Interlude – Flights Of Fancy
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Flights Of Fancy
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun Aug 22, 2010 @ 5:39pm
Location   DS5 Sector Space
Timeline   N/A

The four Peregrine Heavy Fighter's cut through the depths of space, gliding through the cosmos at warp to their next destination. Each fighter carried a crew of two pilots, and cruised along the space lanes at a warp velocity of four point two. Each fighter carried a set of heavy ordnance in the form of Micro torpedo launchers and micro quantum torpedo launchers. The fighters themselves had a very stocky appearance, with short wing span. The warp nacelles built into the wings, and their impulse engines, sat box-like in a pairs of two on the back of there ships.

The crews mission was one of sector patrol. They had been at said mission for more than three hours, and were now preparing to drop out of warp to meet with Deep Space Five's converted runabout that could re-fuel them in space, then they could be en-route again and back out on patrol. Ensign Watts was just glad the spacesuit he wore had a built in waste recycling unit.

The new pilots, a very recent intake, were mostly fresh out of the Academy or, if they were "old-pros" according to their own opinions, of one year 'out'. The truth was that both kinds were over-confident in their own way and both kinds were consequently dangerous but they were lively and full of life.... not to mention mischief! The CAG would have his hands full until this new wave were knocked into shape.

The Lead Pilots for each fighter were the genuinely 'seasoned' generation who really *did* know enough to take risks without the margins of error that the newbies would suffer from. Each had been assigned one of the 'fresh meat' to 'knock the corners off' on a mentor basis and hopefully as a teaching role.

Some took to this role better than others, whilst others didn't take to it at all and were grumpy and impatient with their unfortunate charges. Anais "Blue" Jackson was one such unlucky new intern who had landed an unwilling mentor who thought her another annoyance and chore that had been sent to try him. She wasn't the kind to be put down so instead of keeping a low profile under his sight horizon, she had bubbled and bounced into his life with little or no concept that this mightn't be exactly what he needed to 'lighten him up' as she saw it.

The resulting partnership was one of a sparky nature but this apparent mis-match hadn't come to the attention of Lieutenant Dunham yet so it smouldered beneath the lid. There were two ways it could go, depending on how good she turned out to be. One would be that he'd flatten her, mentally or physically, and the other would be that she might impress him and win his attention as a teacher. Time would tell.

In the meantime, Peregrine Red Four with Ensign William Highland and Blue Jackson was silent on the comm for a change. Will was just getting used to the relaxing silence as he enjoyed the stunning view and that soaring feeling that banking in formation with the other three Peregrines gave him. He had almost forgotten the pain in the rear seat when she piped up and made him roll his eyes.

"WOH... look at that nebula at 10 o'clock. That's so cool. What's it called?" she asked with the enthusiasm and curiosity of a child.

Will grunted a cursory "Dunno" which didn't crush her interest as it was intended to.

"Can I look it up on the star charts, Skip?" she persisted.

"When we get back" he replied.

"But I'll have forgotten what it was shaped like by then!" she protested.

"Good!" he responded bluntly.

"Oh, Skipper!!" she thought he was joking. "You're such a bore!" she replied, meaning this to be a light rebuff but without realising he was serious and about to explode at her for what he took to be insubordination.

It was about to go badly pear-shaped when a communication from the Lead fighter cut in and ended it just in time.

=^= Red one to all fighters, prepare to drop out of warp on my mark =^= Watts gave a final instrument check. Then grasped both hands around the flight control stick of his fighter, he looked out of the port and starboard sides of his cock pit window checking the other fighter were in formation.

=^= mark =^=

As the fighter wing came out of warp, they decelerated into open space. There was no ship waiting for them. Also the nearby nebular was jamming long range communication and sensors. Watts smiled to himself. It was going exactly to plan.

Inside each of the Peregrines' cockpits there was a crackle of confusion. Everyone knew they had arrived at the right place and that they were here to refuel and everyone could see the empty space where the supply ship should be.

Blue instinctively checked the location instruments and muttered into the internal com that the rest of the squad couldn't hear. "Skip? We're in the right place, i've triple checked our co-ordinates." she stated.

"What makes you think the SL hasn't done that for himself, muppet?" Will growled.

"He might have been too busy?" she retorted, pouting. "You wouldn't want me 'not' to have thought of it, or that'd be wrong too."

Will opened his mouth to reply but again the Lead fighter saved the little Blue muppet.

