Things Past – Arrival
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Arrival
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Sun Oct 14, 2012 @ 7:45am
Location   Docking Ring/Quartermaster's Office
Timeline   BACKPOST : SD45

Rai'ya allowed Jon to carry the two biggest suitcases off the transport and when he placed them onto the deck of the Docking Ring he activated their hover modes, allowing them to lift into a manageable height and weightless state.

She carried the two smaller packs and when he had mobiled the larger bags they took one each by the handle in one hand and both slung the small packs over their shoulders in perfect synchronisation.

If they hadn't come so far in a similar fashon, through port after port, until they had rehearsed the routine over and over, they might not have been so accomplished at this.

Reporting to the duty officer who was in charge of the influx from their flight, together with dozens of others throughout the day, they presented their papers and were directed to each of their respective departments, their padds authorised duly.

"Should we go to our quarters first? Or to our departments?" Rai'ya asked politely.

"Report to the Quartermaster for your details first, then you will receive orders for your first shifts and your HoD's". The official explained quickly, shuffling them along the line to allow him to deal with the next incoming group.

Rai'ya was an Ensign now although that didn't sit too well with her as she had enjoyed more senior ranking in the past, as had Jon, but their history wasn't relevant to the new life they were here to start on Deep Space Five.

All the 'misunderstandings' had left them demoted and displaced but they still had each other and that was all they needed. It was one of the few things they had been agreeing on lately but the stresses and strains of all this travelling had been putting them both on edge.

They had fought hard to get postings together and now they were here, looking to ask for shared quarters. Rai'ya approached Lt Petro and held out her hand.

"Ensign Amoran, Rai'ya" she said, pronouncing her name the Bajoran way. She was only half Bajoran but she used her family name the way her father did, his being the bajoran half.

"We were told to speak to you about quarters Ma'am? Do you have anything allocated for us? This is Lieutenant (jg) Franz... Jon Franz." she introduced her companion, accomplice, lover and the most important person in her universe in a rather more casual way than might be expected considering how important she considered him to be. Not to mention that he was senior to her now. She held out both their Padds of authorisation and allocation details.

Petro looked over the PADD's. "Please, have a seat," she said, gesturing to the chairs. She set the information down and turned her attention to the computer, transferring the information from the Padd's to the network. "I haven't received advance notice of your arrival." Petro said, apologizing in the way that she did. "But we've had communication problems recently that would account for that." She continued looking at the computer but she did notice how the two of them moved with each other. There was something beautiful about it. Like a symbiotic relationship. Could she classify it as love? She knew so little about it. It was something she had long ago resigned to the fact that she would never experience it.

"I do have some officer's quarters available." she turned to face Lieutenant Franz. "though they're two levels apart." She added. Seeing how the two were together she didn't want to seperate them, but joint quarters were hard to come by these days and many of them were still under restoration. She had yet to find out from what but that was what the reports indicated. When she had the chance she would have to take a look at them herself.

"Jon? What if we take them for now and then come back and ask the nice lady to swap us as soon as she gets the chance?" Rai soothed, sensing that Jon had been through enough stress already and that he wouldn't be too happy if she went off on one again like she did at that poor official at the last starbase. She had learned a lesson at last. Jon's disapproval was something she didn't want to incur right now.

"I can put you on the waiting list." Petro said, hoping that would offer some comfort. "And I'll do what I can to get you situated into something more suitable." She transferred the information to the Padds and handed them to the couple.

"Thank you Ma'am" Rai'ya held out her hand and took the padds. "We'd be VERY grateful if you could let us know as soon as you can help please" It was a situation that neither of the newcomers could do anything about without Petro's help and goodwill.

Rai'ya stood up and handed the padds to Jon. "Let's go and see yours first shall we?" she said in an exhausted and uncharacteristically flat tone but with a smile. No matter how bad their experience had been getting here, this was the start of a new life for the two of them and things could only get better from now on.

"Ok" said Jon grumpily still a little distant through his thoughts. I had not really been with it since their last couple of stops. Not saying much and keeping a little bit more to himself as he tried to think and processes the recent events that had got them here in the first place. None of it seemed to add up to him, and there was a smell of conspiracy in the air. It would be hard to know who to trust on this station. At the moment he could only trust Rai, he wondered again how thing would of turned out if she had not come and got him.

Rai'ya had learned a lot from their recent experiences and a new, previously less characteristic resignation to the idea that you had to pick your battles and look to the longer picture for the whole *war* that was life in the 24th Century.

"May we come back for updates each day? Or would you prefer us just to wait for you to contact us, Ma'am?" Rai'ya asked Petro politely as they moved towards the door.

"I'll contact you." Petro replied. "Coming back every day would tire both of us out. I have my system set up to notify me should there be any changes in accommodations."


A JP Between:

Lieutenant JG Petro
Quartermaster/Chief Communications Officer


Lieutenant JG Jon Franz
Counsellor, DS5


Ensign Amoran, Rai'ya
Security Officer, DS5