Incommunicado – Changing Tide - Shore line
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Changing Tide - Shore line
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Tue Jan 31, 2012 @ 3:34pm
Location   Comet X9127A
Timeline   Between Judgement & Incommunicado
:: On ::

The Chelsea clung to the side of the blue stoned asteroid like a Koala to a gum tree. Its momentum through space was slow, and its size was almost that of a small moon. On its puckered and scarred crater surface the Chelsea was parked in the relative safety of a large crater protected by its high edge circumference. Extending out of the Chelsea's hanger bay was a large silver tent for cover and dotted around it were small metal towers, which were pattern buffers for the shield emmiters.

The Chelsea was surrounded by a large dome of pulsing energy which now contained its own atmosphere, however this was not enough to create any gravity or warmth. Rick zipped up his cold weather jacket, and put on some shades to protect his eyes from the light of a nearby sun. "ok campers" he said with a smile taking a step outside which took him five feet into the air then back down again.

Suited up too, Chelsea and Kim followed him. Kim went first, excited and energetic she almost leapt out of the craft but her movement was slowed to a fraction of what she wanted and she too floated up before landing. Chelsea followed more cautiously. "Did anyone bring the picnic basket?" she asked through her helmet comm.

Good question, thought Rick to himself as he typed at a small padd and a access panel swooshed open with a little trail of ship atmosphere coming from it. Rick reached around inside, the hole enveloping his arm "Ah here we go" he said pulling out the old fashioned weaved basket.

"YAAAY" Kim tried to rush over to the basket unsuccessfully and only managed to appear to be wading through invisible mud up to her neck.
"This is frustrating" she grumbled.

Chelsea smiled. "Slow down then" she tried to appease her niece but Kim was always in a rush.

Slowly they all managed to put out the cloth and the food and eat something at a snail's pace.

"You know, apart from the fact that this rock is blue, and that its moving through space rather than orbiting something, its a lot like the moon....maybe i should of brought some golf clubs like that astronaut...." mused Rick to himself as he scratched the stubble on his chin thoughtfully.

"NO golf!" Chelsea decreed firmly. "I'm not getting hit on the head by a floating golf ball that has no trajectory to get out of the way from."

"hey my back swing isn't that bad" said Rick defensively but with a grin on his face. "not as bad as your squash game i might add" reflecting the attention to sports detail back at her.

"Squash? I'm brilliant at Squash.... I thrashed your arrrrrm..." she retorted, minding her language in front of Kim.

Kim sniggered behind her hand whilst Rick gave Chelsea a 'I can't believe you just said that' look. Followed by saying "Excuse me as I recall, I let you win" he said folding his arms and leaning back in the deck chair he had just laid out. He gave her wry smile.

"That's what they all say!" she raised an eyebrow and tipped his deckchair up, a much more easily done feat in the low gravity. "I think it's a matter of ladies first if you're setting up chairs, Commander." She offered the newly won chair to Kim who shook her head, giggling so Chelsea put it down and sat in it herself with a look at Rick that dared him not to object.

Rick just sat in the chair anyway....even if it did mean sitting on Chelsea to do it.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" she protested. Kim decided to get in on this pantomime and from beneath them both, moved the strut and collapsed them both in slow motion. The tangle of arms and legs and the sneaky grabbing of Kim's leg as she made her snail's pace escape resulted in a bizarre ballet of upside down, entangled relatives all slowly but surely landing in the picnic.

Sandwiches tumbled and spiraled in the air, cups were knocked over and the basket capsized creating a cacophony of slow motion chaos. Soon they were spreadeagled on the floor laying on their consecutive backs. They had been stopped in their tracks by the image that they all looked up into the sky at. The light from a nearby star cut beams of sun light through the perpetual thin dust layer around the asteroid creating a million sparkling snowflakes hovering above them, shimmering with rainbow colour.

"OH! How beautiful!!" Chelsea exclaimed, fascinated and completely distracted from what had been going on.

The sandwiches were forgotten as they all gazed and commented breathlessly on the amazing sight.


A JP Between:

Cmdr Chelsea Dunham


Lt Cdr Rick Dunham


NPC: Kim Anderson