Chief Executive Officer Johan Weiltzer’s Personal Log - Issues Within 9421st Fleet

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Title   Issues Within 9421st Fleet
Author   Chief Executive Officer Johan Weiltzer
Posted   Thu Feb 26, 2009 @ 7:03pm
Due to pressure from the Board of Directors, I have finally been forced with a unanimous vote by them, to remove myself as the Commanding Officer of the 9421st Fleet, however, as a result, I have moved Weiltzer Freight Corporations entire Executive Department, including the Board of Directors and myself, to Deep Space 5 where I can continue to be close to our blossoming fleet and be nearby should my assistance be needed. We are expecting a new Commanding Officer for the Fleet to arrive within about a week, I however, have no idea who Weiltzer Freight Corporation Command will decide to designate to run the fleet. In the absence of a CO, I have been specifically instructed to temporarily place Lieutenant Amy Hendrix, the 9421st Fleet Executive Officer, in command of 9421st Fleet. I sincerely hope that it is really very temporary, as her past record tells me to be extremely cautious and wary of her. Also, Intelligence reports that we have a potential issue with one of our liaisons within either Cardassian or Romulan territory. The reports have yet to be confirmed but are being thoroughly investigated to determine which territory and if possible which liaison. We sincerely hope that these potential issues do not cause any damage to our relations with either group, however, if it does, we are prepared to take any and all necessary actions to get our personnel back to us safely. We have also been made aware of several security breaches and possible security breaches within 9421st Fleet, the Executive Department, and also within several of our ships that are either on there way or have already arrived at Deep Space 5. Weiltzer Corps Special Investigations Department has been assigned to get to the root of it and to investigate it, as has Weiltzer Corps Security Department. All are doing their best to solve the matters as quickily as possible. Also, Weiltzer Corps Special Investigations Department, has lately reported some issues with a few of their undercover agents within 9421st Fleet, 709th Fleet, and 453rd Fleet, having been outed, their identities revealed, or discovered and compromised. These issues from all sides have caused some problems with our effectiveness and efficiency as a fleet, and resulted in some startlingly terrifying statistics regarding these departments and their safety and security in the process of doing their jobs. This is the latest, and there will be more to come as I get further information.

Johan Albrecht Weiltzer
Weiltzer Freight Corps
Former CO 9421st Fleet