Beg, Steal or Borrow – 'Unity' - A state of Mind?
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Colonel James Darson & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Aieron Peters & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & 1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Lieutenant JG Petro & Ensign Brian Moxis & Lieutenant T'Pal & Arrival Kaia & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   'Unity' - A state of Mind?
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Colonel James Darson & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Aieron Peters & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & 1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Lieutenant JG Petro & Ensign Brian Moxis & Lieutenant T'Pal & Arrival Kaia & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Mar 16, 2009 @ 12:29am
Location   Operations
Timeline   SD8 13:20

As he took the stairs down to OPs, he called for a shipwide to the man at Comm.

"Sir, at once." Bill responded, pressing the open channel.

"All hands, this is Commander Davies. We are currently under threat of an attack and I urge all civilian personnel to take shelter in the lower decks. All shops are to close and preventative measure to be taken. All department heads to report to the conference room on the double. That is all. Davies out." He nodded at the petty officer to close the channel before turning to James.

Bill tapped the display, closing the comm and checking the radio chatter. "Sir, what of the docked ships?" He enquired.

"All in good time Petty officer, they are aware of the situation, but nobody leaves DS5." His brow raised as Davies gave the order.

Bill pursed his lips. "Aye sir. Understood."

"Shall we?" David said, leading the Major towards the conference deck.

Darson moved quickly behind Commander Davies as they moved to the Conference Deck, as he opened a secure COMM channel to 1st Lieutenant Brady, “Lieutenant Brady, this is Major Darson. I am officially raising our alert status to FPCON Delta. This is not a drill, I repeat, this is not a drill.”

"I'm right on it, Sir. What are the orders?" Brady started walking out of the office to assemble a team of Marines.

“I want you to reinforce all primary positions, Main Engineering, Main Operations, etc. Get on the radio to the CAG and inform him that Operational status is now Foxtrot-Alpha-Whiskey. If the Romulans sitting off our station uncloak and look like they’re about to attack, they are authorized to open fire. Also, I want you to post a small fighter patrol around the K'Zhixrian G'Jeniva… you are to not let it leave the station.” He suspected Natrina and Kaia, at the slightest hint of interference from the Romulans, would take advantage of the distraction, and possibly bolt.

Brady tapped his commbadge, "I'll be right on it. Brady out." He mentally checked off everything that was just said by the Marine CO.

The two men strode towards the conference room. "I sincerely hope we can pull this off Major!" Davies said as he approached the door, his hand held out, allowing the Major to enter first.

Darson was going to insist that he be allowed to enter first, but the Commander let him go in without a fight. He indicated that Davies should wait a minute, and quickly moved in and swept the area like he had done a million times before, checking under the table and chairs, as well as using the various filters in his helmet to achieve the desired effect. Satisfied that the room was clear and secure, at least for the moment, he gestured the Commander in.

David had not expected a room sweep and watched in a strange sense of glee as James bent over and under, searching and examining each crack and crevice. He nodded at the summons, "Thank you Major." He said, walking around the table to the centre seat.

Ayren, at hearing the order, immediately relayed the relevant information to her department. Most of them were civilian and they needed to be out of harm's way. After that she went to the conference room, soon after the Davies and Darson. Acknowledging them , she replicated some coffee and went to stand at the view port, gazing into space as if she was trying to find the cloaked ships.

=^= "Commander," Jo'el piped up from beside Isha's desk. "All weapons on the lower decks are charged and accounted for as of 12:30 hours. Upper decks and ops were checked yesterday."

=^= "Thank you, Jo'el, understood. Davies out." =^= Davies replied, making himself comfortable and watching Darson fling back his cape as he strode around the room and at Ayren who breezed in and wished she had offered him some hot beverage.

Da'nal was in Ops with Commander T'Lan and had just recommended bring the Department heads together, when the order came through. Together Da`nal and T'Lan left Davies's office and entered the conference room. Whatever had kept Davies from meeting with him had no doubt brought him similar information to that he had to share with him. "Looks like Commander Davies beat us to the punch." Noticing the time as he keyed the PADD in his hand, "I wonder if Gabriel had managed to make it to see me at 1300?"

