Judgement – Time Flys when your on the run
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Time Flys when your on the run
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sun Aug 14, 2011 @ 4:09pm
Location   Unknown
Timeline   November 2384 (according to offical records)

The two security officers had there prisoner in wrist and leg irons, each with one arm in hand they dragged the man down the corridor to the last door in it, the poor lighting made it difficult not to drop their prisoner, but then again if they dropped him now and then they could say he was resisting and as it was called 'lay the boots to him'.

As the arrived at their destination they with little ceremony dropped him at the feet of the superior officer and with a few parting kicks left. The commissioned officer looked at the man and spoke "Welcome home Mr Wallace."

Jarred rolled over his ribs and stomach ached with the bruises of being repeatedly kicked and punched, and his head pounded from the six phaser stuns he had taken. "Go To hell." he said as he spat in the face of his interrogator.

The man wiped the mess of blood and saliva away, "Wrong answer." the man kick Jarred in the side obviously cracking three ribs in multiple locations.

"You think your not going to pay for what you did, I've got news for you by the time I'm done with you even Admiral Janeway won't be able to save your sorry carcass."

"That's what you think." Jarred swung his legs connecting with the mans head breaking his nose and possibly breaking a cheek bone, "It'll take more than you to stop me."

The man wiped away the mass of blood and snot from his face and looked down at the defiant prisoner, and without any hesitation he drove his heel into Jarreds chest, the room reverberated with the noise of breaking bones, "I'm gonna bury your sorry carcass so deep they'll never find you."

With little warning and a rather unnecessary amount of fanfare three marines and a Silver clad Admiral entered the room, "This was beyond uncalled for mister, arrest him!"

Two marines immediately took the security officer into custody and escorted him bloody nose and all away, then the Admiral looked down "Officially I have to demote you to Ensign you know that."

Jarred rolled over his body was wracked with pain, blood flowed from his mouth "I assume that comes with a reassignment to Earth or Mars." he said trying to hide the enormous amount of pain he was in.

"Sorry Jarred but that comes with a new mission, USS Legacy has been stolen and we need you to recover it ASAP."

"Can I at least go to sickbay Jacob, those security goons did a number on me." Jarred cracked

"Sorry about that kid, soon as our doctor clears you we need you to activate your team and head to DS five, things have heated up in there territory and we need someone who can keep the CO in charge."

"So I assume that things have shifted as predicted?" Jarred said as he propped himself up against a wall.

"Too much, and we can assume that this is only the beginning, we can also assume that another undercover operative has gone rogue at this time."

"I can assume that the proper assets are in place?" Jarred said referring too the stores of weapons, ships, and other supplies that he might need if things started to escalate in to on going war between the more xenophobic conservatives and the more open Progressives in the ongoing secret war that has gone on for nearly sixty years.

"Its all there, even the stuff you added too your wish list, thirty-one hasn't caught on to the movement of material so we can assume that things are safe for now, but its recommended that you keep your cover kid, even Kate hasn't been able to nail down if the thirty-one crowd even know your not in the jug for your crimes" he said referring too the charges of desertion and treason.

"We need to make them think that some of the charges were over blown originally so they think that I'm not in either camp right now, plus we need time to root out those who aren't on our side Jacob, and my feeling is that I'm getting tossed into a hornets nest." Jarred commented

"The CO Tahir sounds like she can be persuaded to join our side, but the station cheif Dorrian is a lost cause, and frankly I don't like him, the engineer Freeman might be willing to join if he knew the stakes, but the rest of the station staff might be in question kid."

"The marine CO?" Jarred knew without marines this whole endeavor would be pointless.

"Another wild card, he might see that things are going into the crapper, but hes too much of a rogue to be certain of, and I'd keep away from the science and medical staff most of them are too unpredictable to be certain about." Jacob commented

"and I can assume that operations is moving people around faster than a chess game to get a read on the situation?" Jarred said as he wiped more blood from his mouth.

"Yeah, I don't get them to begin with so I won't make any promises that I can keep."

"What about JAG?" Jarred said

"No Jag department yet, but there is a short list kid, and the top three are pliable if they see the bigger picture."

"Great your sending me to an outpost that is not only undecided in its loyalties but could potentially become the front line for the war when it blows into the open, care to hand me a hypospray full of cyanide as well?" Jarred said as he struggled to his feet.

"Ever since the Lakota incident its been hard to keep the Federation from ripping itself apart, things have become more quiet but for how long I'm not sure." Jacob said

"Ok, so if I'm clear on this we have to prevent a full blown civil war, I have to recover some very top secret technology, and try to sway an entire space station to join our cause if things start to unravel." an audible pause "No problem."

"Lets get you to the doc and then to Deep Space Five."


Jarred Wallace
Starfleet intelligence