Interlude – Who We Are - Part 1
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Who We Are - Part 1
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Aug 15, 2010 @ 5:10pm
Location   ch'Rihan/ch'Havran
Timeline   SD29 unspecified
It was not absolutely necessary for Rh’vaurek to travel all the way to ch’Rihan, but there was something that he needed to do, something that could only be done under Eisn’s light.

It was not the rare visit he paid to the Agency Headquarters that bordered the Senate District though the erie’Khrein took amusement from the flurry of activity that his arrival caused – it was not every day that the Deputy Director of the Special Operations Division walked into the building unannounced.

After that Rh’vaurek made his way on foot through the streets and boarded a civilian transport vessel bound for the industrial city of Argat on ch’Havran. Rh’vaurek did not stand out among the crowd that shuffled from the transport, where he was going it was not a good idea to stand out. Beneath his dull civilian attire, Rh’vaurek was armed. He did not hurry, or push his way through the crowd. He did not object to the routine security procedures as he exited the port establishing his identity as ‘Argelian Dor: A Merchant’.

Rh’vaurek could have done this the quick way and arrived in his own ship, but he did not wish anyone to know he had been here, so he followed the same procedure he followed every time he made this journey, just one of the masses.

The further Rh’vaurek walked the more dingy the buildings came. The respectable population in these parts stuck to the area immediately adjacent to the port, out here, beyond that district people ventured at their own risk.

There were few people on the streets, and those he passed were poor and shabbily dressed. For all that there were plenty of bars doing an active trade, but Rh’vaurek paid none of them any attention. He knew where he was going, he had grown up on these streets.

Rh’vaurek stopped opposite a tall crumbling tenement. He folded his arms staring at the building before turning his gaze at the sound of footsteps.

“If you want to live, move on,” he growled to the would-be assailant who had been following him for the last three blocks thinking he had found an easy mark. Rh’vaurek was not looking for a fight and he found that given the choice of life, even a life on a street like this one, that a living being would usually accept that option.

This time was no exception. The figure crept back into a shadowy doorway and vanished.

“Filth,” Rh’vaurek muttered before crossing the street and entering the building.

Though the majority of the building was dilapidated, the door of the third apartment on the seventh floor was solid and secure. Rh’vaurek entered an access code, and pushed it open.


erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol (NPC)