Ryan and Chelsea had both recently left Sickbay and were officially off duty but on receiving the call they both made their way to the meeting at once. On the way through the bustling corridors, Chelsea opened the comm channel to CPO McBain who had been left in charge of Sickbay and updated him on the situation. Ryan instructed Ed to call in all off duty medical personnel and await further orders. They also informed him where they would be for the next few minutes, if he needed them urgently.

As they walked into the Conference Room and sat down, they were discussing amongst themselves how it would be best to split themselves so that one would be in Main Sickbay on Deck 65 and the other would go to take charge of the Emergency Secondary Sickbay, activating the EMH for back up.

"Do you want to take Main?" Chelsea asked her senior officer in a hushed tone with one eye on Commander Davies in case he should call the meeting to order.

"Sure," Ryan replied. "That'd be right, you volunteering me for the biggest and the busiest!" he smirked.

"And it'd be right you taking the credit when the Emergency Infirmary will get all the difficult cases and long stays." she whispered back, grinning at him.

Gabriel hadn't even had a chance to change from his standard gray into the customary gold uniform for security before he heard the report on the comm unit. Fortunately he had been able to dispatch two officers to patrol the deck of the Romulan Embassy. He didn't have any concrete evidence, but he knew that now would be the perfect time for them to hatch whatever plan they had in the first place. It was better to have a set of eyes and feet on the ground prepared to react when the moment arrived.

His lift came to a stop and he stepped out in time to see Da'nal and T'Lan standing already in OPS. The sight of the Officer reminded him of the meeting he was *supposed* to attend with the man at 1300hrs, just as quickly the thought had left his mind and Gabriel had moved on to more important matters.

Darson stood quickly as Gabriel entered and moved over to him. He leaned in close to the man and said, “Lieutenant…congratulations on your diagonal transition. Now that you’re the chief of security, I’m thinking that you should dispatch a couple of officers to make sure that Natrina and Kaia stay onboard the station. I don’t want them crashing the party early. I have a fighter patrol ready to intercept them should they leave, but I don’t want it to get that far.

Gabriel nodded. The man might be colour-blind, but he did have a point. Now would be the perfect time for those two scavengers to try to take advantage of the situation. The last thing he needed to do was to take down the pirate base as well as invoke on a sector-wide manhunt for those two. Gabriel moved to a communications console and sent word to his stand-in in Security to dispatch one officer to the Bar, and another two to their respective quarters.

"Lieutenant Gabriel," came the reply, "Our records show that the two civilians returned to Kaia's ship shortly after your meeting this morning. The ship departed the station over an hour ago."

Aieron quietly slipped into the conference room, and glanced around. Major Darson, Commander Davies, Commander T`Lan, Lt Commander Da`nal, Lieutenant Adams and Lt Milamo were all sitting down around the large table, whilst Ayren Kelan was staring out of a viewport. He pulled a PADD back out of his pocket, he still had a lot of work to catch up on. The arrogant, and base-wide loathed Lt Gabriel was in the process of sitting down.

Claire walked in numb and completely void of all emotions but one, grief. She saw Gabriel sitting there and turned away from him, taking her seat.

Da`nal saw Gabriel and nodded. "My apologies Lieutenant, I was detained with Commander T'Lan concerning our," nodding towards the window, "guests out there."

"Oh no need to worry. Please, don't apologize for not coming to the meeting, I sure as heck won't." Gabriel said as he walked past the man towards a nearby console to view civilian evacuation reports. He had not intentions of showing up to the meeting even if the station wasn't about to be under attack.

Rianni was next to enter, in her flight suit carrying her helmet. She took a seat at the table, giving Gabriel a look that said all seven of the words you can't say on TV as she entered.

Lieutenant Rick Dunham came in close behind here he had been half way into changing into his flight suit when the call had come. He entered with one glove in his mouth while trying to put on the other with his helmet held in his other hand. It was only his first day and damn he was eager to get out there.

Gabriel looked at the two pilots walk into the area. He was still deeply troubled by the fact that a suspected traitor was still given access to Starfleet equipment and then given flight status on top of that. Right now wasn't the time to quibble over it because he knew Davies would do nothing about it.

"You!" Gabriel said to Dunham as he walked onto Ops. "Why are you standing here instead of being on the Flight Deck preparing your fighter to engage the enemy?" Gabriel asked rhetorically. "It's bad enough that we've got Romulans flying around outside and now INSIDE the station," Gabriel said while glancing quickly at Rianni. "You need to be out there, not sitting in here." He said.

