Judgement – Hiding from the spooks in life
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   Hiding from the spooks in life
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Tue Oct 26, 2010 @ 8:51am
Location   Promenade/ Lance's Quarters
Lacey Malina quietly got off the transport with her doctored paperwork. Today she was known as Lucy Adams, so far Stephen hadn't tracked her to the last three places that she had been but she could never be too careful, she had been running from him since she was fourteen, that was ten years ago. She wore muted colours to keep herself from being noticed in the crowds, her dark curly hair in a messy bun. She never wore it in a ponytail so he could grab it more easily.

She walked down the dark corner watching the people as she walked by. Lacey kept her bag close to her, everything she owned or was, was held in the messenger bag of hers.

Lance needed a shave, he hadn't had much chance to settle in or unpack in his quarters yet. He rubbed the stubble on his cheeks as he made his way accross the promenade. Skillfully dodging the new arrivals that were in the process of disembarking.

Lacey gasped as she nearly ran into a scruffy looking man. She kept her head down and murmured an apology. She moved quickly so he wouldn't say anything to her.

"Hey! Are you ok?" Lance asked as the strange little woman tried to slink off.

"I..." She turned and clutched her bag closer to her, he didn't look like someone Stephen would send after her but...Fear had her paralyzed in her spot.

Lance looked at the frightened woman with concern, her fear was palpable. "Do you need help?" He asked.

Could he be a safe harbour for her? She nodded slightly so no one would see but him. Stephen had spies everywhere...she was putting this man at risk if she accepted his help.

"Do want to tell me abut it?" Lance asked carefully. He didn't want to panic the woman. "My Name is Dr Murdoch, but you can call me Lance."

"I can't tell you here." She said softly without moving her lips.

"OK, where would you like to go?" Lance asked.

"Somewhere he can't find me...or can hear me..." She looked nervously around, Lacey didn't move any closer to him.

"We can go to my quarters, or somewhere more public if you would prefer." Lance suggested.

"Quarters." She whispered and followed him as he led her down the corridors. She constantly looked over her shoulder to see if someone was following her. Her internal alarm wasn't going off like it normally did when she was in trouble but for now she didn't let her guard down. Lacey had never trusted anyone before and she was so tired of running, mentally and physically. Lacey breathed a sigh of relief once the doors to his quarters closed.

"Please make yourself comfortable," Lance indicated the couch. "And excuse the boxes, I haven't had much of a chance to unpack. Can I get you anything?" Lance offered, making his way over to the replicator.

"I haven't eaten much in the last few days..." She moved quietly not making eye contact with him and sat on the couch.

"What would you like?"

"I don't care. Lance...I mean Dr. Murdoch, why are you helping me?" ~No one has ever even looked at me.~ Lacey was good at making herself invisible, she hadn't done a good job this time though...and now she had gotten herself in some man's quarters she knew nothing about. How could she have been so careless?

Lance ordered her a full breakfast which he set sown in front of her on a tray, then he stepped back and sat on one of the single chairs in the room with a drink. "I haven't done anything to help you yet," he responded, with a smile. "Right now I'm just trading breakfast for a story. So please, whenever you are ready..."

Lacey devoured her breakfast, she didn't realise how hungry she had been. "Thank you Doctor. I was orphaned when I was a child and kidnapped around the age of four. The man who kidnapped me is named...Stephen. I do not know his last name. I was his slave in everyway imagineable I ran away when I was 14 and he caught me 2 years later. He beat me within an inch of my life. Once I was...well enough I ran away again, he has come close to catching me but I have been able to slip away."

Lance looked at her in shock, "He's hunted you accross the galaxy?" He asked. "Why haven't you gone to the authorities?"

"He is a powerful man with powerful friends on many different planets. I couldn't risk going to the authorities because it would eventually get back to him...I'm taking a big risk talking to you! I'm sorry...thank you for breakfast...I have to go...I shouldn't of come."

"Please don't leave yet, I don't even know your name!" Lance responded. "You came to me for help. Let me help you. You don't have to be afraid here."

"It's Lac...Lucy Adams." She said with a sigh. "You will not go to anyone about this?" She asked quietly, her head down. All the years as a slave she was never allowed to look any man in the eye. This always seemed to give her away...no matter how much she tried to practice.

"My lips are sealed Lucy, now tell me, what can I do to help?" Lance asked.

She sighed and sank back down into her seat. "I suppose if I am to trust you...it's Lacey. I don't know what to do...I have been running for so long...I am so tired..."

Lance smiled and nodded. "Then its best to stop running Lacey, tell me aside from hiding what are you good at doing?"

Lacey shrugged, "I don't know...I got beat for doing something wrong every day so I just stopped trying to be good at anything..."

"Well then maybe it's time you started again, what do you enjoy doing?" Lance asked.

"I have a flute...that is the only thing that Stephen allowed me to have. I have it here in my bag. He liked it when I played." Lacey laughed bitterly. "I enjoy playing the flute though.." She smiled.

"Maybe you can get a job in one of the entertainment area's as a musician." Suggested Lance.

"I can't stay here Lance...like I said Stephen has his claws in everything and has friends that will be on the look out for me...unless I completely change my appearance I cannot stay here."

"Perhaps changing your appearance isn't such an unrealistic idea..." Mused Lance. "Would you be willing to undergo cosmetic surgery?" He asked.

"Do not tease me Lance...don't you realise that I am putting you in danger? You will be in even more danger if Stephen ever catches wind of this. I'm sorry." Panic was slowly building in her.

"I'm not teasing" Lance replied. "And I'm not afraid of this Stephen either, he's not the only one with influence." He smiled re-assuringly, "Besides danger is my middle name! Or is that trouble... well its one of the two anyway."

Lacey laughed for the first time in a long while. "Alright, then can you also help me get new papers?...I have to be able to pass as whoever you make me. I cannot be Lacey anymore."

"Well I suppose the best way would be to go through starfleet intelligence, But I don't suppose you will trust them with your secret will you?" Lance asked, pondering alternatives.

She shook her head, "I can stay as Lucy...That will do for now. When can we begin?" She asked.

"No, a new face will mean a whole new identity, a new life with new beginnings" Lance replied. "I would like to begin as soon as possible, but the safest thing will be to smuggle you into sickbay after hours, the fewer people who are involved the safer you will be."

"Can we not do it here? I don't want anyone to see me like this with you...I am not going to put you at any unnecessary risk."

"The surgery in sickbay really is the best place, All the monitoring equipment and surgial implements are there, it will be harder to conceal performing surgery here that it would be sneaking you in there, its also a much more sterile environment." Lance explained.

Lacey sighed and nodded. "Ok...thank you Lance..." She smiled. "Who should I be? Do I stay a Human or should I be someone else?"

"Stay human, we are changing how you look, not who you are, besides somewhere down the line you may need medical treatment and it would be best to avoid awkward questions in that instance." Lance Advised.

"Right, the last thing I need is more complication in my life." She sighed.


Lacy Malina
An NPC by Nan


Lance Murdoch
Chief Surgeon DS5