Incommunicado – Reporting In
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Reporting In
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Jun 07, 2012 @ 11:19pm
Location   Ops
Timeline   SD57 16:30

Not even pausing to drop off his belongings, or Jolan, in quarters. Relma made a beeline for the Captain, who was at Ops according to the computer, armed with two PADDs in his hand. Walking through the command level corridors with a cat-carrier over his shoulder drew some odd glances from people, but he walked with purpose thus was not challenged. Finally arriving, he cleared his throat quietly and walked through, and into the station's Main Operations.

Tasha looked up easing aside the PADD with the damage report for the Pollux which she had to make the decision on whether to repair or replace and tapped the console that opened the doors to her office. There was a slight recognition on her face as she stood to greet the Bajoran as he entered even though she could not place a name to face.

"Captain Tahir?" Relma enquired as he moved towards the centre of the room, where he saw a woman, about his own age or perhaps a little younger, leaning over a console with a PADD in her hand. The brunette had noticed him as he moved towards her and he offered his right hand with the two PADDS he had for her. He reached her and standing at attention said "Chief Warrant Officer First Class Relma Meryn, reporting for duty. I've been assigned as your Chief Operations Officer by authority of Admiral O'Dwyer. I hope you'll find my orders satisfactory."

Taking the offered PADDs, Tasha smiled at the mention of Admiral O'Dwyer.

"If they came from the Admiral, I don't imagine I'd find them any different." She remarked as she lay the devices to her left and extended her hand to greet Relma. "Welcome aboard Chief. First time on a station or do you have prior experience?" She enquired as she studied his face for a moment longer than she should have and found herself staring. "Forgive me," She blushed, "for staring. You look familiar." She stated as she dropped her gaze.

Relma allowed himself to relax slightly and replied "Aye, Sir... , I served on Deep Space Nine from just before the war until the Derna incident as a member of the Bajoran Militia, but I was only Chief of Operations on an acting basis for a short while during the Dominion occupation so this position, on a station of this size, is something of a new departure for me." He paused for a moment while he took in her countenance "If you don't mind me saying so, I'm getting the same feeling, Captain, I've been assigned to Surplus Depot Z15 at Qualor II for the last few years: perhaps we met there?"

He paused for a moment, but before the woman could reply he added "Oh, and before I forget the second PADD contains sealed orders for your eyes only from Admiral O'Dwyer. He also asked that I pass his, and his brother's, personal regards on to you." As he finished speaking he felt the weight around his back shift slightly and could hear, ever so faintly, the unmistakable yawn of his cat - thus he surreptitiously reached his right hand towards the cage of the cat-carrier and presented his finger to Jolan, who took his angst at being in the carrier out by biting it.

Tasha felt herself grin and could do nothing to stop it. "Typical animal, they always do what you least expect." She said as she eased around the desk and placed the second PADD on top of the first. "I have not been to Qualor." She stated as she shifted the piled devices a little further to her left. "So whose orders are these? Admiral P or W?" She questioned as if the initials had substance but also desired clarity even though she could have easily found out by reading the orders herself but was not looking at Relma as she stepped to the replicator and ordered a cold orange juice. "Can I get you anything?" She enquired, "and perhaps a platter of cream for your feline?"

Meryn smiled and replied "Thank you, Captain, I could murder a Raktajino if that's ok, and I'm sure Jolan here would feel the same about some cream." He knelt down and took the carrier off before lifting the cat out and holding him to his chest. "I believe there was a William in the name, Sir, but I don't remember too well I'm afraid." He stood by the central Ops table with Jolan and began acquainting himself with the consoles. While he stood Jolan took interest in the PADD the Captain had left behind and, dabbing it, knocked it to the ground. "Jolan!" Relma hissed "No!". He bent down to pick the PADD up and return it to the console, his eyes unavoidably reading the summary as he did so. "Sorry about that, Captain, I've not submitted him for the bridge officer's test yet. That's some nasty damage on the Wallace-class there. What happened?"

Tasha placed the order, carrying over the tray of cream for Jolan first, taking care not to allow the cream to slosh over the side. Cream had a terrible habit of smelling for days if not weeks after spilling. She then returned to the machine for her juice and Relma's coffee before settling into her chair and glancing at the disturbed PADD.

"We're not sure yet as to what caused the damage, but it is presumed that what ever is causing our communications problem is linked. Communications have been deteriorating for the last week or so, but now, we can hardly make contact outside the station, so Commander Dunham, Lieutenant Petro and Chief Rushtone were sent to investigate." She nodded to the PADD, "That is how they came back. A mess to say the least." She appraised taking a sip of the cool orange juice.

As Relma presented the saucer to Jolan he said "Say thank you." The cat ignored and started lapping the liquid up. Relma's eyes poured over the information for a moment or two as he stood up. He paused to take a sip of his pungent coffee before answering. "Thank you very much, Captain. Indeed, I've never seen damage to the internal systems like this. I have seen worse though: and the ships lived to fight another day. Once I get set up in Operations I'd be happy to divert as many maintenance teams to Engineering to assist in repairs."

She eased the glass back onto its coaster as she drew her hand to her chin.
"I am sure Bruce, Vincent and Lyhse will appreciate the help." She leant forward. "Did you expect the cat to acknowledge the cream?" She enquired not sure if was a Terran cat or if it had special abilities.