"Excuse me, Lt. Gabriel, but my XO is here because I told him to be." Rianni spat, stepping right in Gabriel's face before turning to Davies, "Correct me if I'm wrong, Sir, but I'm the motherfracking CAG around here, not this racist horse's ass, right?" She turned and put her finger right in Gabriel's face, "Don't you ever presume yourself in a position to give orders to anyone in my department again, boy."

Gabriel maintained eye-contact. "That is your department, meaning you have responsibility. As in the responsibilities you had before you abandoned your last post and 'magically' appeared here. I wonder how long we will be graced with your presence until your mother shows up and you two decide to blow something else up." Gabriel responded.

"I guess your mother must have been a psychic." Rianni smirked, "She saw what you were going to grow up to be and abandoned you. Good move on her part."

Rick Stood stock still. Thinking to himself that he had been on the station for a matter of hours and not only was he about to get into a fire fight with the Romulans but some of the people in this room had serious emotional issues. Just what the hell had he got himself into! Casually pointing his thumb over his shoulder back to the entrance Rick said. "Sir's I would be more than happy to get down to the flight deck and get into a cockpit." that I have even seen yet he thought to himself. "With my commanding officers permission?"

"Soon as our part of the briefing is over, but not before." Rianni answered, "I'm not going to endanger one of my pilot's lives to satisfy some pathetic nobody's need to pull rank he doesn't hold over anyone."

Petro came in during the conversation between Rianni and Gabriel. She walked past them, unnoticed as usual, and sat in an empty seat across the table from them. Should it turn to blows she had no intention of being in the middle of it.

Claire watched the 'discussion' between Rianni and Gabriel with interest. She silently hoped that Rianni would do something to Gabriel so she wouldn't be compelled to, but she would be glad to watch.

"PEOPLE!" David bellowed, "We have enough problems outside, without bringing them in. I DO NOT want a repeat of this morning’s antics. We have a heck of a lot of work to co-ordinate as is, so take seats, PADDs and if none are available, replicate more. We don't have the luxury of time here!"

As the people entered Ayren was only vaguely aware of them in her mind. Her attention was focused on the presence of the Romulans she felt. It was too damn vague to pinpoint where it came from, but they were there, lurking, ready, too ready. Suddenly she had a strong sense that they were only minutes away from the attack. With a heart racing from the emotion she had sensed, she turned around, walking to the open seat closest to her. "They are about to attack," she said not addressing anyone in particular, but looking in Davies' direction.

Darson looked up sharply as his enhanced hearing caught the words of the obviously distressed diplomat. He wondered for a brief second how she knew that information, than realized that she was a telepath. He walked quickly over to Davies, “Commander, we are running out of time. We should start the meeting immediately. Any late parties will just have to get caught up when they get here.”

Davies nodded, giving time for the assembled to sit. "Agreed," He said in a lower tone.

“Commander Davies,” Isha said, her tone as flat and dead as a Vulcan’s, hysteria having given way to icy detachment, “you seem to have inadvertently left a comm channel open.” She was in her office, her eyes scanning the sky, as she stood before the window, her palms flat on the console table. Somewhere behind her, her newly enlisted bodyguard also listened. “I think that your staff would be most aggrieved if they later learned that I was privy to your little council of war. No doubt certain of your colleagues suspect that I am sharing notes with the cloaked vessels as we speak. Perhaps you would like to close the channel before your thugs take it as an excuse to renew their harassment of me and their violations of Rihannsu territory.”

Jo'el steepled his fingers and rested his forehead on top, a wisp of crimson shading his hands. He breathed in deeply and silently, sorting out each conversation on the comm in search of where he belonged in this madhouse. Despite his concentration, Jo'el smiled broadly when his charge revealed the malfunction on the comm system. He suddenly loved this assignment. And considering the cacophony in ops, he adored not being part of the senior staff.

Gabriel turned towards the sound of Isha's voice. "You gotta love this, her own people are about to engage in open hostilities with us and SHE wants to play the victim. Romulans, can't live with'em, can't live without one of them stabbing you in the back." He replied.

"You know what? You've got about one more word and I'm going to break your fracking jaw." Rianni exclaimed, she was more than ready to kick Dorian Gabriel's skull in for the way he talked to Isha.