=^=All fighters holding pattern delta, red three and two I want you to bank to starboard, then pull to a ninety degree angle and patrol the perimeter through section grid alpha to omega=^=

Watt's brought his own fighter about face in a loop, pulling his flight control stick hard, and applying thrust to his impulse engines. When he was satisfied that the fighter wing was in position he opened another comm link.

=^= Ok wing, long range comm's are out. As are sensors, and we don't have enough fuel to make back to the barn. Suggestions?=^=

"Dump two fighters, dump the payloads and armaments from the remaining two to lighten them enough to take the other pilots on board and use their fuel to get close enough to send for help?" Blue said, internally, knowing Will would not approve if she broadcast her ideas to the rest of the squad without his say so.

"Well tell um then!" said Will grumply, he was getting a bit sick and tired of this green nosed pilot, jumping about in the back of the cock pit with so much enthusiasm. =^= Watts I got someone in the back of my pod who thinks she's got an idea. patching her through to you now=^=

Blue went white and suddenly quiet. =^= oh..... um.... i....think it's probably a silly idea........ =^= now she had turned bright red although thankfully the squad couldn't see this but it was likely they could all tell. She looked fixedly at the panel in front of her as if it had turned into a snake and was about to bite her.

=^= sorry =^= she muttered, wishing she was as missing as the refuelling shuttle right now.

Watt's grinned inside his space suite. He remembered being very much the same when he was fresh out of the academy. Perhaps some friendly cajoling was in order =^= Let’s hear it Blue I’m open to all idea’s all input is useful to the team dynamic. =^=

Blue had no choice, especially as the Lead was being so nice. She took a deep breath and gabbled the whole plan out as fast as she could to get it over with as fast as she could so they could get the bit where they laughed at her over with sooner.

=^= I was just thinking, what if we transfer the fuel from two of the fighters into the other two's tanks, then dump the payload and armaments of the two fully-fuelled ones so that'd make them light enough to take the two pilots from the other birds. Then we could all limp closer to home and maybe get to within range of help, Sir? =^=

Watt's paused for a moment trying to go over in his head a little more slowly what had just been rapidly advised to him. He mulled it over then nodded to himself inside the confines of his space suite. =^=Ok blue, good plan, you got the ball. Take the lead as its your idea, so you have to action it, this means you , pilot, are now in temporary charge of the wing. Good luck. =^= Watt’s switched off his comm. Then switched it back on again. =^= Oh and next time....not so quick. =^= He said grinning to himself behind his helmet.

~omigodomigodomigodOMYGOD!~ Blue thought wondering what the heck to do now.

=^= um.... =^= she stumbled, realising that the whole squad was now listening and waiting for her response. She had two choices. She died here and now and never heard the end of it, or she could wade in up to her neck and see how that worked out. She wasn't the dying swan type so she leapt off the clifftop.

=^= OKAY! =^= she tried to sound confident but her voice came out a little high pitched for her own liking and with the slightest quivver that made her angry with herself. It was this shot of anger that steeled her to do the next bit.

=^= Reds 2 and 4, prepare to deliver your remaining fuel and both pilots to Red 1 and Red 3 =^= she began. Red 1 was Watts and Red 3 Will and herself, so it made sense to her that these should not be the craft that would be abandoned.

=^= Red 1 and Red 3, take onboard fuel from 2 and 4 respectively and empty your payload and armaments. =^= Blue was trying to speak as slowly as an excited little blue Muppet could manage.

=^= Begin fuel transfer immediately. =^= she decided she could get used to telling people what to do. This was fun.

~Now, what have I forgotten?~ she wondered, much like a child on a railway track with an express train bearing down on her.

Grumpy will shook his head from side to side, his helmet swizzled in its enclosed seals on his spacesuit. He was in the Front seat of the Peregrine Heavy Fighter. So if 'Blue' the pilot sitting behind him was watching, she would of easily seen this sign. "So how you going to transfer the pilots over to their respective fighters" he said slightly sardonically. THen he switched to a matter of factly tone. "Where are we going to have room for them?"

=^= If we dump the armaments and the payload we should be able to squeeze them in.... i know it's tight but it's better than dying in space? =^= Blue replied, a little less sure of herself now that she tried to imagine how this was actually going to work.

=^= I'm only little, I could swap. I could go outside in my encounter suit, climb into the torpedo bay of Red 1 and the pilot from Red 4 can have my seat? =^= she offered. =^= Then we could do similar with Red 2 - largest up top, smallest in the bays. =^=

=^=That's not going to work, =^=said will in a musical tone. =^=They won't fit in the torpedo bays.=^= He smiled to himself, =^=But they will fit somewhere else. =^=

=^= Where? =^= Blue was curious.

