Unity – Is the Counselor In? (part 2)
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk

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Title   Is the Counselor In? (part 2)
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk
Posted   Sat Dec 19, 2009 @ 5:50pm
Location   Counselor Office
Timeline   SD16 19.00

Kreallia was pacing her office after her rather unpleasant conversation with Gul Tharek and is "Offer" which was more of a threat, she was going to contact the Commander as soon as their "Meeting" was over. She then moved to siting upside down on her couch and was trying to crack her knuckles when the chime rang for the fourth time today.

Dunham was on his way to Lieutenant JG Kreallia t’Jay again. This would be there third meeting in almost two days. Their last meeting had been on board a shuttle craft, in the space around deep space five, were Dunham had been given the all clear to fly again by the counsellor following the events of the temporal anomaly. He liked to think he had got to get to know the counsellor a little better, in the short time they had spent to gether on their little flight around the station. He found her very friendly, and Dunham had chatted to her in his talkative way about wanting to be a counsellor, when he was back at Starfleet academy, but had opted to be a pilot, as he thought he was better with fighters than with people.

Dunham had planned to pop by her office at some point anyway and invite her to dinner to introduce her to Lieutenant Commander Chelsea Adams. He thought that it was hard to make friends at a brand new posting, and he had reasoned he should introduce the two, to show that the station was a friendly place.

But then Dunham had been thrown in jail for ‘his own protection’ from the Cardassain’s for the destruction of their freighter, and now Commander Karen Villiers on his release had ordered him to talk with the counsellor, about his feelings and obvious emotional guilt over blowing a ship up.

As the chime rang and Dunham entered the office, the smile on his face dropped as he saw the slight pensive look t’Jay’s had, “You Ok?” he asked. Genuinely concerned.

"Hey Rick." Kreallia said, knowing that they had only known each other for a few days but hey, LT's banded together as she had observed, and she thought by connecting with that social group she might just fit in better. "How's it going? Besides the fact you were put in the brig by a lunatic and xenophobiac and destroyed at Cardassian Frieghter?" Kreallia asked in a perfectly casual tone.

“You heard about then” he said with a sheepish smile. “Yeah, Commander Villiers asked me to come down here and talk about with you. I think it might have me more shook up than I thought.” He brushed it aside with the side of his hand. But continued with his sunny disposition, and a large happy smile. “But that’s work and we can talk about that in a mo, first off, I know it’s hard getting to know folks around a station this big, so I was wandering if you would like to come for drinks with me Chelsea at some point? I know she would very much like to meet you.”

Kreallia nodded. "Maybe, so tell me everything from the begining." Kreallia asked, still sitting upside down.

Dunham took a seat opposite her. He messaged his forehead with the balls of his fingers. "Bravo wing were on deep recognisance patrol. Everything was going fine, until we found an Old Cardassian freighter hidden in the upper atmosphere of a gas giant. As soon as we approached it powered up its engines and went to warp. It was making a 'B' line straight for Deep Space Five. Bravo wing persued. The vessel did not respond to any hails. Our sensors were being scrambled by the ship. So we couldn't pick up any life signs. As it approached the station, Op's tried to beam anybody off it. But could get no signal locks. So by the book. We gave a warning shot across her bow. The freighter did not respond. So after another set of communication hails to the ship, and another round of warning shots. I opened fire on the vessel. If I hadn't it would of collided with the station. But the thing was so old, that its hull buckled after one hit to her engines. She blew up." Dunham sighed and took a breath.

He shrugged. "I know I did everything by the book, but did i do the right thing? I don't know. Their could of been civilians on that ship. Sometimes I wonder if I have what it takes to the job?"

Kreallia looked at him from her odd postion. "Rick we all have to make choices in our life, saying yes, saying no, deciding if blowing up a Cardassian frieghter on a collision course for a space station filed with over nintey thousand people on it is the right thing to do." Kreallia then shifted postion to an upright postion on the couch and directed her violet eye's to gaze into his. "Rick you did the right thing, what if the vessel didnt change course? There would be many more people dead than there were on the frieghter, that frieghter would have killed hundreds of people including me and the rest of the counseling staff in the offices." Kreallia explained. "But you need to decide for your self if you can except that you saved more people than you possibly killed." Kreallia said.

Dunham nodded his head in agreement. "It sounds so simple when you put like that, I agree. But isn't killing people wrong? Isn't it bad Karma?"

"Karma is a way to balance your life style, but in reality it doesnt affect us one way for another." Kreallia explained.

Dunham gave a bit of a sigh and relaxed a bit. the tension in his shoulder muscles dropped. "Your right, your right. I just can't shake this feeling, that maybe just maybe, that might be more to life than flying around blowing things up, and I think the route of the problem, stems from the fact I have a issue killing people. I understand it comes with the job and we have a duty to perform these actions when called upon. But I don't know if I can do that anymore?"

Kreallia thought for a moment. "Rick killing in most cultures is a mortal sin, it's an act that we think we can avoid. But when the time comes we have a choice, to kill or not to kill, and Rick you made a choice that you were going to save ninety thousand people and kill a frieghter that was going to kill thousands of people and possibly not even a civilan frieghter." Kreallia said. She then moved over to his chair and kneeled down in front of him. "You did the right thing Rick." She said staring into his eyes.

"I think I got something in my eye." He said turning his head away, and surreptitiously tried to wipe a tear away with the back of his uniform sleeve. "Thank you kindly Counslor you have been a great help. I understand now." the last he said with a smile.

Kreallia smiled. "Of course, now is there a waver I have to sign of what?" Kreallia

Dunham raised his hands in mock surrender. "Nah, its all good thank you counserlor. I mean it, thank you." He offered his hand to shake. "I appreciate it your help, and don't forget you gotta come over at some point and have dinner with me and Chelsea"

Kreallia smiled as she got up and fixed her hair. "I'd love to, and can you answer a question for me? What level quarters do you have?" Kreallia asked.

"I have the standard Lieutenant size quarters. But Chelsea has a Lieutenant Commanders quarters, thats an added bonus when it comes to size, so I will be moving in with her soon with my niece. Why?"

"So level three then, right?" Kreallia asked. "Because I got level two quarters and I have no idea why, It might be the fact that I'm part of Starfleet Medical, or you guys need me that badly." Kreallia explained. "And I have all this space and I have no idea what to do with it."

"Well what kind of hobbies do you have?"

"Sprinting." Kreallia said.

"Well what about a running machine? Or a zero gravity gym?"

"Ah, well that could work. But how about you two come over for dinner tomorrow night, I have seating for six and there is only one Romulan and a German Shepard." Kreallia asked.

Dunham smiled finally getting it. "Of course. Sounds like a lovely idea, and you have a dog? that is so cool."

"Yeah Guark found her on the promenade and just gave her to me, who knew he had a heart?" Kreallia laughed. "I havent decided on a name yet, though."

"I will have a think, see if I can come up with any suggestions before dinner. But one name springs to mind. Spitfire." he said with a smile.

Kreallia rolled her eyes. "She's a puppy, not a fighter pilot." Kreallia laughed.

Dunham laughed as well. It felt good, it had been a while. "Ok well i will give it some further thought. Until dinner Lieutenant Kreallia t'Jay." He said with a little nod

"Tomorrow night seventeen hundred." Kreallia said as she followed him to the door.

"Brilliant see you then." Said Dunham as he waved goodbye.

As the door shut behind him Kreallia looked at the clock, not much time till the meeting with Gul Tharek. "Better get ready."


LT Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader
Deep Space Five

LT JG Kreallia t'Jay
Deep Space Five