We All Fall Down – Who Guards the Guardians? - Part 2
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Melara sh'Tagras & Colonel James Darson

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Title   Who Guards the Guardians? - Part 2
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Melara sh'Tagras & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Sat Jul 05, 2014 @ 11:55am
Location   OPS
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1. 15:00

"Captain, it appears there is a vessel entering the immediate area of the station," Trellis reported as he continue to monitor the movement of the platforms.



Aboard the freighter, the wily Trill Captain, Berant Amblitsio was pacing his bridge stormily. Picking up a handset he held it next to his mouth, and with a furrow on his brow he spoke earnestly =/="Sol, if I have to go through another random customs check because that comms system has broken again I swear by all that is holy that I'll make you buy every round out of your wages for the next year."=/=

=/="If you want dis fixed, mon, you'll shut de hell up and buy me some replacement parts. Dis transmitter array has more bypasses dan transistors." Came the angry reply from a flustered and frustrated-sounding Solomon, the ship's Mechanic. "I tink I might need to run de transmissions tru de sensors, mon. Can de clumsy one fly us in blind?"=/=

=/="Damn it, Sol, just fix it. Banter is for the bar. We've paying passengers, official cargo, unofficial cargo, and until this for once nothing major has gone wrong so for once we might come out ahead. Fix the damned comms."=/= The Captain growled in reply . He paced over towards the helm placed his hand on his Antaran helmsman's shoulder. With a sigh he spoke with a tense chuckle "I swear sometimes I want to throw him and that damned attitude out the airlock."

"Aye boss. Him and his bloody curries too." Came the gruff reply from the seated Antaran. "Then again, fair play to him: he's kept this bucket of bolts in the sky for decades longer than she's any right to be. And on a shoestring too."

Amblitsio shot his helmsman a sideways glance and jokingly addressed him. "Don't you bloody start now, Rep. Else it comes out your wages, eh?"


Trellis' brow began to furrow as he tapped at the console's heads-up display. "C-c-Captain, the platforms don't recognize the vessel on sensors and are moving to pursuit mode." Trellis shouted as he tried to regain control of the platforms.

"Get control of the system," Isha said then swiveling to Dell, "activate the over-ride." She assumed this was for the benefit of the observers - that she understood the redundancies built in to Starfleet facilities.

"The sensor backup is telling them its a Jem'hadar Attack Vessel." Lash pushed his chair back as reached over to a diagnostics panel. "There must be something in their cargo that is confusing the readings."

"Cutting the comm link," Dell said calmly. "Forcing a rescan..." and then her voice rose, "The platforms are rejecting the new data." She glanced over to Trellis. "Shut down power to the platforms?" she asked.

"Damnit. . .damnit!" Trellis swore under his breath as he tried to force the primary core to transmit new commands to platforms that were increasing speed. Their refusal to accept new data was part of their anti-hacking security suite. They were designed to automatically work to reject attempts by outside sources to designate new commands once they identified a hostile target. For whatever reason, the commands from OPS were registering as a different source than the primary core from which they were launched.

"The platforms are targeting the freighter and moving into tactical formation!" Trellis shouted. The platforms were programmed to determine the optimum method of engagement of a foreign vessel. They were able to operate independently of the station, but for some reason they were not accepting commands from OPS. The repeat attempts by OPS to gain higher-function control of the platforms must've triggered a "lock-out" protocol.

~This can't be happening. . .~ Trellis thought. The platforms were linked to the station's primary computer system so they weren't able to access Starfleet's complete database of vessels or governments. Trellis never thought it would be necessary since this was only a preliminary run and further tests could be run on the platforms later. Now Trellis was realizing how wrong that assumption was.

~Something has to be wrong. . .there's no way the platforms would just IGNORE direct commands from OPS. There has to be some. . .kind of technical flaw or breakdown.~ Trellis thought frantically as he continued to try to shut down the central power source within the station.

"The platforms aren't responding to the override codes. Attempting to shut down the reactors!" Ceridwen yelled. Seeing her attempts get booted back in her face by the platforms, she slammed both fists down on the engineering console. "Damn it! The platforms must think someone's hacking into them. The only way to stop them now is to blow them out of the sky!"

"The central reactor's subspace communication override module is offline!" Trellis said loudly. "The central reactor is still powering the regenerative shields, but the on-station module that controls the activation and shutdown protocols is not responding!" Trellis said to the others within the immediate vicinity.

"Darson, your input here would be appreciated," Isha said. The fact that her stomach was at her feet and her heart performing somersaults did not ruffle her outer composure. "Yours too Wallace."

They were clearly never going to be friends, but if anyone could advise here it was the ones who walked in the shadows.

"I think we have to physically pull the plug on these things, start a line trace on where the commands are coming from to ignore the override, Cadet Thomas pull up intelligence file six three five, access code Slipknot." Jarred's mind started to turn from concern to action "In the file is a program that was underdevelopment to create a phaser configuration that acts like the breen energy dampening weapon, but there is a flaw with it, the recharge rate is brutally slow, Colonel feel like breaking something?" he said as jarred opened the bridge weapons locker.

"Minimal firepower," As she spoke Isha hit her lock into those on the bridge. "Lieutenant, I'll not have my officers walking around armed. There are lockers in strategic locations, take advantage of those' I will release to you on request, and by necessity.."

As the situation deteriorated, Darson walked slowly around the edge of the room, keeping an eye outside on the defense platforms and an ear attuned to the rising pandemonium. As soon as the platforms locked out interaction from the Ops personnel, he sprang into action. It would take too long to reach and activate the command override in MTAC, so that was out. The next available option was the more direct approach. Triggering his COMM unit he connected to Marine Operations, =/= “MAROPS, this is MARDETCOM. Get me the shift commander ASAP…Lieutenant, this is Colonel Darson. Sound general quarters and scramble a flight of fighters and bombers, combat payloads. This is not a drill. Currently a civilian freighter of undetermined origin has moved into the Guardian-Platform testing range. Guardian platforms are preparing to fire on the freighter. Orders to pilots are as follows: Launch and commence interdiction of the freighter, get it to halt its progress and turn around. Establish visual contact with crew and fire a warning shot across their bow if you have to.” =/=

His vision lingered on Isha for a moment, =/= “If the defense platforms fire on the freighter you are cleared to disable the platforms with weapon fire. Protection of civilians is the top priority here. Be advised: This is a live fire situation. And…prep recovery teams as well. This is no drill. Darson out” =/=