Unity – one step at a time
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   one step at a time
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun Jan 24, 2010 @ 9:13am
Location   Intel office- operations room
Timeline   SD 17 0800

Jarred sat at the large table in the operations room in the intel office, the cheif had been underway for just over 18 hours, the Dumont had checked in late, reporting fighter patrols, and other mild resistance. "The Montana is provisioned reasonably well, Nautilus and (other wallace ship) are ready as well, how many fighters do we have?"

"Seven wings, consisting of Broadsword Multi-role fighters, Peregrine heavy bombers, and Razor interceptors. That should give us the flexibilty to take on any problem."

"I'd like to use the Razors for the majority of this mission, mainly to fly cover for the marine hoppers, the wallaces will fly heavy support during landing operations, The Montana will take on any severly injured personel and any of the POWs needing medical first, soon as we get the signal from the cheif we move in."

Dunham nodded in agreement, he took out the customary bit of gum from his back pocket. Unwrapped it, stuck it in his mouth and started chewing. Later, for good luck he would stick it under the flight control system of his fighter.

Jarred decided to drop the other shoe, "Rick, you and Bruce will be in command of the Wallace' ships, they will fly cover for the hoppers that will be landing the marines, I'm hoping that the Cheif will have a good LZ for the marines, Captain Flynn, the Montana has room for four hoppers so make that space count, I can transport down extra equipment after landing operations, if we stick to the plan of waiting for the chief things should go smoothly, if the cheif misses his check in we goto plan B."

"Whats plan B?" said Dunham simply, as he chewed thoughtfully on his gum.

"we go in guns blazing." Jarred said knowing full well that all hell was going to break loose

"Thats a hell of plan 'B' Jarred, please tell me the Marines know this?"

Miranda sat silently on the other side of the table, still exhibiting a bit of a sullen attitude from yesterday. She reclined back in her chair and fiddled with a PADD at the same time as she fingered the patch on her cheek that covered the burn inflicted on her during the explosions last night.

The PADD contained the latest reports from the SpecOps team that she had sent out in secret after the Chief Petty Officer, in order to gather intelligence and to keep tabs on him, as well as reports from the Company Commander that she had placed in charge of getting a strike force together and battle ready.

She shot a glance at Dunham, before turning back to Wallace. She was still annoyed that he was placed in charge and recklessly proceeding with this half-baked plan, but Authority (Commander Davies) had spoken. And even if she didn’t like it, Jarred was in command. With that being the case, she wouldn’t fight him if she could help it, instead focusing on making sure that her Marines and those hostages got out of that hell hole safely.

“I’ve assigned a company to go with the strike force,” she said in an efficient tone as she gave her report, “Owing to the events of last night, I cannot leave the station, so I have designated First Lt. Ambrose to be the Company Commander. He is a Veteran Marine with combat experience from the Dominion War, so he is very well prepared for anything that that camp can throw at us.”

She scrolled down on the PADD, “A second thing…the Marine quartermaster has raised several issues regarding our manifest and transportation capabilities…most of which are linked to issues that I raised last night. With the lack of a dedicated Carrier, such as the Normandy class ship that I recommended last night, we don’t have many options. I must also admit to some confusion regarding the fighters. How are we going to manage to transport seven wings to the target area? Are they all going to be flying individually?”

~I'm your side~ thought Dunham to himself as he got the glare from the marine. “That’s a good point,” said Dunham chewing on sum gum thoughtfully, “They are all warp capable, but that means we will only be going as fast as our slowest ship, I believe its warp 2, but hats not for very long.” He looked at Wallace

She scrolled some more on the PADD, “Well, if that is the case, then we have several interesting options to consider. If the pace of the strike group is dictated by the speed of the Broadswords, which have a maximum cruising velocity of Warp 2, then we should add in at least one, maybe two Firefly transports. With their multi-mission equipment, our transportation and combat options increase exponentially. For example…we equip one with a Medical pod, and the other with a Platoon pod. This way we will have both a ground command base, as well as a medical center for any wounded.”

