Intermission – One set back after another
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   One set back after another
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Thu Oct 17, 2013 @ 5:25pm
Location   OPS
Dorian Gabriel didn't wait for the turbolift to come to a stop before he stepped off and walked directly towards the Executive Offices. He didn't stop to say high to any of his former colleagues, nor did he stop to even give an explanation for why he was there. He knew why and in his mind, that's all that mattered.

"Where is Tahir!" he demanded, more than asked as he got to the doors leading to the Captain's office.

"You have no right to be here, I must ask you to leave. Now."

"Its ok, Lieutenant Bennet." An alarm had sounded in her office the moment Gabriel had trespassed into Ops - a stationwide precaution taken when officers lost priveleges. Doubly so in this case, Dorian Gabriel having lost not only rank but expelled from Starfleet.

"You heard the Lieutenant. State your business or leave," she said.

Dorian looked at the XO as she stepped into the conversation. It wasn't who he was looking for, but she would have to do. "Why am I not surprised to see you involved?" He asked rhetorically. "Anytime the interests of a Federation citizen are at stake, sure enough, you'll be there to interfere!" He said accusatory.

"The observation lounge. Now," Karen ordered. She was not getting into a public debate with this troublemaker.

"Why in the Hell have my funds been restricted as well as my quarters!?!" He said in a tone much louder than conversational.

Dorian followed her to the lounge, still fuming. He waited until the doors closed before resuming his complaint. "Why the hell have my funds been seized!?" He asked again.

"I'd have to look into that," Karen replied, "but perhaps you should watch what sort of company you keep." As the new poster boy for the Human Supremacist group that was making waves around the station he shouldn't have been surprised that steps had been taken.

"The hell are you talking about!?" He shouted . "The only company I've been keeping has been in that damn jail cell because of your Kangaroo Court!" he shot back.

"You were centre stage in what came close to a riot, Gabriel. You know as well as I do that's something that gains one special attention."

Dorian narrowed his eyes. That's what this is all about. It wasn't enough that she ruined his career, but now she wanted to ruin any further existence of his.

"It's call the Freedom of Assembly. It's something that real Starfleet Officers have fought and died for. But you wouldn't know anything about that kind of sacrifice since you've spent your entire career behind a desk." He said in an accusatory tone.

"Why don't you do real work for once and actually use that pawn of yours, Trellis, to keep the damn promenade safe from any explosions." He shot back. "Or how about this crazy idea: Why don't you ACTUALLY find the person responsible?" He asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Its time you were leaving, Gabriel. I don't want to hear of you entering any more restricted areas illegally. Understood," Karen said.

Dorian could feel the frustration and anger flowing through him like a wave. At every step he continued to run into setback after setback. his career, his livelihood, now his own freedom was being stripped from him. He wouldn't let this desk-riding bureaucrat control him like a meager puppet.

"Listen to me very carefully, Karen" He said, all pretense of formality gone. "Stay the hell out of my way. . ." He said pointedly

"You still think you're the victim here, Dorian," Karen replied in kind. "Poor innocent trapped in a conspiracy. That might be how it is in your mind, but in he real world everything that has happened is your own damned fault. You are just incapable of taking responsibility for your actions. All I see is a rather sad, lonely former starfleet officer still railing against the knowledge that he isn't the star of the show or the true defender of the Federation. Its your own arrogance, conceit and sheer inability to get along with your colleagues that has got you here. We don't need loose canons, and we don't tolerate insubordination. Now, get out of this room and out of Ops before I have security remove you. Got it?"

Dorian took a deep breathe, and then another. His fist involuntarily clenched together, straining the veins throughout his wrists. He knew that if he did not leave the room he would not be able to stop himself from launching into the the Commander and strangling her.

"Consider this your first and last warning, Karen." He said intentfully as he turned and left the room.

Dorian Gabriel
Former Chief of Security

Karen Villiers
Executive Officer