Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Bloodlines - part 1
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Bloodlines - part 1
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Jan 17, 2009 @ 11:48am
Location   Sickbay/Romulan Embassy
Timeline   (BACKPOST) SD4 after 'Fix You' and 'Keeping Score'

Chelsea realised once the excitement of the previous day had died down, that she hadn't done the blood tests she had promised Raedheol.

Finding the vial in her purse was the most difficult part as the actual tests were easy enough to run.

She logged the results onto a padd. There was no Bajoran DNA in the sample, pretty much as expected. The Arrain's suspicions and Chelsea's observations were correct. The woman was a fraud.

Chelsea took the padd and the now half-full vial to the Embassy herself, as soon as she was off duty.

Pressing on the chime she was answered by a Romulan man she had never seen before whose somber facial expression was a little off-putting but she asked for the Arrain by his name and waited for a response.

The member of staff before her showed no recognition of the name at all, nor even of the request. He just stood there looking her up and down as if he was deciding what to do about her.

In the end he ventured. "Is there a message i could take? Are you delivering something?"

Instinctively, as if he had tried to take it, Chelsea pulled the padd closer to her, hugging it against her chest.

"No I have to explain it to Mr Rh'vaurek myself" she said, carefully trying to pronounce Raedheol's name correctly but failing.

She planted her feet resolutely and stared directly into the dark eyes of the Diplomatic Valet. "I'm certain he will be most anxious to have the information!" she pushed.

The Valet disappeared suddenly inside and the door was closed. Chelsea didn't know for a good 5 minutes if she had been ejected without reprieve or if she was expected just to wait there.

She was about to ring again when the door opened making her start.

Raedheol dismissed the valet with a wave. He didn’t bother to reach for a jacket, button his shirt or tidy his hair; he was off duty and Adams could take him as she found him. His head spun as he got to his feet not yet sure if he was going to talk to the doctor or wring her neck to get back at Milarno.

”Have you come to take a shot at me too?” Rh’vaurek asked leaning against the doorframe, his arms folded. He winced as his attempt at a smile tore at the split in his lip. “I think your boy missed a bit,” he said, a wave of his hand suggesting if that was the case that she might like to aim for the right side of his face.

"I have no idea what happened between you two, but i'm sure an investigation would be unlikely to clear either of you from any blame!" she retorted, refusing to be drawn in. "I'm sure you're a man who can look after himself but as you do appear in need of medical care, it would be within the bounds of my duty to supply you with it."

This was the closest to an offer to patch him up too as she was going to give, unhappy as she was with having been frightened half to death to find Ryan collapsed and critical just the day before. It was only Ryan's own admission that he'd been at least partly to blame that was forcing Chelsea to attempt to remain as neutral as possible.

“Come in, then. While we look at your findings we can see if you can do a better job with a dermal regenerator than me.”

Chelsea rolled her eyes in affront. "I should *hope* so, since it's the tool of my trade whereas you're probably not even using it the right way up!" she huffed as she followed him inside.

He led the way past the twisted sculpture and down a corridor that ran away from the large and well appointed offices where Isha had established her seat and towards the more functional side of the consulate, his side, as he was beginning to think of it.

“This is it,” he said pausing to key in an access code. It was a moment before the door was released, “Please,” he said standing back to allow Adams to enter the small dark office ahead of him.

As she stepped past him and into the room, Chelsea had a sinking feeling as she remembered the darkness of the previous time she had visited this part of the station with Rh'vaurek. She eyed him suspiciously but walked confidently in. She wasn't going to let him see that he still struck shadows into her psyche.


Lt Chelsea Adams


Rh'vaurek Raedheol (NPC)