Small Things – nunc omnino irrumasti
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   nunc omnino irrumasti
Mission   Small Things
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Thu Nov 14, 2013 @ 8:38pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 76 2230

"Service!" Yolanthe signalled to one of the pretty faces in a server's outfit and pointed to the heavily laden tray of drinks, moving onto the next order without breaking a beat. The waitress swung into the small gap at the bar left for order pick up, and then swirled out again into the crowd.

"Evening," said an oily voice. It was followed by a sniff. The bokkai flashed a lime green, and looked up.

"Tyler Short." she managed to not snarl the name. The green started to yellow. "Aren't you supposed to be poisoned?"

He shrugged. "Modern technology. Its a miracle what it can do."

She slammed a mug of stout down onto a tray. Thick dark brown liquid sloshed over the sides and left foamy trails running down the glass. "Do you want something, Tyler? Is saving your life not enough?"

"In a word, no."

She viciously shoved a defenseless Collins glass under the soda tap. "Stars above!"

He spread his hands in an apologetic shrug. "I figured it was good enough that I wouldn't jump on the comm and tell him. But then I got a call. Oded Veyr himself. Said he had some merchandise I might be interested in representing. Gave me a personal invitation to visit." He ran a finger around his collar. "Its one thing to not mention you when he and me are light years apart. But if he ever finds out that I didn't tell him when I was in the same room as him." He gave a theatrical little shudder. "I don't want to end up dead. Or as product.. So I want enough that if he does find out, I can pay him off."

She dropped a cherry into a cocktail. "Service!" Then she turned her flat white eyes on him, taking up a cocktail shaker and stuffing some leaves into it. "How much?"

"I want a brick."

"Of latinum?!" She stopped crushing the leaves with a bar spoon for a moment, her hair and skin palest gold. "I don't have that sort of cash!" she hissed.

Short leant over the bar. "And I don't have that sort of courage. Pretty skin that you have, I value mine more. I'm not going to face that cold-blooded sonovabitch and not mention you without it. You know what he can do."

The pale gold turned an emerald green over the next few seconds. She knew. "When do you have to leave?"

"Three days. And it will take me another two to get there."

Three days. The green deepened. "Come by before you go." Yolanthe told him. "I'll have something for you them."

Short straightened up, and adjusted his jacket. "See that you do." He turned and slunk off.

When he had finally passed over her threshold, she breathed out, and turned back to her cocktail with angry concentration. A brick of latinum. A brick! What the hell was she going to do?


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights