Beg, Steal or Borrow – An Excess of Blackmail
by Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   An Excess of Blackmail
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Sat Mar 07, 2009 @ 4:18am
Location   Deck 72 - Marine Complex
Timeline   SD-8: 11:45hrs (Backpost)
Gabriel had been within the confines of the Marine Complex too many times today. He was getting tired of being here. He'd have to make a mental note to look into making use of the holo-projection comm unit. He wasn't exactly sure why he was down here yet again considering he made his instructions regarding the attack on the pirate base fairly clear.

In addition to that matter of confusion, he hadn't heard from Jarrad since the meeting earlier this morning. he hadn't been back to his office so he was certain that Jarrad was there setting up some elaborate plan that would surely get the entire department in trouble, again. Regardless, he had too much to do and not enough time to do it.

He stopped at the front of the gates to the complex and waived over the nearby sentry. "You, I'm here for a meeting with Darson. Abra-Ka-Dabra or whatever the password is to enter here." Gabriel said to the Marine.

The Marine consulted his panel, and after a brief once over, waved Gabriel through unusually fast. An escort guided him through the somewhat frantic bustle of the HQ, and straight into the checkpoint to the restricted section. Without fanfare, they gave him a quick check, and escorted him to the MTAC.

As Dorian entered, Darson spun around from where he had been talking in a low voice with several of the intelligence analysts. He stalked towards him quickly and said, “Finally, you’re here. Have you heard yet?”

Gabriel was surprised, if not annoyed. He expected to see an entire Battalion of Marines chomping at the bit to go shoot something or blow something up. However, the looks of Darson's clubhouse was the exact opposite.

"What are you talking about? Why aren't your men ready? This is a chance to do what you all are good at: destroy stuff." Gabriel said.

Darson growled, “Apparently not. Take a look at this,” he handed Dorian a PADD; “this was just forwarded to me by one of my intelligence contacts. It appears that your deputy Wallace has gotten himself into a whole mess of trouble in the scant hours that have passed since we last saw him.”

Gabriel looked at the Padd intently. This was more than "trouble", this was the shit hitting the fan. What the hell was the USS Asia, and why the hell did he just up and leave without informing Gabriel. There was no way Gabriel was going to stand for this blatant demonstration of disrespect.

"What the hell is this!?!" Gabriel responded. "How the hell does my department go flying off on missions without me being notified!?" He added. "Damnit!" Gabriel swore as he began to get control over his emotions.

"I'll deal with this later. Right now i want to know how soon can your team depart?" He asked as he returned his glance to Darson.

Darson gave a small growl of indignation. He turned and waved to Dorian, indicating that he should follow. He led him to the conference table in the center of the room, and gestured to the PADD’s strewn about it, “That’s what I’ve been working on. Understandably there are some…issues…with the logistics of discreetly deploying an armored battalion. However, I’ve pulled some strings. They should be here within 48 hours. 36 if they drive the ships hard, but they might need some recovery time when they get here. We’ll depart soon after they arrive.”

"What issues? You are to blow something up, what more instruction do your men do? That's all they do is blow stuff up, how difficult is that to coordinate? We don't have time to dilly-dally, this is a matter of Federation security!" Gabriel said, visibly annoyed.

Darson shrugged, “It will have to do. Now then, there’s one more issue I think we need to discuss.”

"I told you before, stop getting dressed in the dark. Either that or shoot your tailor." he replied quickly.

Darson scowled, “What? No, not my tailor! I’m referring to the other parties involved here. Natrina and Kaia. We’re going to have to deal with them eventually.”

"They'll be dealt with at the conclusion of the mission. They have no other choice at this point, unless they want their stay here to become even more 'unpleasant'" he stated.

Darson nodded, his hood fluttering, “I’m not talking about later, I’m talking about now. What’s to make sure they keep their word to help us? We may have them under our thumb now, but I’m certain that they’re going to attempt to subvert us at some point, either with blackmail, or equally nefarious. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if they stab us in the back the minute the pirates are dealt with...maybe even a little bit before.”

Darson turned to stare at the dominating screen displaying the station, “I’m not quite sure how they’re going to do it…yet. But I have a ridiculously circuitous plan already in motion to give us some…leverage…in case they decide that they don’t like the terms of our original agreement. Don’t worry yourself about the specifics, but when the time comes that I need your help, I expect you to do it quickly, and without arguing. Can you do that?”

Gabriel waved his hand in a dismissive manner as he turned to exit the conference area. "Do with them as you will, they're of no concern to me. I want these Pirates dealt with extreme prejudice." He said as he got closer to the door. "I've got logistic problems of my own to deal with, don't call me until your men are prepared." he added.

“Uh-huh,” Darson murmured quietly to himself as Dorian left, “I’ll put a checkmark down on the ‘I’m a tool, and you can use me however I want’ box…exactly what I need,” he thought as he turned back to the screen.

“Hmm…It appears that the opening game is quickly coming to an end,” he thought, “And we’ve all built up solid positions…but I’ve rigged the board in my favor…Humph,” he turned and headed for the door, and after that to the armory, “I’ll let the pawns be my diversion, while I slink silently around, and work on the next move…and by the time I’m done, they’ll be begging for their lives.”


Major James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer

Lieutenant JG
Dorian Gabriel
Chief Intelligence Officer