Beg, Steal or Borrow – Back into the game
by Chris Morgans & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Back into the game
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Chris Morgans & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun May 31, 2009 @ 10:21pm
Location   Central Administrative Centre
Timeline   SD8 15:15 (Backpost)

The lights flickered as Chris up-righted his chair before sitting at the terminal. Sipping his coffee he scanned the display bank before absent mindedly replacing all the spilt pieces back into the right places of the office chess board.

"Computer, run full diagnostic on all systems. Highlight anything unusual." Chris ordered.

The computer chirped a standard response followed. "Please define - anything unusual."

"I don’t know…um…," Chris paused, trying to give a definitive parameter to the query, "correlate time of attack with power surges, increased energy readings, rise in heat signatures…you know, anything out of the ordinary. Run a full diagnostic, scan everything!" He stated with exasperation.

"Affirmative. Commencing full diagnostic."

"Also bring up all ship passenger manifests for the past two days, correlating with new applications and requests from this morning – lets see what rats are jumping ship and where they are running..."

Why a full diagnostic? Paranoia maybe? Starfleet was probably all over it, Starfleet security had more sophisticated equipment than his and there was nothing to fear. Still, something just didn’t add up, didn’t feel right. He needed to do something.

Was that why he was pulling up all the ship manifests as well? As if there wasn’t enough to do. Traditionally, the time just after an attack was the busiest for administration. Everyone still caught up in that flight or fight instinct, still feeling that hopelessness of being on the sidelines, of your life being in the hands of others – your life in the hands of Starfleet, people tended to do two things: get the hell out of dodge or sign up. As a result Starfleet applications and passage on ships increased.


Was that it? Was this all about Starfleet? Was this all about wanting to get back into the game? To join up? After all these years, finally joining Starfleet?

It took a while, but finally the computer responded;

"Full diagnostic complete."

"What’ve we got?"

Chris leant forward scanning the screen in front of him. He leant back in surprise before leaning hesitantly forward to look at the screen again.

"Computer, is this report accurate?"

"Affirmative. Power surge corresponds exactly point three seconds before shield failure. Point six seconds before attack begins."

"That would mean-"

Chris was way over his head and he knew it. There was only one thing to do and that was to contact Security & intelligence, whom presently, was one & the same.

"Computer, Starfleet network please. Send all diagnostic results to Commander Davies with my compliments and remind him... it's still his move.'


Administration Officer: Chris Morgans


CO: David Davies