=^=Think about it, these ships have atmosphere, the space suite are just a safety precaution, it would be a squeeze, but we could sit on top of each other? Though we may very well have to remove our suits to all fit in.=^=

=^= but what if we get to the end of our fuel and we're out there with no suits and still not in range of calling for help? =^= Blue was becoming disillusioned with her idea and disheartened. She could see this being very unpopular if all the pilots would have to ditch their suits and sit on top of each other.

=^= Perhaps this is a bad idea. Maybe someone else has a better plan? =^= she tried not to sound as dejected as she felt. =^= I'm sorry, i didn't think it out far enough =^= she admitted, embarrassed to think what the other cadets would say when they got back.

Suddenly it occurred to her it didn't matter because if no-one else had an idea then they wouldn't *get* back at all and she became braver again. =^= unless.... =^=

=^=Unless....What=^= said watts over the comm. He was trying to coax a response out of the young cadet. This was an opportunity for them to prove themselves.

=^= Unless ... what if Will gets into one of the other craft...and sits on someone's lap, without his suit.... which he could leave in his seat for later.... and then all the other fighters give Red 3 (that's me) all the fuel they can spare, to fill my tank.

Then, you'll all stay here with the fuel that's left... which will be just enough to keep your systems going for an hour or two and I'll go off alone.... my craft would be faster with only one pilot and I can get help for the rest of us - I'd make a note of our location before I go... and...... =^= she stopped, realising she'd been told last time to speak slowly and it was too late, she'd babbled all that out again.

Watts laughed down the comm. He was not laughing at her, he was laughing with her. He was impressed with her enthusiasm, and use of knowledge in a tight spot. =^= Good Idea.. =^=

=^= It is? =^= she sounded surprised.

Suddenly Will's gruff voice came over the comm. =^= With all due respect sir, I think I should be one to go. Such an undertaking should be done by someone with a little more experience.=^=Will didn't like the idea of Blue flying off on her own".

Blue flushed red with humiliation. ~He thinks I'm useless!~ she thought, jumping to the conclusion that he was being critical of her as a result of a personal appraisal he'd already made of her.

=^= Whatever you think best, Sir =^= she replied in a very small, submissive voice.

=^=Yes I do think best =^= said Will in his gruff voice. He trusted Blue to be a good officer, and he had no doubt that she was capable of doing the mission, but he didn't want to put the kid in danger. However Watts had other ideas.

=^=I hate to get in the middle of this little domestic children, but its my call and Blue is going =^=

Blue felt warm and fuzzy. =^= Aye Skip =^= the relief and joy in her voice was very apparent. ~At least the skipper doesn't think I'm a jerk.~ she thought. ~I'm going to show Will... just let him wait and see. I'll make him think again about me. Muppet am I?~ she was hurting and it was making her desperate to be brave and prove something.

They began the manoeuvre and the fuel was transferred. One quarter of a tankful from each of the three fighters that would remain, which left Blue with a full tank including her own fuel which was already there. It meant the remaining were very low on fuel but as planned they would only need enough to survive for a few hours.

Finally, Will was ready to transfer. He had to transfer control to Blue's flight panel and then she had to fly in as close as she could to Red 1. It had been decided that Watts would take the extra passenger and slightly more fuel had been left in his craft to account for that. Watt's co-pilot put on his helmet and pressurised his encounter suit, sliding back the cover of his cockpit.

Will by then was already hauling himself up onto the wing above him and clambering up the inbuilt hand and footholds to the rear cockpit. Within seconds Will climbed in and the cover was closed and then there was an uncomfortable few minutes while both pilots struggled one at a time out of their suits and, finally, forced all but the helmets into the evacuators and out into space.

There was a most uncomfortable lack of room for the two men but once they were able to get at least tolerably straight, they indicated to Watts that this was the best it was going to get.

Whilst all this was going on, Blue had made the necessary markers on her screen to show where they were and then set a course back towards the station. It was doubtful she would get all the way, or even halfway there, but as long as she could get closer than this, she might have a chance to raise someone who might pick up her hails.

She set off, taking the speed easy and making acceleration as smooth as possible to conserve fuel as much as possible.

=^= All set, Skipper =^= she called in to Watts. =^= You guys play nice til i get back! =^= she joked cheerfully and set off, scared as hell, into the darkness of space, alone.

Within a couple of minutes, she was cruising carefully on the course she'd plotted when a shooting star flashed far away on the horizon. At least that was what it looked like to the youngster.

