Judgement – {Relentless} Meet the staff
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Derek Yaist & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   {Relentless} Meet the staff
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Derek Yaist & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Sun Feb 20, 2011 @ 2:07pm
Location   Docking bay
Timeline   SD36 10.05

Tasha left the flight deck and tapped her comm.
=^=" Commander Adams, would you join me on deck 44. The Relentless has docked and I would like to greet her Commander." The captain eased her hair behind her ear as she headed toward the transporter pad. "And can you contact Trellis, he should be there already with a security team as well as an engineering team." She advised.

=^= Acknowledged Captain =^= Chelsea replied and immediately switched her comm to call Security.

=^= Adams to Lieutenant Trellis =^= she was put through and immediately received a response from Si'Lar.

"Stay here and observe the bar for anybody that comes to speak to her. Once we have taken her into custody we will. . ." Trellis' instructions were cut short as his comm badge chirped.

=^= "Trellis here, go ahead Commander." he responded

=^= The Captain wishes to meet the CO of the Relentless, which has recently docked. Could you please have a Security detail meet us in the docking ring and could you also contact Engineering, i believe Mister Freeman is off station but I know his ACEO is here. Thank you. Adams out. =^= Chelsea was a doctor at heart and even in her new position of 2CO and her acting position as temporary XO, she couldn't bring herself to drop the politeness of please and thank you when she gave out orders.

=^= "Understood, Trellis out." he replied. He looked towards the two security officers. "I will go handle this, you two remain posted within viewing range of her Bar until I return." he ordered as he turned and began to head towards the docking ring.

A few minutes later, Tasha arrived at the docking bay and nodded to the security officers already waiting along with Trellis. "Lieutenant. Has the Relentless crew been cleared for boarding?" She inquired as she glanced through the connecting corridor that was attached to the starship.

Trellis' mind was elsewhere as he continued to review the meeting he had had the previous night with Ensign Kel'tor. He knew that the death of Ms. Kila was not just a random mugging or any other encounter. He knew that someone had intentionally targeted the woman. However, there was no way he could have anticipated to whom the evidence would lead.

Tasha could see that Trellis was lost in thought, probably still thinking about possible weaknesses in the security or intelligence departments. She eased out a sigh as she realized she was not going to get a response.

"Lieutenant!" Her voice loud enough to penetrate his thoughts but not resonate off the bulkheads.

Trellis was pulled back to the present by her voice. "Oh. . .I apologize, Captain. My mind was elsewhere for a moment." he said apologetically as he turned his attention back towards the connecting corridor as the vessel's docking security protocols came online and began to check for any external devices or nearby life signs within the corridor before it depressurized the corridor.

Tasha turned toward the Engineer. "Lieutenant Kramer, have you received an update on the requests needed for the Relentless?" She inquired as she wondered what was keeping Chelsea.

“Aye, Sir.” Kramer responded respectfully, feeling slightly resentful. With all the repairs needed in Main Engineering and not having all the parts. And now, some of his staff had to be pulled off for the repairs to the USS Relentless. Though, he realized this is exactly the needs and requirements for his duties.

Kramer then answered her question more confidently, “I have received the specifications and already assigned the repair team. They are assembling as we speak.” He ended the statement with a smile.

Chelsea joined Tasha and stood by her side in readiness to make a formal greeting party if necessary or simply to follow her CO's lead if not.

"Very good Mr Kramer. "Tasha responded to the engineer. "Mind you, this is a walk in the park as it were, just a maintenance check mainly, ensuring that we don't have a starship with a hazardous waste problem." She advised as the docking hatch parted. "I think we have been invited aboard." She remarked as she turned to look at the officers ready to do their duty.

“I understand Sir.” Kramer responded confidently. This might be a simple repair, or just checking the tires and washing the windows, but every job had to be evaluated and crewman tasked. That was his job. Kramer just wasn’t too sure about the pomp and circumstance of lead officers meeting and making it look good.

Tasha glanced around the officers as they began to walk the umbilical to the relentless.

Lt. Cmdr. Derek Yaist was busy waiting for the Deep Space 5 Senior staff to arrive. His mind had been occupied while warping to DS5 and while walking to the docking hatch. He had been continually wondering about what being in command was going to be like, as it was his first command.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Cmdr Chelsea Adams
Acting XO

Lt. Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Lt. Cmdr. Derek Yaist
Commanding Officer
USS Relentless