Relma chuckled "Jolan's idea of acknowledgement I think qualifies as digestion for anyone else." The cat continued lapping up the final few drops dotted around the saucer. "Bruce... is that Lieutenant Commander Freeman, Sir? I have another delivery from the admiral for him." He took his eyes off the cat for a moment to grab his mug and, almost immediately, the animal jumped up onto the Ops console with a loud thump. "Jolan!" muttered Relma and he lifted the cat up and cradled him in his left arm like a baby and wagged his right index finger at him. "Sorry, Captain. I think I'd better get him into the quarters to let him work off his energy from the trip."

"Yes, Commander Freeman. You will find him on the hanger deck, with the Pollux." Tasha began as she instinctively reached for the sliding PADD that Jolan had caught with his paw and after her smile faded, Tasha was about to recommend a visit to Petro on Ops and then dipped her head.

"If you see Mr Harris on the first console, he show you your station and help you find suitable accommodation Mr Meryn." Tasha said as she rose, again extending her hand. "Welcome to Deep Space Five." She said with pride.

"Thank you, Sir." he replied with a smile before kneeling down and putting Jolan back in the carrier. "Oh, there was one other thing, Sir." he added as he shut the carrier's hatch and stood up again "I request permission to wear my earring while on duty." He reached into the end pocket of his nearer bag and produced it. "It's very important to my faith, but against uniform regulations. If you deny this request I will, of course, respect that."

Tasha looked into his open hand as he revealed the bronze coloured earpiece and then up at Relma. She had been in this situation before and decided the best thing to do, was to do as she did then.

"Chief, I have never and will never deny anyone a token of their beliefs, but I will say this." She started as she moved around her desk, "If it affects your work, or poses a danger, I will ask you to remove it and if I do, I expect you to do so. Other than that, then by all means, wear your symbol with pride." She smiled as she folded her hand over his and eased his palm to a close.

Meryn's faced displayed a look of relief. He had never been denied by a superior before and was glad that the trend continued as, on the runabout journey from Deep Space Four, he had worried about the request. "My thanks, Captain." he replied as he put the earring on slowly, almost with reverence "and I will ensure it does not. A pleasure meeting you, and I look forward to serving under your command."

"You're dismissed." Tahir began as the Chief lifted the cat basket and turned.
"Relma, you will find this station quite daunting and you will undoubtedly get lost from time to time, but I can recommend the Promenade, level 4." She advised as Relma began towards the exit.

Tasha watched him leave and she found herself doing more often than not, she wandered over to the large viewing window overlooking Ops and the Bajoran with his swinging cat as he strode with a defined purpose up to Williams console.

"Mr Harris?" he began as he arrived at the indicated console.

Bill was busying himself at the console covering two jobs as he usually did, communications or what little there was as well as his own when he was interrupted by a soft male intonation. The gruff looking former navigator spun his chair around in the direction of the voice and though he tried to smile, it appeared as more of a grimace beneath his rough stubble.

"Aye, sir, I am Harris. Bill to my friends. What can I do to help you?" He looked at the insignia and found it pleasing to be addressing someone lower than a commander or a lieutenant for a change.

The Bajoran offered his hand "I'm the new Chief Operations Officer, Relma. Nice to meet you." He saw how busy the man was and asked "The Captain said you might be able to get me started and arrange some quarters for me, but I see you're busy. Is there anyone else in the department who could help me out with that?"

Bill took the Bajorans hand and shook it warmly. "Chief." He said smiling. "I can get you started, but I don't know about getting you accommodated though I can point you in the right direction so to speak." He said as he rose from his chair still clasping Relmas hand as if leading him.

"Operations officer eh? I guess you will want to know where your office is first." He said still grinning and as they approached the large entrance to Ops, Bill swung around. "Welcome to your office." His free hand waved around the deck.
"Sorry Relma, my little joke. We don't get an office up here, only the QM, the CO & XO gets office space. One thing we can do though, is guarantee close quarters. As chief, you should get deck 34 and with the in station transporter, that is only a few seconds from home sweet home." Bill said, pointing to the transporter pad a few metres behind them and not sure why he was feeling jollier than usual. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that he would have someone else to to share the workload with.

Relma nodded. "Thanks, Bill," he said, hesitantly; the man's warm welcome somehow endeared him to Relma and he sed the personal name as presented, against his normal practice, "Lieutenant Petro is the Quartermaster right?"

Bill nodded. "Some of the time. She has just taken on the Communications position under the Captains express request, with myself and Chief Rushtone, but with the current situation, comms is a little quiet and frustrating presently." He explained with enthusiasm. "Best darn QM we had, but between you, me and the hull, she has a great deal to learn about communications, but she is taking to it like a targ to ... well, you know what I mean." Bill smiled as he started to head through the main exit not noticing that Relma was still looking at the myriad of consoles in Ops. "That one over there, is the main operations console, your desk as it were," with his arm extended, Bill recanted each of the consoles in a clockwise order. "Engineering, Strategic Operations, Security and tactical, Flight, my usual desk, Enviro and Comms. The raised platform in the middle, is Main Operations hub. You should see that light up when things get busy in here. Anyway, that's the quick tour." Bill said with a shrug.

"This way?" he asked pointing out of one of the side doors of Ops.

Bill shook his head, "No, that leads to escape pods. Carry on down the corridor, third door to the left." He gave a single nod of surety as his arm dropped back to his side. "Good luck, Chief." Bill added as Relma walked away.

Meryn looked up, confused, "Oh," he began "I think I still have some reading to do about this place. Thanks!" With that he turned and headed the way the man had suggested - to meet Lieutenant Petro.


Captain Tasha Tahir


Chief Warrant Officer First Class Relma Meryn
Chief Operations Officer

Petty Officer William 'Bill' Harris
Communications & Flight Officer