~Now you've done it you Muppet!~ she thought, subconsciously quoting Will who she suddenly took it into her head to miss a lot. ~Totally alone and without enough fuel to get home..... ~ she thought wistfully. ~Nor back to die with my friends either.~

=^= Red 3 to Red 1 =^= she could still talk to them, couldn't she?
=^= do you still read me? =^=

There was silence in reply. This was very odd as she wasn't far enough away to have lost contact yet, but she didn't think of that. She didn't bother to switch the channel off, thinking that no-one could hear her anyway.

=^= What is it they say about how no-one can hear you scream in space? =^= she asked herself rhetorically. =^= God, who'd have thought I'd miss Will? I'd give anything to get yelled at right now. I'd even admit he was right.... that's quite a turn up for the books eh? =^=

A few seconds later she went on, thoughtfully. =^= Wait... what the heck is that? Is that a shooting star? Cooool!! =^= she sounded excited now.

=^= I get a wish then! I wish the supply ship would come along late and they'll all get rescued. I really love those guys. =^=

She stopped talking but sat there humming a little tune as she continued on course, waiting to run out of fuel, with her mayday beacon transmitting on all channels apart from the inter-squad one, sending out the co-ordinates of her fellow squad fighters' location.

What Blue didn't know was that although the squad's replies weren't getting through to her, what she was saying was being received loud and clear by them.

It was all part of the whole set up but she had no way of knowing what was going on outside her little fighter. Any second now she would find out though.

Suddenly the space in front of her shimmered and blurred as a deadly green hulking mass de-cloaked in front of her. It was a Klingon bird of prey, its photon torpedo launchers and disruptor cannons were locked on to the tiny fighter. It raised its deflector shields, and hovered there menacingly before the fighter.

=^= oooh, frak! =^= she squeaked inadvertently.

Her first instinct was to switch off the distress beacon that was transmitting her squad's location to protect her squad, which she did quickly.

She adjusted her calling frequency and opened a channel to the Bird of Prey

=^= This is the Starfleet Fighter Red Three, Flight Cadet Jackson here. I'm based at DS5 and I'm trying to get home. I don't suppose you've come to give me a lift have you? =^= It was optimism at the extreme edge but Blue did know there was a Klingon Embassy on the Station and well, she didn't actually have a lot of other options.

It was a good job she didn't think her squad could hear her or she probably would have just clammed up and sat there like a lemon.

=^=This is the IKS Ning'tao, do you require assistance=^= It was a strong female voice. But still had that familiar tone of a Klingon warrior. The ship sat there in the depths of space, unmoving, unwavering and very deadly.

=^=Yes please, I need to get back to DS5. Are you going that way? =^= Blue asked politely but rather naively.

=^=Lower your shields and we will beam you aboard our vessel, Starfleet=^= Said the Klingon voice. It wasn't a request. It sounded more like an order.

=^= Complying =^= she replied and prepared to lower her shields. First she recorded a hasty message to her logs.

*Computer, record personal log, Cadet Anais Jackson, insert current stardate. I have been assigned to attempt to find assistance for my squad and in pursuit of that goal, I am allowing myself to be taken on board a Klingon Bird of Prey, the IKS Ning'tao, in the hope they may take me to DS9 where I can get help and send someone back.

My fighter contains the co-ordinates of my colleagues, in the mayday beacon I set to broadcast it. If anyone finds this fighter, this log or the mayday beacon that was inside (if the fighter gets destroyed then you might just find the beacon loose in space) then *please* try to help my friends as it may be that I will have failed them. Jackson out.*

=^= I have lowered my shields =^= she sent to the Ning'tao.

"Oh my God, nooooooooo!" muttered one of the other cadets, unable to keep the suspense inside him any longer.

Will looked almost blue himself with his lips tightly pinched together and his fists in balls in his lap.

Watts smiled to himself, his sneaky little mind had done a good job on this one. He had shared a large bottle of blood wine with Ning'tao captain on more than one occasion....and more....though his muscles still ached from the last 'and more.' He smiled again at the memory. But now he listened to the comm intently wandering what the cadet would do, he also had a direct link to the Ning'tao's captain, who was about to perform a little favour for him.

When the young cadet de-materialised on the Klingon transpoerter pad. Two Klingon warriors stood their, weapons drawn. One growled the other glared menacingly. "You are now a prisoner of the "Klingon Empire"

TBC .....

A JP between:

Ensign Watts and Will
Red squadron
(NPC'd by Dunham)


Cadet Anais (Blue) Jackson
New Flight Crew - Red Squadron
(NPC'd by Jools)