Time is Fleeting – Greo gets to work
by Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   Greo gets to work
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Mon Aug 31, 2009 @ 6:28pm
Location   Science Labs and Astrometrics
Timeline   SD11 - 14

It had been four days since his meeting with Commander Villiers and the others and finally he had gotten the time to head back to the science lab to properly prepare his findings. He still needed get to the crux of the problem, but wasn’t sure which angle to tackle it from. He was eager to prove his usefulness to the crew and the command staff. He was still bemused by the absence of the chief of his department, but had done his best to organise the labs.

The two days after the exposure of the temporal nature of the Romulan core Greo had taken it upon himself to sort out the science department. The various projects on the go all needed cursory supervision and Greo was happy enough to check the ensigns were all doing what they were supposed to. Deck 61 was a hive of activity and he tried to get around the labs and meet most of the people involved. Both science and engineering personnel were working down there and after a couple of hours Tovon’s head was full of names that were fast disappearing.

Department heads were busy co-ordinating crew members and by the end of the day Greo felt that he had been meddling - the new guy butting in where he wasn’t quite welcome. He hadn’t even been assigned to a department or position. However, with his new arrival so soon after the chief’s departure and his involvement on the recent priority issues, many of the staff were looking to him for direction. It was a burden Greo took on willingly even if he wasn’t quite prepared for it.

The second evening he went for a drink with Lieutenant Dunham who seemed to be a truly open and friendly guy. It was a nice change to some of the disagreeable officers he had already met. The promenade seemed lively and a great place to explore when he had time. He also got an early night and managed to unpack a few more of his things before getting a good night’s sleep.

The third day had seen him reassign several crewmembers to the Dunhamite issue, their task to produce the replicator subroutines necessary to combine the Subtanium and Keldrite to have the strengths of both and the flaws of neither. He spent the morning organising the four ensigns and getting their tasks in line. Happy that they were ready for the job he sent the anti-matter containment refinements over to the Engineering department.

Heading toward Science Lab 1 a thought struck him and he quickly made his way to Astrometrics. With the assistance of Ensign Brosarn and Lieutenant JG Telgar Tovon went about setting up a new sensor protocol. He’d need to clear it with the station commander, but it wouldn’t be worth going to see him unless he could get the ball rolling. He knew that it was implied in the science departments brief to take the initiative and take initial steps into new areas. With the two other scientists he started to place new protocols in place and measure the reaction from several sensor clusters on the stations exterior. He worked late again, his idea drawing him along like tempting music.

On the fourth day Greo had finally made his way back to Science Lab 1 to gather his work and prepare to address the station commander. He gathered his work onto three large PADDs, being careful not to let any data get lost and deleting unnecessary copies. He steeled himself and placed a security lock on the lab as he left. It was time to get this issue sorted and maybe the commander would be the best person to talk to. He made his way to the nearest turbolift.

“Main Ops.”


Lt. Greo Tovon
Science Officer