Gabriel smiled broadly. "Of course, I'm sure there is nothing that would satisfy the Romulan blood flowing through your veins than to brutally assault a Federation citizen." he replied.

"Yes, yes, there you are always with the idiotic racist remarks." Rianni said, adding a dismissive wave of her hand, "But, at the end of the day, all you do is prove my point about you. Now, I'd knock you senseless right now, but this is my favorite flight suit and it's a well known fact of physics that feces splatter when it's struck."

David took a breath. "I have asked once, I will not ask again. I want this meeting civilized." He stared at Rianni and Gabriel.

Standing Behind Lieutenant Commander Rianni Monteros-th'Khellian. Lieutenant Richard Dunham whispered into her ear. "Sir, we need to get out there ASAP."

"Agreed." Rianni knew her XO was right, just as she knew she needed to get away from Gabriel before she did kill him, "Sir, if we can get the broad strokes of this so my pilots can launch I'd greatly appreciate it."

T'Lan entered. "Mr. Gabriel. I must ask you once again to refrain from your outbursts and keep your comments in private. You will not get another warning in this matter before I confine you to the Brig." She said, her logic showing. In truth the man disgusted her, and the fact that he was assigned as the Chief of Security further annoyed T'Lan. She had sent several protests to Starfleet Command, as well as a request for an investigation into Lt. Gabriel's activities to the Starfleet JAG.

"Right. Seats. Ambassador t'Khellian, the comm channel is open for a reason, I need your input and your advice. We are being threatened from within and from out by Romulan forces. Lieutenant Freeman was attacked less than an hour ago and is currently in sickbay. Commander Da'nal, I need you at tactical. You will also be in charge of the Guardian Platforms, if they come back on line. Also program the AHDA's, I want a full spectrum of any vessels in its data banks." David said, looking at the Commander before turning to Gabriel.

Da'nal gave a single sharp nod to Davies. "Aye sir."

"Lieutenant Gabriel. I need you to put aside your differences, Commander Monteros is not the enemy here, she is in charge of flight. I need you to seek out the saboteurs and find out what other damage has been done to the station. I know you don't have a great deal of time, but I am sure that Major Darson will offer any and all assistance. Commander Monteros, you are to lead the flight wing with the USS Leda. Make your preparations and work with Commander Da'Nal, he will feed you tactical."

Darson nodded slightly, the hood falling to cover the top half of his mask, “Yes sir. I will extend every spare resource I have to assist my comrades.”

"Not a problem, Sir." Rianni nodded, turning to make eye contact with Da'Nal, "We're ready to launch whenever, you just keep the Intel coming and make sure it's good."

Gabriel nodded as he scanned the current position of Station security. If he was going to launch an investigation into the location of the saboteurs along with preparing for a full-scale incursion, then he was going to be strategic with his subsequent coordination. Rakka had already left him with a thinly stretched security force, and he wanted to avoid having to rely on Darson's motley crew.

Gabriel knew that the best place to start was around the the station's cargo holds and docking stations. He wanted to make sure that whoever was responsible did not have a chance to escape.

Da`nal nodded sharply to Rianni. He had hoped she would have attacked Gabriel, perhaps once this was all settled he would set her off for the last time.

Glancing to Gabriel, Da'nal gave those assembled more to consider. "Lieutenant Gabriel, you may want to check the communications logs. I was informed a short time ago that the comm was bypassed around 1400 yesterday, when a transmission was sent to the Ambassadors quarters. This may lead to a pattern that could help you locate those involved." He then turned to Darson and Davies, "I was also warned that the external attack will be coordinated with an internal strike. Our primary systems may already be compromised by agents of the Tal Shiar. They could have planted explosive or have sleeper agents aboard. I have shared this information with Commander T'Lan and was what I had contacted you about Commander."

Davies gave a nod and was about to respond when Darson made an eerie noise………………


CO: Commander David Davies
& PO William Rushtone

Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security/Intelligence Officer

Lt. (JG) Claire Mackenzie
Acting Chief Counsellor
NPC'd by Mandy

Ayren Kelan
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Richard Dunham
Wing Commander

Major James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer

1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady
Marine Executive Officer

Lt. Cmdr Da`nal
Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Chief Warrant Officer Hiroshi
ACEO NPC'd by Freeman

Ensign Opaka Jo'el
Master-At-Arms/VIP Bodyguard

Lieutenant Aieron Peters
Chief Operations Officer