Beg, Steal or Borrow – Uneasy task
by Ensign Brian Moxis

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Title   Uneasy task
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Ensign Brian Moxis
Posted   Tue Mar 10, 2009 @ 4:31pm
Location   USS Trinity
Timeline   8 hours before reaching DS5
Tag   An easy flight...or not.

The lights in the ship went from yellow to Red in a matter of minutes. Everyone was running around trying to get to where they needed to be. The ship had several gravity problems at the moment. Brian is walking down security deck hallway when the gravity had gave out. Massive shakes began from the ships and the sound of torpedoes could be heard hitting the shield outside.

Brian grabbed the side of the hallway and pushed himself along the gravity less hallway. Entering the security room was a mess. The room had taken a direct hit. Bodies, equipment and debris was floating around the room. Dodging the debris Brian enters the room.

" Hello? Anyone in here not dead?" He didn't know how to put it. The small ship continued to shake as the outside ship kept firing. Brian could hear that Trinity was not firing back. Brian grabbed a com badge from a dead body floating by. " hope you don't mind if i borrow this. I'll bring it back." A rustle from the back of the room alerted Brian.
He quickly grabbed the phaser from the body as well. Floating around to the noise he noticed to more guards trying to dig some one out.

" Hey you need help?" A voice from inside the pile they was pulling off replies. " Moxis? is that you? Please help them." Brian floated over as fast as he could. Realizing it was the captains voice Brian dug as fast as he could. Finally reaching him about 20 minutes later. You could tell by the way he looked he was badly hurt. He had a broken arm and leg. His face was bleeding. " How is the ship holding out?" Afraid to move him they just moved to the side. " Fine i think." A new warning broadcasts. " Warning warp core breech.2 minutes before explosion."

"Come captain. We need to get to the shuttle." The captain put his only good hand in his pocket and pulled out some stuff. " Take this. The captains log/crew list and this flower. You must go now." Brian took the items but shook his head and started to grab the captain. " Listen. Make sure the captain on DS5 gets that flower. We were friends in the academy." Brian again ignores what he says and continues to pull at him. " Cadet that's an order!" He yelled. Brian and the other two looked at each other for a few minutes then took off out the door.

The captain touched his com. =^= Moxis. Make sure they know what happened. To any of the crew who are still alive proceed quickly to the shuttle.=^= The captain's hand hit the ground and he stopped breathing. Brian a security and the chief flight ops commander arrive at the shuttle. " i'll get it online." The flight ops commander said floating into the shuttle. Crew members came floating around the corner. There was about 20 to 25 crew that showed up.

Brian shut the door to the shuttle. " Where's the captain?" One of the crewmen said. Brian had a gloom look when he responded. " He is staying behind." Some of the crew was trying to get back of the shuttle but Brian and two other security personal was pushing them back. " Warning warp core breech in 20 seconds." The shuttle began to take off. The docking bay exploding as the shuttle heads out.

The shuttle makes it out in one piece and starts on it's journey to DS5. Behind them the Trinity goes up in a massive explosion. Destroying the attacking ship and hitting the shuttle. Te flight ops commander and an engineering officer manged to keep the shuttle together. That wave took out the shuttle's shield, weapon and scanners.

7 hours later on half impulse the shuttle arrived at DS5. With only 2% of main power left they transferred everything they had to the engines as they got the call to dock. Brian had finally made it to DS5 but with the loss of the Trinity on his mind he was stuck in a Remorse state. " We showed all go see the captain." He says as the shuttle finally makes it inside safely.


SO Brian Moxis