Interlude – Gathering the Threads
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Gathering the Threads
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Aug 23, 2010 @ 8:52pm
Location   ch'Rihan (where else!?)
Timeline   SD30/SD31
Once he returned to ch’Rihan Rh’vaurek had no more time to spare. He did not use his shuttle. The Liorae would remain here, just as he would appear to do so until it was time for him to return to Deep Space Five.

Instead Rh’vaurek made the rendezvous on a transport among his team, an elite hand picked command crew ready to displace those that currently operated the IRW Ael’laehval; this was the first of the ships that Senator Latasalaem had promised him, a D’deridex with an eminent history in the Praetorian fleet, a ship that was about to be commandeered by the Tal’Shiar.

Rh’vaurek could not help be amused by what Latasalaem was doing, the Ael’laehval was a vessel ostensibly under the direction of the Praetor and beyond the use of the intelligence services, therefore if everything went Bolian shaped, it was Supreme Praetor Vrih tr’Avilh who would appear to be responsible. Perhaps it was a little extreme to imprison the current command staff, but they too would become scapegoats if things went awry – after the last attempt Latasalaem was not taking any chances.

As they waited for the midday meal to be brought in Rh’vaurek leaned back in his chair as he looked over the faces gathered around the table in the communal dining room – the first his gaze alighted on was Aendah Janicka i- Rhehiv'je who sat opposite. The Major was a bland looking woman with little sense of humour, but it was she who would ensure that the dispossessed command crew had the necessary false memories implanted and were conditioned to believe that they were the ones in charge of the Ael’laehval.

To her right sat Ssiebb Avrak Tarris; the Colonel was highly placed in R’Vek tr’Khellian’s department, the Military Affairs Division, but Tarris had shown enough potential for Special Operations to show an interest in him. Based on his tactical and strategic experience Rh’vaurek had appointed Tarris his second in command, and though Tarris did not know it, his performance in this mission would determine his future.

To Rh’vaurek’s own right sat Aendah S'Hauen, a dour man who, somewhat disturbingly, only seemed to get excited by weapons and their deployment – it did not matter what sort of weapon, he knew how to use them – but when he became animated about his topic of conversation even Rh’vaurek preferred to take a step back. That apparent perversion aside, or perhaps because of it, S'Hauen was a brilliant motivator, and the crew would feel the benefit when he took over Security.

i- Rhehiv'je would be responsible for securing the support of everyone else in a senior position and if her reports and records were accurate they would be falling over themselves to comply rather than give her cause to ‘persuade’ them.

And that was all it took, a less secret mission might allow for a smaller team, but the officers and crew were not fools, the Tal’Shiar were taking over, if they valued their families they would co-operate.

And as the ship made its way at impulse through the Eisn system before a brief jump to warp they talked among themselves, about the prospects of the mission for the Empire. For now, only Rh’vaurek knew that the Cardassians would be involved too.

But for now, they did not need to know that, Rh’vaurek thought as he talked between mouthfuls of a very good lunch.


The Commander who Rh’vaurek deposed was named Rekar tr’Raedheol, he was a similar age to Rh’vaurek.

By blood they were cousins and under other circumstances they might have been raised as equals but when he had requested this ship in particular, Rh’vaurek had borne that in mind; one more step towards achieving vengeance for his own mother who had been scorned by her family.

Rh’vaurek felt no concern as the man was taken forcibly from the bridge. He leaned back in the command chair and rested his ankle on his knee. “I want a secure channel opened. Route via listening posts 285, 347 and 983.” Rh’vaurek swivelled the chair to observe the officer who executed his command, “Remember that process,” he told her. “Contact Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal at Deep Space Five – make sure that final request is sent from the main communication array above ch’Rihan,” he said, "When he responds, I'll take it in my ready room."


erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol