Judgement – Ultimatum
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Ultimatum
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Tue Mar 08, 2011 @ 1:21am
Location   Main Security
Timeline   SD 36 - 09:15hrs (BACKPOST)

Trellis smiled as he handed the Padd back to him. "That will not be a problem at all, Mr. Grayburn. You'll find that this station has undergone a "changing of the guard" in regards to the way Security is handled on here." Trellis said proudly. "I'm focusing on a more cohesive method of securing the inhabitants on this station so that there will be no more friction to prevent us from accomplishing our mission of safety." He said.

James nodded and smiled pleasantly. "Thank you, Lieutenant. I will keep you appraised of any new additions to that list." The tall bounty hunter stood and walked out of the office, past the desks and through the doors to the security suite. That went much better than anticipated. Almost too good to be true.


Trellis stood within the frame of his door as he watched the gentleman leave.

"I do believe that things are beginning to look up around here, Ms. Jackson." Trellis said proudly as he leaned against the frame. "Not only is the department working more efficiently, but we are also becoming more welcoming to ancillary law enforcement entities." He added. "Cooperation, unfortunately, was not in Commander Gabriel's vocabulary." he said with a smirk.

"I believe our monthly results stats are unchanged Sir" Alexia looked puzzled.

"I am referring to the overall atmosphere of fear and distrust that Gabriel bred during his tenure as Chief Security Officer." Trellis responded sharply. "He failed to recognize that the key to security is cooperation, not intimidation." he added.

Alexia opened her mouth to argue something loyal against that but she stopped to give the concept further thought. "But..... you're so prejudiced against him. He didn't intimidate us....the staff...." She wanted to say *me* but as she began to say it, she had to think and actually he had done. She sat deep in thought for a moment or two.

"Gabriel intimidated everybody that he came in contact with if they happened to go against him. He was a bully and he is now facing the consequences of his actions." Trellis replied.

"I plan on making a lot of changes around here. He was a cancer upon this department and I plan on removing any malignant element that is still associated with his failed tenure." Trellis said as he looked at the woman.

"We will not have any further problems, will we Ms. Jackson?" He asked her.

Alexia understood exactly what was being said. Her loyalty to Gabriel was being challenged, she opened her mouth to object to Gabriel being referred to as a cancer and a failure. She was still loyal to 'El Guappo' but she did not see how she could help him by getting herself sacked from the department and moved on.

What she had to decide was how to deal with the practicalities of staying and having to work for Trellis. The actual concept of working for the man wasn't such a dire one. If he stuck to his word and ran the department fairly and to good effect, then she would thrive as well as any other. Similarly, if she remained amongst her friends and colleagues, for example Duquense, T'Pal, Sullivan and the others, that would be better than being moved to another department. She *did* like it here, she thought to herself.

Besides, *WHEN* Gabriel woud be exhonerated in court as she was convinced he would most definitely be, as opposed to *IF* which she couldn't accept, then Alexia would be here to welcome him back.

~Sometimes you have to lose a battle or two to win the whole war~ she told herself, trying to justify and appease that shadow of doubt that was trying to approach her from her reasoning's horizon.

Perhaps she *might* have been wrong. It *was* true that Gabriel bullied prople, even Alex had to recognise that much, no matter how much she made excuses for him - after all, he *did* have a job to do and...... here she was doing it even now.

Furthermore, it *was* also true that Trellis was being more than reasonable with herself, after all, she had given him plenty of provocation by her stubborn defence of the object of her crush and to be fair, Trellis' approach to her now was firm but in no way as hostile or aggressive as Gabriel would have been, if she'd given *him* this much resentment and borderline rebellion. She had to shudder to think what Gabriel would be saying to her in this situation.

Again the loyalty jumped back in to defend him as her thoughts argued: ~Yes but I wouldn't have *had8 to say such things to *him*.... he wouldn't have......~ she stopped. It took her what seemed like an age but was probably not more than a minute in real time for her mind to process these thoughts, doubts and resolution.

~Until either Gabriel is exonerated and returned vindicated to his position, or some sort of real proof is produced against him; this Department has to stick together and get on with the job of either making him proud on his return, or moving onto a stronger, more unified team if he doesn't!~ she decided at last.

Trellis was here and Alexia could work *with* him, or she could leave. She wanted to stay - it was best whichever way the Trial went for Gabriel.

"No, Lieutenant Trellis" she concluded quietly. "No further problems, Sir"

The addition of the term *Sir* was not unusual, Alex had always remained within the bounds of proper respect for an officer even when she had resisted Trellis, but this time, when she said it, there was a thoughtfulness without the defiant intonation she usually gave him when he criticized Gabriel.

"Very well." Trellis said as he checked the time. "If you need me, I will be in the Docking Bay with Captain Tahir. WE are welcoming onboard the USS Relentless crew today." he said as he grabbed his padd and proceeded out towards the door.


A JP Between:

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security


Ensign Alexia Jackson
Security Administrator.
(NPC by Jools)