Interlude – What's Going?
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Mathew Totti

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Title   What's Going?
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Mathew Totti
Posted   Thu Jun 10, 2010 @ 8:10am
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 18 1800 Hours
In the first fifteen minutes of opening, all bars are quiet. The Box of Delights was no different. The first patrons through the door had quickly gone for their tipple of choice then moved to tables and couches, where they quietly let go of the stresses of the day, and relaxed into the first drink of the night.

From the vantage point of the mezzanine, Yolanthe watched the ritual of the first drink, as she called it, with satisfaction, her skin a rich royal blue. It meant that the 'exciting' events of her opening week were fading into memory, and the Box of Delights was becoming fixed in people's minds as a place to go. Which meant that she might actually survive as a business, which these days was all she hoped for.

Finished with surveying her domain, she headed down the stairs to the long wave shaped counter in the middle of her bar, ready for her customers, and content for the first time in a long while.


L.t Mathew had had enough. Enough damn reports and classified documents for a whole year and he had only just gotten here. Admiral Donivan said earlier "You always lectured me about being precise." And Mathew had regreted doing that a great deal. He was catching up on everything since the station went online and this was not an easy task. But anyway it was time for a break and decided he would go for a walk on the promenade.

"I need a drink." Mathew sighed as he walked past the Praxis Bar which was bustling with Klingon Patrons. The sign said 2 for 1 special on Gagh. Mathew laughed.
He scanned the area and a new looking sign stuck out. The Box of delights.
"The last box of delights I was in had 7 Orion ladies in it who stole my wallet before I got out. Ahh hell I'll give it a go."

Mathew stepped In and walked over to the counter.

Yolanthe moved over to the new comer, and smiled down at him. "hey there." She didn't recognise the meaning of his purple uniform, but Starfleet were always welcome. "Welcome to the Box of Delights." She put two slim volumes in front of him, one bound in black leather, the other white. "Our drinks menu. White for non-intoxicating, Black for everything fun." She then geave him a stern look. "make sure you read the discliamer. I know what you fleet types are like with drink."

She waited for him to open the menu. It read:

All the refreshments served in the Box of Delights are genuine brewed/farmed/fermented products. Absolutely nothing is replicated. That means all effects are real!

Throughout this menu, drinks are marked as alcoholic (Bottle symbol), hallucinogenic (mushroom symbol) or euphoric (Smiley Face) for the vast majority of humanoid species. However the management takes no responsibility for any adverse reactions experienced. Learn your limits and drink responsibly.

Please note:
Klingon Death Howls will only be served to customers who have a sober adult accompanying them who is physically capable of getting you home/to sick bay. Again the management is not responsible for any adverse effects from drinking, or from carrying your companion home.

You have been warned!

"I mean it," She told him when he finished. "You have been warned." She smiled then. "So knowing that, what's your poison?"

Mathew smiled and looked up at Yolanthe.
"What's Going tonight?"

"Practically everything." She looked down and the cluster of bottles she'd just been using. "Normally, I'd suggest you start gently, say Ginger Beer, but if you think you can handle it I have just the thing." She put a tiny glass in front of him and poured a blue kanar into the bottom and layered a clear spirit on top. "The idea is to down it in one. Bottom's up!"

Mathew could smell the concoction very strongly and sensed something peculiar from Yolanthe.

"All right then." Mathew said hiding his hesitation. He gulped it down in one then dropped the glass.
"Woooooo!" Mathew looked at Yolanthe wide eyed "Give me another one."

Her hand flashed out and caught the shot glass before it hit the bar. "Easy, tiger," She grinned, turning blue as the kanar, and poured him another anyway. "They're not called Bajoran Brain Death for nothing." She pushed the finished shooter across to him. "I'd hate for you to get a concussion from falling off a chair."

"Why do I doubt that? Hahaha just kidding." Mathew grabbed the glass and brought it close to his eye. "Brain Death ay? Let's see." He then skulled it.

Yolanthe noted the patterns on his skin, and rescued a trill beer from the fridge beneath the counter, opened it, and put it front of him. Then she leant forward on her elbows so she was low enough to look him in the eye. "Such a cheerful rush to oblivion is usually the sign of a really bad day. What's up?"

Mathew sensed that Yolanthe was viewing him but pretended not to notice. "Well Yolanthe. You've got your Command Staff, They run the station. Security, they make you feel secure. Science, they scan stuff and make new things. Medical, They fix people up. And me? "

"Well I have to overview everything they do. Which is a lot and then report my opinion to Star Fleet. And as someone put it to me earlier. I Go and have tea with the ambassadors and arrange treaties, Trade agreements, keep the peace. It is not an easy job. especially when you first get here I have to get up to date from when this place went online."

Yolanthe thought of the two ambassadors she had met. She could imagine that neither the mercurial Raedheol, nor the more bombastic Getal would make his life easy. And if they were anything to go by, she was reasonably sure the Klingon would be more than a handful. She gave him a sympathetic smile. "Let me guess, its not quite turning out to be the tea party you expected?"

"Unfortunately it is everything I expected with the Ambassadors. But the catching up." Mathew frowned and sipped at his beer. "I ask about some of the events and most people can't remember straight away. And they are busy and I have to wait and do something else." Mathew looked around the bar. " I accepted this job. Anyway, enough about me. How are you doing?"

"I can appreciate the catching up is hard. Apparently 'normal' is a very different state round here to the rest of the quadrant. And I thought I'd found a quiet little space station which kept itself to itself." She grinned and her skin moved from violet to powder blue. "I was wrong, but I like it." She shrugged, and began to put the collection of spirit bottles back to their usual homes. "So the ambassadors are giving you a hard time?"

"Surprisingly not yet." Mathew laughed and had another sip. "Ohh just between me and you. Their records." Mathew paused and grinned.
"I know a lot about them that even they don't know." He sighed. "They have approved things that will make you shudder Yolanthe. But i'll keep them in line."

The bar tender smiled. "I'm sure they have, you don't end up playing politics here if you were a nice person to start with."

"Well I have Yolanthe. And I'm a nice.." Mathew started.

The bokkai looked him up and now. She'd served a lot of powerful people when she'd run the bar on the cruise ship before coming to the station. He didn't strike her as someone who had the nerve to play at that level. But then, looks were always deceiving. "I hope you're not too nice. You'd get eaten alive around here."

"Your Concern is touching Yolanthe and I was just teasing."

She nodded, "Well, you are definitely going need a sense of humor."

"Indeed I will Yolanthe." Mathew smiled and finished his beer, placing it down carefully. "Thank You for your hospitality, but i will take leave of you now, though I have a feeling we will see each other again." And with that Mathew rose from his seat carefully, he pushed aside the Intoxication for now. He then bowed to Yolanthe and began to walk out.

She gave a small, and very pointed cough before he took a few wobbling steps. When he turned around, she held up the credit padd, and raised an eyebrow.

Mathew was embarrassed and blushed. "My apologies Yolanthe. I don't know how I could have forgotten about payment. Here is my credit chip." Mathew handed her the chip.

"No problem, sweetie. Thats the problem with the real drink. You can't just shake it off, and it never hits you how you think." She dropped the chip in the padd, and deducted the total. "First one was on the house. You looked like you needed it." She handed the chip back. "Good luck with those ambassadors." You are going to need it.

Mathew smiled and put the chip in his pocket "Thanks Yolanthe." He turned around and started walking out "I'll be back to tell you how it all goes."

Lieutenant Mathew Totti


Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights