, seeing her only as a rather small and petulant woman had overlooked her hard-won rank and position along with the experience that brought, he would not be the last to make that mistake of course. The Cardassian considered her to be weak, so Isha chose to fight him with someone quite the opposite. Moqrhat could put a batleth right through Getal's plans.

"I am sure it is not misplaced," Isha said, not quite able to believe that she was plotting with a Klingon again so soon. "I quite agree with your plan," she continued even managing to force a little food down her throat as they continued to discuss their approach.


Isha t'Khellian
Romulan Ambassador

Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Klingon Ambassador