Judgement – A Dangerous Man
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran

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Title   A Dangerous Man
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran
Posted   Tue Nov 23, 2010 @ 6:49pm
Location   Personal Quarters - Deck 24
Timeline   SD 34 - 07:00 hrs

An erie silence filled the corridor adjacent to the personal quarters of various embassy staff. To even enter the area, one would have to have pre-approved authorization from Starfleet security to enter the area. Fortunately for Legate Hydel Turvan, his status within Cardassia allowed him to enter the restricted area without much fanfare or acrimony.

This visit was not one of pleasure or relaxation. Instead, he was here to recruit an ally. He knew that Cardassia needed strong leadership during her darkest days rebuilding after the devastation of the Second Federation War. Instead of focusing on restoring the glory of Cardassia, certain men were more focused on their own worldly pleasures and maniacal schemes. Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal had become a liability.

Denat stumbled forwards through his quarters from the bed chamber: he had heard the door chime. "Door open" He commanded, and it swooshed as ordered. There stood a figure, watching Denat fiddle with his uniform. "Come in."

"Glinn Denat Meran," Hydel said as he stepped into the light to reveal himself after waiting for so long for the man to emerge from his quarters.

"Yes, Sir. How may I help you this night?" Denat clasped his hands in front of his stomach and awaited some orders.

Hydel raised his hands in mock surprise at the man's reaction. "I suppose that is how you greet former classmates now?" he asked the Glinn. It somewhat surprised him to find the Glinn keeping such early hours considering he was known for being a "night-man" during school.

"Oh, I'm sorry Hydel. I thought it was something official. I never respond to the Vi'kar Gul by first name, i've grown accustomed to rankings." Denat replied. He softened his posture and sat himself down on the settee adjacent to the door. "What can I do for you?"

Hydel lowered his hands as he observed the room. Humans certainly had a certain knack for interior decorating. It was as if they put more emphasis on comfort and warmth than tactical advantage when building their various fortifications and vessels.

"I'm actually here to speak to you about that very same person." Hydel said as he turned back towards the Glinn. He carefully watched the movement of his eyes for several moments.

"You do understand that my position makes this a very sensitive subject y'know. Even if this discussion is unofficial." Denat warned.

"You can drop the routine Denat. You are talking to a person who knows you very well. Not only that, but I also know that the Vi'kar Gul has started to become an expensive liability." He said in low tone.

Denat paused, with Hydel's words in mind. Part of him wanted to nod and say truth, another wished to deny a possibly serious allegation. "If this is some sort of scheme..." Denat was halted by the Legate's interruption.

"There is no scheme Denat! This is about what is good for Cardassia! You and I both know that he is loose phaser cannon with no regards for anything or anybody but himself! He is a dangerous man." Hydel said angrily.

"Very well; then I must agree with you. Yes I have noticed that our Ambassador is a rather costly disadvantage to the common citizen and the maybe even the existence of Cardassia itself. Or more importantly, our placement on this station."

"Indeed, the man is a menace to everyone around him. Cardassia does not need to make enemies over petty disputes. That man is needlessly spending Cardassia's precious resources on pointless vendettas. He needs to be dealt with." Hydel said while looking into his friend's eye. ". . . and I believe you have already began to formulate that plan." he added.

Denat made a serious judgement in his head. Hydel can be as treachorous as the Vi'kar Gul, as well as decpetive. He thought long and hard before he answered. With their pasts, Hydel has been a powerful piece, playing like a rook and castle in Chess at the same time. Although; this kind of control could lead to a delicate situation should Denat answer him faithfully. "I do concur with you. But if I were a master behind a conspiracy, what would stop you from running to Tharek?" Denat was still decisive over Hydel's honesty. He needed some more proof before 'spilling the beans'

"I have plans for our people, and at the moment, Getal is becoming more of a hinderance than an asset everyday. He needs to be dealt with swiftly and decisively." Hydel responded. "Whether that results in his death, incapacitation, or mere embarrassment, it matters not to me. He needs to learn that there are limits to even his power and his ineffective exercise of such." he responded.

"Well. Enough of this charade. Let's be clear and blunt, yes?" Denat answered for Hydel. "Let's. Now, you first. Do you have a plan of your own? or do I need to 'slot you in'?"

"I am already executing my plan that will involve the denizens of the Romulan embassy. However, I would like to know what exactly you have going on, considering your position within the Cardassian embassy, I'm confident that you have put something in motion already." he responded.

"I have, although Tharek is becoming a tedious specimen. I have already pieced something together although..." He paused. "...It requires me to become his hostage..." 'What will Hydel reply?' he wondered.

Bewilderment danced across Hydel's face. "His hostage? Why benefit will that provide to your overall plan?" Hydel knew that the man before him was much more efficient at subterfuge than to simply allow himself to "play dead" to quote a human phrase.

"It's complicated. I have known Tharek for longer than he has known himself. What better way than for him to think he has me in the palm of his hand?" Denat asked.

Hydel nodded. "Very well, old friend. I myself have a plan in motion that will take advantage of certain current events onboard this station." He said knowingly.

"Before you turn yourself over, I will need a copy of any article of clothing belonging to Getal that you can obtain." He requested. "Preferably something that would be found on his uniform or official garbs." he added.

"That's impossible. He only has his communicator and knife on his person, and no one touches that blade." Denat's voice was serious, he knew that request would take a feat of impossibility.

"You disappoint me, Meran. The Denat Meran that *I knew* would never shirk from a challenge. Instead of explaining how something was impossible, he would merely list the ways in which he would make it possible." Turvan said while trying to goad the man into accomplishing the difficult task.

"I assure you, the risk involved in obtaining the requested material is minuscule compared to the pay-off." He added.

"The Denat *I know* know's when he should play his cards properly. I can'y waltz upto the Vi'kar Gul 'Oh hello! mind me borrowing your blade from you Sir?" Obviously that sounded sarcastic.

"Fine!" Turvan said in an exasperated tone. "Then get me an article of clothing. It doesn't matter *what* the item is, just as long as it has come in contact his his body." He said in a more irritated tone.

"I have a plan set in motion. You assistance will be appreciated." Turvan said as he began to walk towards the door. "I'll be in contact very soon, old friend." he said.

Denat nodded to Turven. 'How the hell am I going to do that?!' He thought to himself. "See you soon Hydel."


Gilnn Denat Meran
Chief of Cardassian Embassy Security


Legate Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Ambassador