Cascade – Can we ask a Teensie Weensie Favour ...
by Commander Karen Villiers & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Can we ask a Teensie Weensie Favour ...
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Tue Jan 08, 2013 @ 5:38pm
Location   Ops
Timeline   SD70. 14:45
Three sonic showers and still Karen could not get the metallic tang of blood out of her nose. She had donned a new uniform and while waiting to hear that the ship they had boarded was quarantined she returned to her own office.

Reports, that was where she was comfortable, driving a desk, not picking her way through semi-darkness flecked with gobbets of unidentified flesh, and squirted with too much eau-de sanguine. She shuddered at the thought then as her mind turned back to business she began to wonder who it was that was keeping her here. A month, maybe two ... that's what they'd told her when she agreed to fill the gap at Deep Space Five, yet she was still here. Someone was playing games and she was going to find out who.

After I read this, she thought as the results of the fighter wing recon flight presented themselves on her screen.

The report was concise - it confirmed the location of the colonists, suggested that there was Borg technology (consistant with the destruction of the original colony, but disturbing because it was noted that some debris appeared to have been part Borg and part something else!), a plasma burst had also almost cost them a Valkyrie.

Karen sat back and ran one hand through her hair. They couldn't risk sending a team on a runabout, they needed more firepower.

She knew who would know what was available, but Karen was less than enthused about speaking with him, her first on duty encounter with the Chief had not exactly been a smooth one and any subsequent contact had been diluted by others present.

Here goes, she thought, her throat tightening as she smelt blood again as she sucked in a breath. Karen smoothed her trousers and tugged the hem of her tunic straight, then took her next breath through her mouth. Why am I so bothered about asking the Ops Chief to do his job ... probably because he's got it in for me, she concluded before striding out into Ops.

"Ensign Ral," Karen said to the duty officer with her usual confidence, "What vessels are in the area?"

The Betazoid keyed in the request to the control panel and responded, "Ma'am USS Stratford has just powered down in drydock, they're already preparing to replace components on the starboard nacelle. We have six runabouts available. There is a Klingon Courier vessel available (he said this as he was not confident of pronouncing the actual name of the qul mI'wI'). There are no other Starfleet ships within three days of us, Ma'am."

Karen pursed her lips, Valkris might lend them her ship, even a courier vessel was heavily armed if it happened to be a Klingon one, but it had suffered damage by the alien life form they had recently discovered and with the weapon reported from the recon flight to Ivor Prime it was too much of a risk.

"Is there nothing else," she asked.

Ral nodded slowly, his tone doubtful, "There's a Romulan ship, the Ambassador insisted it be docked in one of the inner bays, the IRW Dhelan. But would they help us?"

Tahir leant against the railing of the upper level, looking down onto Ops with an empty cup in her hand and four PADDS under her arm as Villiers walked into Ops and made her way around the platform and down the steps, easing up to the XO.
"The Dhelan is a Romulan Ambassadorial ship. Do you really want to involve the Romulans?" Tasha asked.

Karen ruminated on the question for a moment. she looked at Tahir. She pursed her lips. It was the only option but would they co-operate. "Let's not go through the acting Ambassador," she said to the Captain, "he's an unknown quantity. You know the commander of the Dhelan, so the 'request' might be better coming from you?"

Tasha shrugged her shoulders. "It would. I am sure that Rianni will help if we ask. She may be in command of the Dhelan, but even she may have to go through the proper channels, even if we would prefer her not too. If I am to ask, it would have to be," Tasha paused as she considered her choice of words, "somewhere conspicuous. If I were to ask her to my quarters and she does help, it might be misconstrued." The captain forwarded as she looked upwards at the window to her office with a small grin on her lips.

"Your office, I think," Karen said with a nod as the request for erie'Riov t'Khellian to come to Ops was sent. "Send her straight in," Karen added.

A smile came to Tasha's face. "Don't look so worried. I can still pull a string a two." She mused as she led the way back up to her office

~This is hilarious.~ Rianni thought as she rode the lift towards Ops, ~Whole time I was in Starfleet they basically acted like they didn't need me or didn't know I existed, soon as I leave they're after me all the time.~ It wasn't that she minded, she didn't, and, even though she knew there was going to be trouble with the acting Ambassador, she was quite anxious to lend a hand. She walked through Ops, getting more than a few dirty looks, and strode into Tasha's office.

"You know, it's funny, I'm here more often now than I was when I was your wing commander." She laughed, "So, what can I do for you, Tasha?"

Tahir smiled as she was about to respond.

"Why don't you take a seat erie'Riov Monteros t'Khellian," Karen said politely. Despite the fact that she was immediately irked by the woman's over familiar attitude she was a trained lawyer. Her feelings did not show. "Captain Tahir has told me a great deal about you."

"Really?" Rianni asked as she sat, laughing, "Most of the worse stuff is embellished." She could tell this Villiers woman was irritated by her calling Tasha by her first name, but, Rianni wasn't in Starfleet any more, so she could do whatever she wanted as long as Tasha didn't express discomfort with it.

"No need for embellishment." Tasha replied as she tugged at her trousers and pushed the door closure for her office and the doors swung together.
"Rianni, I'll be blunt. We need your ship for an urgent mission, but we cannot take it through the proper channels. Can you take the Dhelan out without informing your ambassador?" She asked.

"Tasha, sweety, I used to do all sorts of crap without informing you until later." Rianni laughed, "And I love you! This guy I fracking hate, so of course we can take the Dhelan and go raise a little Hell without telling him. Hell, I might not even tell him afterwards." She knew that was the kind of decision, even the kind of talk, that would get any other commander relieved or even imprisoned, but, she was Isha's favorite niece, she would get away with it, especially if there was some glory to be had for the Empire in it.

"So, before we go all Thelma and Louise on the sector, wanna tell me what I'm getting myself in to." Rianni shrugged, "I mean, just for old times' sake, I'm in anyway." And she was, even if Tasha told her they were going to take on a revitalized Dominion fleet.

Tasha looked across to Karen, it was her idea and her show, even if she did not understand what Thelma and Louise was.

"A group of independent colonists have been attempting to resettle Ivor Prime, they have minimal support. This morning we received a distress signal requesting assistance due to an unknown attacker. The Starfighter Wing flew a recon mission earlier today - they confirmed numbers and came under fire, though all returned safely. We suspect Borg activity," Karen said matter of factly puttin aside her personal opinions for the time being.

"one of the fighters sustained damage and the report of the weapons beam suggests that smaller craft would be too vulnerable to attack. The nearest suitable Starfleet vessel that is not down for repairs is a week away, which leaves us only one option, the Dhelan. If there is Borg activity its in everyones interests that we assess and curtail it without delay."

Tasha had only partially read the report that was still sat on her desk under three other PADDS, so she was taken back a little with surprise and though it hardly reacted in her face, her eyes gave away her concern.

"Still up for it?" She asked Rianni with a faint but worried smile on her lips.

Rianni smiled softly at Tasha, then turned to Villiers, "You don't have to wave the flag at me, Commander. I know all about the Borg." Turning back to Tasha she smirked, "Of course, I'm in. You know I owe the Borg one anyway. When do we leave?"

Karen ignored the woman and left it to the Captain to reply, "19:00."


Captain Tasha Tahir


Commander Karen Villiers


erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian