Beg, Steal or Borrow – Fixing Up
by Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Fixing Up
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Wed May 13, 2009 @ 3:21am
Location   Multiple Locations
Timeline   Current

"Damn it. That’s the fourth time these have blown, are you sure the power is allocated away from here?" Bruce yelled across the shield emitter to another engineer.

"Yes I am sure boss. You just seem to not have any luck with them." An Ensign yelled back laughing.

=/=”Ensign are you reading the shields up there in Ops?” Bruce tapped his comm. badge and asked the engineer.

=/=”No sir still nothing.”

=/="Alright, thanks."

"Alright enough of this." Bruce said after ending the channel to the Ensign at ops. "I'll leave this in your hands, don't do anything stupid. I need to lay down for a few, and try to get rid of this splitting headache." Bruce said leaving the emitter room. Even though he had been deemed worthy to return to duty he had over done it a bit too much with heading up a repair crew himself in the middle of battle to get these blasted emitters up and running in the first place. He looked at the PADD he was carrying as he walked down the corridor. "Damn." He said out loud looking at the many repairs he was going to have to make. In total there were a couple of hundred things stacked on top of that which he already had to complete. Not to mention the repairs that would need to be completed on the Freedom. ‘Well we are going to be having lots of fun around here for the next little while until we get caught back up on the repairs.’

=/=“Mr. Hiroshi.”=/=

=/=”Aye Sir.”=/=

“I want you to head up repairs on the Freedom. I hear they are eager to get out on their first mission. Take as many crewmembers as you deem reasonable. I will need at least two groups to keep working on the shield emitters.”

”Yes, Sir. I will take the three I usually work with they seem to work best when it comes to working on ships. We may need to start looking for replacements too, I forgot to mention. There is at least one member from each of those three that are trying to get posts onboard starships.”

“Yes there are quite a few that are trying. We will probably lose a group due to loss of numbers. We will have to work with it until I take some time to look and see the possible replacements. There are a few civilians aboard that have some back ground with repairing things. If nothing comes through from Star Fleet I may have to create a civilian team to help us with repairs that don’t require authorization. When you get a chance I want you to look over the list I have made and see if anyone stands out to you.”

“If you insist.” He thought a second. “I will be the one working with them wont I?” He then asked the Chief.

“Of course, why do you think you’re going to be looking over the names?” Bruce replied chuckling.

“I’ll look over the list very thoroughly.”

“Good I will be in my office if you need me. I need to sit down for a little while.”

“Aye, don’t have too much fun.”

“With the ringing in my ears I doubt I will be having any fun. Freeman out.”

Bruce entered his office and sat down at his chair. He kicked his feet up onto his desk and started to doze off. He eventually fell into a deep sleep. It had been a long little while and was glad to have some rest even if it would only be for a few moments. He was interrupted with a chirp alerting him to someone requesting access to his office. He looked up and saw that it he was wearing a uniform showing he was from the stations garrison of fighter pilots.



Bruce Freeman

Chief Warrant Officer 1st Class Yamato Hiroshi