“As for the Hoppers, I will provide two of them, in addition to two Naga-class heavy gunships for close air support, both of which will be placed under your command Lt. Dunham.”

Jarred was a little annoyed at the marine captain for thinking this was half baked, but more annoyed at her lack of education on their little ship, "Captain, The Akayazi class has a shuttle bay that is compareable to an Akira class, it consumes a good portion of the lower two decks, and this one has a few extras that even Colonel Darson doesn't know about, it’s our best choice, a larger ship like a Normandy or an Excalibur has to large of a sensor profile, especially on Dominion sensors, the longer we can stay out of sensor contact the better."

"Jarred this ship of yours, is there anything else we need to know about it, I mean it is very old, hell it shouldn't even be mothballed it should be taken apart, what is special about this ship that keeps it still flying?" asked Dunham with sincere curiosity

"It has an annular warp drive core, so its faster than half the fleet, and it was part of a program that was abandoned after the Dominion war. Starfleet started to assemble a fleet to evacuate some of the civilian population from earth and try and to establish a base of operations to start a guerilla war with the dominion."

"Wow, just wow, that sounds grim" said Dunham with a worried look on his face.

"Slightly things were pretty desperate, there was even a plan to draw the borg into the war." Jarred said grimly.

Dunham shook his head more to himself than anybody else. He shook it in thought, sometimes he regretted not graduating in time to fight in the war, other times like this he was glas he never did, war did change people and attitudes.

“You ass,” Miranda thought darkly as she tried to maintain a neutral expression, “Odds are that Darson knows more about these ships then you do. And don’t try to lecture me about combat preparations. An Akira class is all well and good, but it lacks the dedicated facilities of a carrier, as well as having only a fraction of the space of Normandy class ships. Faster? If we’re going to be traveling at the same speed of the fighters, that doesn’t really matter. Sensor profiles? We’re bringing along 7 wings of fighters and at least three capital ships. I don’t think we’ll be able to stay

Aloud, she said in a civil tone, “Mr. Wallace, that’s all well and good, but you still didn’t say anything about the Firefly transports. I think at this point, it would be a wise tactical decision to bring them along.”

"lets see, twenty four fighters, two wallace class, one Akayazi class, and your marines, not including the squad that followed cheif Ayers, would you like maybe the entire 7th fleet?" Jarred said then he slammed a klingon d'kttah on the table, "I'm not going to have this mission turn into another Chin'toka."

“Ok people let’s take a breath here” said Dunham raising his hands slightly palms out, “Were losing focus and argument between our respective departments will break down communication and get people killed,” he looked to the Marine and the intel officer “Can we just try and get along please, and keep this civil.”

"Your right, the thought that these people were forgotten just gets me fired up." Jarred said as he tried to calm down.

Melinda looked at the other men in the room and gave a light sigh of annoyance. This really was not getting anywhere. What Jarred apparently didn’t realize was that other people did in fact car about these prisoners. But that didn’t mean that you should rush off headlong into a plan that was sure to get people killed.

“Lt. Dunham is right,” she said in an even tone, “You’re in command Lt. Wallace, so we’ll go with whatever you decide. After all, this mission is your responsibility, she said, intentionally quoting Commander Davies from earlier.

“Kick ass, chew bubble gum” said Dunham with a grin “let’s get this party started,” his last statment finished with a friendly slap on the back to his fellow Starfleet officers. “Let’s just try and get everybody back alive.”

"I agree, Bruce," he paused "Logistics has 8 containers that need to be transfered to the Montanas' armory, as soon as we have a window to go we should be ready."

"Alright, I will get on it right away." Bruce said.


LT Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lt Jarred Wallace

Marine Captain Miranda Flynn (NPC)

Lt. Bruce Freeman