Beg, Steal or Borrow – Violet Rose
by Lieutenant T'Pal & Lieutenant JG Derick Fox

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Title   Violet Rose
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & Lieutenant JG Derick Fox
Posted   Sun Jul 19, 2009 @ 12:13pm
Location   CDO's office
Timeline   SD9 1700 hours
The memory of Tupana still fresh in her mind, Ayren found herself standing at the view port, staring lost in thought at the ships in orbit, coming in to the various docking rings. There were still some repairs in progress, but at least the diplomatic complex was not fully repaired as well as her office. The cup of tea she was drinking was suspended in midair, before she brought it slowly to her lips.

A man with a white box crossed the promenade in route to the Chief Diplomat's Office. He arrived with the package at the receptionists desk "Excuse me, I am looking for Miss Kelan?

Raxna looked up at the man, a warm smile on her face. She had not been with the Chief Diplomat long and wasn't familiar with all her visitors. She definitely had no appointments scheduled for the next two hours. As far as she know, Ayren was trying to make sense of a complex trade agreement. "Is she expecting you?," she asked in to the expressionless face of what seemed to be a messenger. She didn't malicious intent, but after what happened on the station, security is tighter and one had to be careful.

The man held up the package and smiled. "Delivery for Miss Kelan."

After confirming with Ayren that she could send the man through, she indicated towards the door, which had a new scanner attached. Before the computer would open the door, it would automatically detect explosives and weapons. When the sophisticated module chirped, the door opened to let the quiet man through.

Ayren was just about to resume working when Sara informed he of the visitor and she moved towards her desk as the man entered. Her senses were also on full alert, but with well trained betazoid as a receptionist, she knew that Raxna wouldn't have let anyone suspicious through. "What can i do for you?" she asked curiously.

"This package is for you." He placed the package on her desk. "Good day ma'am," and left.

A white box with a violet bow was on the desk in front of her.

Surprised she stared at it and then at the disappearing back of the man. "Who is if from?" was a useless question as there was no one in her office anymore.

Slowly she approached it and stared at it for a few long moments. Then her curiosity won and she opened it.

In side the box wrapped in white paper was a translucent Rose. The stem and leaf were a bright green and the rose itself was violet. In the box was also a note that read:

Ayren, This is a violet rose. It is unbreakable and will never perish. It is a symbol of my love for you. It too will never break or perish. Ayren, I was a fool. I was trying to protect my heart from the pain of losing you. I was selfish, my heart wasn't mine to protect. It was yours and still is. Please join me for dinner at 8pm so we can talk.
With all my love, Derick

"Derick...." she whispered and sank down in her chair. If you had told her that the Borg had joined the Federation she wouldn't have been more surprised. Derick whom had pushed her away, Derick that had been the obnoxious security chief who ran away from counseling sessions.... Derick whom she had fallen for more than three years ago, Derick who she had tried to forget,... now here..... on the station?

Her heart was in her throat, beating ferosiously. Then there was Da'nal and his family who had stepped in and out of her life in a few days...Suddenly emotion overtook her and in a sudden flkash of anger she flew up and swiped the padds on her desk flying, missing the rose, who remained in tact in it's box.

"Damn you, Da'nal! Damn you!" she said angrily. Now out of the blue this..... shortly after she had remembered Passet. Tears stung behind her eyes as she took the note to read it again, her hands slightly shaking.

"With all my love......" she said out loud. "Damn you too Derick!!" she said as she sit in her chair again. "Computer, is there s Derick Fox on the station?"

"Confirmed," came the answer.

"Computer locate Derick Fox," she ordered.

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Derick Fox is in his quarters.

Ayren took the rose and marched out of her office, seeing Raxna also getting to leave as her duty shift ended. There was no need to talk, Raxna sensed the storm in the Diplomat.

It was not long after that Ayren stood at Derick's quarters and pressed the chime. She was flushed from the brisk walk and from the storm brewing.

Derick had been under pressure all day. A new work place, new boss, new people and most of all some where out there, the most important person in his life. HE had no idea how she would react. He could only hope for the best and that maybe she would understand.

Derick's favorite way to relax was to practice his karate movements. The slow methodical, fluid movements, the concentration on breathing...all helped him to relax.
Derick heard the door chime and said "come" with out thinking, with out stopping his graceful movements........

The door opened and Ayren stepped through, her heart beating frantically in her chest. Holding the beautiful box with it's rose in front of her, she haltedm her throat tight at seeing him again. "How dare you...?" she asked, her voice almost breaking with pent up emotion.

At the shock of seeing Ayren, almost made Derick fall over. He didn't expect her to come to his quarters. That was not the type of greeting that played over in his mind when they would meet. The longing for her and the joy at seeing her again was almost too much for him to handle.

Derick swallowed hard, his chest hurt. "Hello Ayren," as he began to walk toward her.

Her black orbs stared at him, taking in his familiar form and processing his presence in her mind. He wouldn't even know that her senses were fully restored. she stepped backwards, putting her hand up. "What ..... why now...?" Her emotions spilled over in tears streaming down her face.

Derick stopped in his tracks. He wanted nothing more than to grab Ayren in his arms and never let go but, he had to respect her wishes. She did not want him close to her. He lowered his arms to his sides.

"My heart belongs to you. You have had it all this time. I tried to deny it but, I can't any longer. I think about you everyday. Wondering what you are doing, if you are alright. You come to my dreams every night. I tried to protect my heart by pushing you away. I was afraid of you dying and me not being able to protect you. Its not my heart to protect any more. Its your heart and has been yours since we first met. Derick spun around looking at the room trying to find meaning that made sense to her, then turned back to face her. His strength now diminished, he began moving towards her.

Ayren stared at him and dropped her eyes. She could sense his feelings for her and felt them almost overwhelming... the last time they had seen each other, she couldn't sense anything as she had lost her abilities.. "Derick... I will need time...a lot has happened,' she said quietly. Derick had always been so closed, so distant.. now to have him here was a shock to her..."But we can start by becoming friends again...getting to know each other again..." she suggested, her heart hammering in her chest.

"Very well, I will do as you ask." Derick approached and took her hand in his kissing it on top gently........

Ayren smiled and relaxed somewhat. "Such gallantry..? I am impressed," she said,, with a gleam of humor in her eyes, lightening the mood, at least hers. They used to banter endlessly. Drawing her hand slowly out of his, she looked around the newly occupied quarters. "Still not much into decorating are you?" she asked with a dead pan face.

"It you like you can stay and help decorate. I am not good at making things look nice, I am good at destroying them." giving Ayren a wink. "Besides, I just got here a few hours ago."

"Excuses ... excuses...' she mumbled, looking at the bags standing neatly together as they must have been transported earlier. She couldn't really imagine that there was anything inside them that would generally be regarded as decorative. 'if you can find me anything in those that would help to make things look nice.... I will have dinner with you," she said with her head cocked to the side.


Ayren Kelan
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lieutenant JG Derick Fox
Tactical Officer