Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Company
by Lieutenant T'Pal & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Company
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Jan 29, 2009 @ 9:34pm
Location   CO's quarters
Timeline   SD 7 0045

Ayren made sure that Isha saw her leave Tasha's quarters, and made her way to the promenade, going to a small obscure cantine. Tasha could sleep all she wanted on the transport, but now, she was going to be kept awake, at least for a while.

10 minutes later

Whether or not Tasha was asleep, wasn't going to bother Ayren much. With her elbow, trying not to spill what was in her hands, she pressed the chime.

Tahir still had her legs under her chin and she jumped clear of the bed to the door at the chime. Somehow she had hoped it was Ayren and was more than pleased to see the diplomat had returned, carrying a glass mug of steaming hot chocolate in each hand.

"Ayren! I can only guess that is not replicated." She grinned, stepping back to allow the Raven haired woman access.

"No," she said with a grin. "I went all the way to the promenade to get it, so you'd better like it. This is the best on station." Entering she handed Tasha hers and crossed the carpet to find a place to sit. "I hope you didn't plan to sleep, 'cause I am wide awake..."

Tasha took the glass and lifted it to her nose easing herself onto the floor in front of the bed. "Sleep? I can't sleep, there so much going on and I have been ordered to Earth whilst Romulans are knocking at my door. Do you think I can sleep? Do I detect a hint of Talarian Brandy in this?" Her smile widened as she sipped and shook her head. "Nope, I guess it isn't" She winked as she licked the froth from her lips and the definite taste of brandy tingled her tongue.
"You got this from that shop we passed last night. You did say something about their hot chocolate if I recall" She nudged her companions leg.

Ayren laughed. "Yep, that's the one.... I can't tell you how times I've gone all the way from my quarters with a tracksuit over my PJ's to get this... and no, not Talarian brandy, it's actually a Betazoid drink, similar to Talarian brandy in taste. It's called Taak, made from a root." She sipped the sweet hot drink slowly, hugging the mug between her hands. "We will handle things here, Tasha," she said. "Your staff members know what they are doing... for the most part," she said in a lighter tone.

Tasha imagined Ayren running to the promenade in her PJs, it was far more entrancing than a tracksuit. For some unknown reason, she pictured her in green satin or silk, her curly hair flapping behind her as she ran to get her favourite evening tipple. And now she was sharing with her and she smiled to herself, a warmth running through her and it was not down to the hot drink she was sipping upon.

"Mmmm." She voiced with pleasure. "I know. I have a good crew, but sometimes I miss the strength that O'Dwyer seemed to give to them. After the Boaoran attacks, we lost so many crew....." She left the sentence unfinished, taking a sip of the sweet chocolate instead.

"That good, huh?" Ayren commented, grinning in Tasha's direction where she was sitting on the floor. She felt the feeling, but was uncertain what motivated it. The hot chocolate *was* very good though. "You have your own way of strengthening the staff, being a real person and not some 'high and mighty unapproachable stick up his ass Captain'. You are both endearing and strong at the same time, a rare quality,' she said sincerely.

Tasha felt her cheeks glow in a blush and nudged her shoulder against Ayrens leg. "You know how to cheer a girl up!" She remarked. "Just as well I am not a stick type captain." She giggled, feeling so at ease.

"Oh yes, just don't get influenced by those stiff upper lips at HQ," Ayren warned her with a grin. She was relaxed herself, letting the day and it's troubles and interesting turns somewhere outside the door. "I am just getting to know you a bit now you are leaving..." she accused her and emphasized it by a little bump to her shoulder. "How long are you going away for?"

"Don't worry, I will try not to be too long, especially if I can come back to the stall for more of this." Tasha took a sip, before placing the mug on the floor and turned herself towards Ayren.
"Officially, I am being called as a witness in the court martial for the Commander who I took over from, Patrick O'Dwyer, a hero in my eyes by the way. But I get a feeling, there is going to be more to this than just giving evidence, especially as 'Admiral Sorensen' has made his way back to earth." She practically spat his name. "If all goes as any court martial, then it should be around 2 weeks on Earth, but couple that with nearly 6 weeks of journey time there and back then we are looking at around 2 months." Tasha explained to Ayren.
She turned back to retrieve her mug and took another mouthful when her comm chirped.

"Must be the date you stood up," said the counsellor with a bit of mirth.

"I wish!" She retorted, placing down the glass of hot chocolate that Ayren had brought in. Tasha ran back to her bedside table and retrieved her comm, pressing it hard. =^= "Major! Is it urgent? I assume you’re aware of the time." She replied a little breathless.


Continued in "Wavelength"

CO: Tasha Tahir


CDO: Ayren Kelan