Time is Fleeting – Casualties of War
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Petro & 1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Post Details

Title   Casualties of War
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Petro & 1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 8:04pm
Location   DS5 Ops
Timeline   SD14 10:15
"What in Gods' name!" Davies remarked.......


David spun about in a blind panic, his mind raced with what had just befallen the Bunkerhill.
His hand slammed on the main console.

"Fighter wings, USS Daedalus, get to the Bunkhill, stat! Emergency rescue. Transporter teams, full scans of the Bunkerhill, try and get a lock on any survivors. The ship is secondary! Medical, prepare for emergency transports and casualties." He took a single step back stopped himself from looking up to the panoramic window in which he felt the burning eyes of the Admiral staring down at him.

"What the hell?" Duquense said aloud as the blinding light receded from the main view screen. He was not in the loop as far as priority mission briefings, but he knew enough to know that a live ordinance was not supposed to be a part of the exercise.

"Mr Rushtone, raise the Bunkerhill." Davies barked his orders, wondering how a live round had found its way into the armaments. He took a deep breath, awaiting signals, scans and reports.

"Aye sir, contacting USS Bunkerhill." Rushtone replied, his jaw still trying to close itself.

=^= "USS Bunkerhill, this is DS5 status report, please respond." =^=
Robert repeated the hail, before the Bunkerhill and Lieutenant Wallace responded.

{aboard Bunker Hill}

As the ship rocked for a second time from secondary explosions, Jarred looked around, "I've got fires all over this ship, radiation hazard in engineering, transporters will be ineffective and shuttle bay two has decompressed we are starting to drift from the explosive decompression, I'm going down to engineering to get the engineering team out, beam the rest of the bridge crew off now!"

He turned to the bridge staff, "Stand by for transport, Marti, Claire, John, Taali and the rest of you get ready for emergency beam out, DS5 Energize!" he could tell Claire was about to argue but that was cut short by the transporter engaging. Jarred turned and took a turbo lift down to engineering, the corridors were filled with smoke small explosions and debris littering the floor, as he got closer to engineering he saw what could only be described as total carnage, an engineer was crushed under a fallen bulkhead, two others had burns from fire, Jarred saw Bruce, "We've got to get everyone out of this section the radiation level is interfering with transporter functions."

Bruce was leaning over the body of one of the engineering crew. He was alive but barely. He himself wasn't in the best of shape either. His arm protruded at a abnormal angle clearly being broken. Not to mention that the skin had been burned off from it. "I am going to find the idiot who did this and launch him out of a torpedo tube." Bruce said to no one in particular. "YOU HEARD THE LT. GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" Bruce yelled to the crew. "You come help me with him." He nodded toward the ensign on the floor.

Taali was closest. She ran over and helped drag the unconscious Engineer clear as Bruce lifted off the heavy debris from his legs.

"Jarred the reactor needs to get out of here."

"No Arguments here, get out of this section now that's an order!"

Jarred ran into the reactor core room and started to pull the manual release levers one at a time, as he rounded to platform to pull the third one above him the coolant containment failed the audible hiss of a coolant leak beginning filled the room, he looked up then looked at the lever. In what seemed like one fluid motion he pulled the lever and then dove under the closing blast door, rolling on the floor the ship shuttered at the reactor dropped out of the ship. His small victory was short lived as a fireball came down the corridor at straight at him.

{ Daedalus }

"Sir I have a lock on some of the crew." The transporter chief informed Dirk.

"Well what are you waiting for? Get them aboard NOW!" Dirk barked.

Dirk opened a channel to DS5. "Davies we have a problem we can't use our transporters they are interlinked with our phasers for some reason. Our CEO is looking into it. Using our shuttle transporters instead."

= DS5 =

Davies was hopping mad. This was a major error by loading and he did not want to apportion any blame until a full investigation had been carried out, but right now, he was more concerned as to why the extraction was taking so long.

His hand rested on the console, itching to bark orders, but he knew medical were up to their necks in it and so were engineering and flight. He had to be patient and wait to see what was actually happening on the Bunkerhill.
The message from the Daedalus was just one compounded error on top of another.

=^= "Transporter room, try to get a lock on the Bunkerhill crew. Daedalus has a fault in its transporters." =^=

Henkel Walbyov was at the transporter control.
"Sir, we have locks on most of the crew, but we are a little overstretched here at the moment. The shield generators are tied to the transport generators and until they are once again repaired, we are nearly 200 units out of action." Came the advisory from the transport control.

Davies shook his head.
=^= "Do what you can, as fast as you can. Ops out." He stared ahead at the flickering orange silhouette around the Bunkerhill, praying silently to himself for a minor miracle.

Robert was scanning for lifeforms and fortunately, they were a plenty on the burning ship. Transports were working full out.

"Sir, 98 persons so far transported. Commander Adams is setting up a triage on deck 88. So far sir, we have a report only had 3 fatalities, but we're still 37 unaccounted for."

David nodded, the low number made him feel some form of gratitude.

"Thank you Robert." He said simply, his eyes not leaving the viewer ahead.

A few moments later, another transmission came in from flight.

"Sir, Lieutenant Dunham transmitting." he advised.

"Put it on speaker." David said, not wanting to hide anything.

=^=Dunham to DS5 commencing flyby. For damage assessment=^= The Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters slid slowly passed the Bunker Hill weaving in between chunks debris. Each commenced Sensor scans and their search lights shimmered across the hull.

=^=Dunham to DS5. Sending over sensor data. I'm afraid it doesn't look good.=^= The last was said with remorse as Dunham saw the charred remains of a starfleet officer drift pass him.

David heard the sadness in the lieutenant’s voice.
"It never does, but it’s what you’re not seeing that is more important. We have a number of causalities already aboard the station and the Daedalus has some as well. Keep up the good work Lieutenant." Davies praised.

"Commander, that last round came from the station. It appears that the round was loaded and placed amongst the other non-lethal rounds. I'm not sure who was responsible for placing it, sir." Duquense stated as he received a report from torpedo bay.

He spun about to Duquense and it was news that he already had known.

"Thank you Duquense. We'll investigate later, when we have the ship and what remains of her and our crew back on board." He said trying to keep his tone light. "Keep at it." He forced a smile as Commander Villiers practically breezed into ops.

~ No, No, No! ~ Duquense thought to himself as he looked a the burning vessel in his viewscreen. Tactical was HIS department. How the hell did he allow a live round to be placed within the ammunition bay? What went wrong? What did HE do wrong?

Petro couldn't take her eyes off of what she was looking at. This was supposed to be a simulation. How? She couldn't even formulate the question in her mind. She found herself breathing shallow, almost holding her breath.

"Its an accident, Petro," Karen said laying a hand on the woman's shoulder. Whether or not that was true would only be discerned following months of investigation no doubt followed by years of enquiry - the procedure was her own lifeblood but this was not really the time to reflect on that. She spoke again with the J'Naii, "Make sure that everyone involved knows the simulation has been suspended - we have a real emergency to deal with now."

Petro nodded. "Yes Ma'am." She said, drawing herself out of the blank state. She hadn't even noticed that the Commander had laid a hand on her shoulder nor was she aware of touching the console as she sent out the message. The automated announcement should be heard throughout the station now and to those in vessels off the station and involved directly or indirectly also received the message via text.

Davies held up a surrendering pair of hands as he turned back to Mr Rushtone and took a single step closer to the comms man.

"Mr Rushtone, signal Lieutenants Milarno and Adams, I want to know first hand what is happening in the sickbays and put it up there on the viewer." Davies pointed to the viewscreen.

"Sir." Robert replied in a hushed voice of his own as his hand keyed the needed sequence and within seconds, Dr Adams was staring down at them, larger than life.

=^= Emergency Infirmary. Adams here, go ahead Sir? =^= Chelsea replied to the hail but was busy administering analgesic and anti-inflammatory to a patient on one side of her as she was speaking.

"Very well. Are you coping down there? Do you need any support? equipment? extra staff?" His mouth was ahead of his brain, trying to ensure medical and rescue teams were as fully staffed as possible.

=^= Extra staff never go amiss, Sir. =^= Chelsea answered frankly. We have both sickbays in full use which always stretches us but we've called in all off-duty staff and all emergency medics so we're doing all we can. =^=


** End of Part 1 **

Commander David Davies

CWO2C Robert Rushtone
By Mark

Lieutenant (jg) Michael Duquense
Tactical Officer
By Thomas

Lt. Freeman/Cmdr Alphonse
CEO DS5 CO Daedalus

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lt. Wallace/ LT CMDR Akerfel
CIO DS5 / XO Daedalus

ENS John Elliott
Assistant Chief of Operations, DS5

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams/CPO Ed McBain (npc)/Ensign Taali South (Npc)
ACMO - DS5/Lead Nurse - DS5/USS Bunker Hill

Lt. Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer
6th Combined Operations Group

Ensign Petro
Quartermaster - DS5

Lt. Greo Tovon
Acting Chief Science Officer - DS5

Lt. (JG) Claire Mackenzie
Acting Chief Counselor - DS5

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer. DS5

1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady
Marine XO - DS5

Lt Jarred Wallace/Ens. Martina Perth/CPO Craig Ayers/ LTCmdr. Mikeal Akerfel/Adm. John Patrick Morgan
CIO DS 5/ Intel DS5/Encryptions DS5/XO USS Daedalus/Starfleet operations and training