Beg, Steal or Borrow – In the Land of the Blind - Part 2
by Colonel James Darson

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Title   In the Land of the Blind - Part 2
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson
Posted   Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 4:56am
Location   Classified
Timeline   SD9 - Unknown

The box labeled “II” lit up and a heavily distorted voice emerged, “Of course Odin…however, please save the pleasantries. As we all know, time is always against us…please do not deign to waste anymore of it. It is you who requested this audience, so if you would begin?”

“Yes sir. I have requested this meeting to update you and discuss several developing situations onboard a Celestial-class Military Waypoint facility, out past the Typhon Expanse....Deep Space 5. However, before I proceed to that, I must report the successful destruction of the pirate base in the sector, plus the initiation of Project SPRING STARLIGHT.”

‘II’ said, “Are you absolutely sure that it went off without a hitch? From what I have heard, there were some setbacks.”

“Yes sir, I am sure. I had the Red Horse on hand to witness the assault and provide strategic assistance, and it has reported to me that it was a complete success, and that it has remained unnoticed. As well, tracking data has already begun to show promising results. In a short time frame, we should have enough actionable intelligence to make a large dent in the pirate population.”

‘I’ spoke for the first time, “Very good, Odin. The Committee is pleased with your work. You and your team are to be commended.”

“Thank you Chairman. Now then, to the matter of Deep Space 5 in particular. Are any of you familiar with it?”

The holographic Vulcan to his left nodded, “I am familiar with that station,” she said in typical emotionless Vulcan tone, “It is the one that has been field testing the new AHDA technology.”

The holographic man to his right let out a chuckle that sounded like a hyena, “Ah…it didn’t do them much good when they were attacked by those Romulans a couple of days ago, did it? There’s been some very interesting things happening around there lately, or so I hear. One gigantic party.”

“Sif, Loki…” Odin said with a hint of annoyance in his tone, “Yes, for an out of the way station there is much going on there. For example,” he referred to the PADD he had with him, “Several hours ago, DS5 recovered a woman from an archaic transport that entered its vicinity. They beamed her aboard before the ship’s reactor blew. It appears that she is from the 21st century.”

The ‘III’ lit up, “Loki,” the voice said, addressing the intelligence officer, “is this true?”

“Yup,” he said with a humorous tone, “The medical, security and intelligence reports were flagged and sent by my analysts. It even seems she was a Marine before she became an ‘astronaut’. Ah ha aha….My god, it’s funny.”

“Very interesting,” ‘III’ Said, “but in the absence of any obvious temporal anomaly or spatial distortion that threatens citizens or could be used as a weapon, it is not our purview. It remains under the jurisdiction of Temporal Affairs.”

“However,” ‘V’ Interrupted, “do you think it would be possible to recruit her as a Marine? If for nothing else, it would be good PR.”

Odin thought to himself for a moment and then said, “Yes, I suppose it would be possible. Loki, please look into it,” the hologram nodded, and Odin continued, “However, that is the smallest one of our concerns.”

‘IV’ spoke up, “What is the biggest then?”

Odin took a moment to compose his thoughts for the pitches he was about to make in order, “The Romulans. They have been launching incredibly brazen operations in the vicinity of Deep Space 5 and deep into Federation Space, culminating with the direct assault on it several days ago. As a result, tension in the area is at an all time high, and even the Klingons and Cardassians are getting involved. In the last couple of days, both established reinforced consulates onboard the station, and intelligence indicates that there are more ships on the way.”

“Regarding the matter of the Romulan assault,” ‘II’ said, “we have already received a report on this matter, correct? Is there any new information to add to it?”

Odin nodded his head towards Loki, “Loki, I believe you can handle this one.”

The man laughed and said, “Of course, Odin. Everything as indicated in the previous report remains correct. My contacts in the Tal Shiar have given me some insight as to the exact motivations behind the assault. I have appended a summary to the records. One of the goals was apparently was to cause conflict between the Federation and the Empire through use of several small and supposedly priceless artifacts, that just happened to disappear off one of the Romulan dignitary ships and reappear on the shuttle carrying Captain Tahir on her sojourn to Earth.”

“And what is the current status of the artifacts?”

“Gone,” Loki smirked, “when Tahir apparently used it as a torpedo against the Romulan assholes. Doubtful they’ll ever get them back since they’ve all careened off into the black somewhere…hehe…cunning little minx, isn’t she?”

“Quite,” ‘II’ remarked dryly, “but I’m assuming that the loss of the artifacts does not solve the problem?”

“No,” Odin confessed, “it does not. And we unfortunately do not know who orchestrated the plot...however; we do have some leads…Loki?”

“Reports garnered from the U.S.S. Freedom under the Command of Commander Da’nal would seem to indicate that the Romulan Ambassador to Deep Space 5, Isha t’Khellian, known more formally as Isha e-Khellian-Ramnau t’Illialhlae, was deeply involved in the events occurring on the station…she was in fact kidnapped during the assault by her own ship…later rescued of course by the Freedom. The Red Horse was also present for that little battle.”

“What is her status now?”

“Currently she is en-route to Romulus on board the Freedom. Word is that she is calling a massive tribunal for some reason or other. I’ll lean on my contacts more and see what I can glean about it.”

“What do we know about her?” ‘IV’ asked with curiosity.

Loki looked down at what on his end was probably a console, “Ah, let’s see…Ishe e-Khellian-Ramnau t’Illialhalae…we have quite the file on her. But no direct involvement in any of our operations before this week…though there is a note here that her husband was involved with a couple.”

“Background information?”

“Oh, loads,” Loki groaned as if it was a personal affront to him that she had so much information attributed to her. The Colonel gave him an irritated look, which evidently came across wherever Loki was, because he said defensively, “Well, it’s true. She’s been alive for 78 years, so she’s been involved with a lot.”

“Just give us the broad strokes,” Odin said quietly.



Lieutenant Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer