Beg, Steal or Borrow – Surprse! Look who's here!
by Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Surprse! Look who's here!
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Sat Jun 27, 2009 @ 9:23am
Location   USS Rapier
Timeline   SD 9 10h00
N'shara smirked as she walked down to the docking rings on Starbase 47 with long even strides, the slit at the front of her her long heavy skirt revealing the well shaped legs of a full blooded Klingon warrior, ending in traditional Klingon boots. She had discarded her Starfleet uniform, having finished two year tour as an exchange officer and now wore her Imperial uniform with pride. Across her chest boasted the crest of her noble House, her d'k tahg strapped to her waist in plain view. No one will even dare to mention that she had to remove it, she wore it as if it was part of her clothing... no.. rather as part of herself.

She was on her way to suprise a family member on a ship docked at the station. Actually it was her half brother. They shared the same father, but had diferent mothers, but of course in the Klingon cullture, in any case in their family, she had plenty of half brothers and sisters. One man can make quite alot of children in a lifetime lasting up to 150 years and her father was not even half that age yet.....

Apparently the ship on which her brother served was under quarantine for a while, due to an unexplained phenomenon, but the restrictions had been lifted to a certain extend when the cause was determined and contained. "Parasites...." she mumbled in disgust. It was not an enemy one could fight and true to her heritage, she detested that. Unlike a few family members in the top heirarchy of her House, she was neither a diplomat nor a doctor, but like the most of them she was a warrior, only truly alive in battle. Although, she knew Kretorg well enough to know how much he liked to spill blood. He wasn't heir to Mu'rgh, the head of her House for nothing.

Now he had a mate... interesting....The smirk returned. That one she would like to meet. His reputation was that not one associated with.... bonding.... in fact she could hardly imagine him staying faithful to one person

Fortunately N'shara was allowed access when the security officer checked her credentials. He certainly seemed relieved at not having to be the one who denied this tall Klingon female access. He released a long relieved breath as he watched her back. It was not without admiration though. Her long hair cascaded down her back, swaying in turn with her hips. She walked effortlessly.. it seemed she would do anything effortlessly. Controlled power was evident in the predatory grace she moved with.

Her face was even, even stunningly beautiful, if you weren't put off by cranial idges, strong eyebrows and penetrating eyes. Like most of the upper echelons of the House of Torath, cleanliness was a virtue. The guard swallowed hard, his imagination abrubtly halted when it went in the direction where most men's would go.. He would not make it alive.... not with that one... Blushing he returned his gaze to his console..

As arranged, a security officer met her at the umbilical and escourted her to where Kretorg would be on the USS Rapier. If she had not been in SF, she might have stared it the small woman with disdain, but she had learned that even though humans were physically and mentally weaker, they were resourceful and worthy allies and sometimes worthy oponents.

Kretorg was on the bridge, speaking to the operations officer when he saw the lift open and he glanced up. Surprised he recognized N'Shara. "WTF!?" he said and crossed the floor towards her. leaving the ops officer gaping and also a few others on the bridge. The bridge security officer even had her weapon out, but the officer escourting N'shara motioned a 'not necessary', although with Kre's histpry on teh ship, one can never be too certain.

At nearly six feet tall she was imposing and her attitude regal. "Is this the way to greet your little sister?" she acuused laughing at his utter surprise. "That was exactly the face I wanted to see!" she said as they hugged.

'Mr Norm. you have the bridge," Kretorg said as he lead his guest to his office. "How long are you here for," he asked stepping inside.

"A few hours. I just got my new orders," she said her eyes flickering with pride.

Kre was disapointed, but would have to accept it. "Yes ok,... what are they?" he asked.

'XO of the IKV Hed'not.."

Kretorg raised his eyebrows. He knew that ship quite well...."Under whose command?" he asked, wondering if it was still Dokan, or whatever his name was.

"Toran of the House of Morqhat... Ambassador Toran," she said with a questioning look, knowing that Kre will know who he was.

Kre thought for a moment. "He is an honourable warrior. You are priviledged to work under him," he said and at the same time she would have gotten the message not to screw the appointment up. A lot of eyes would be on her, friends and enemies, but he didn;t have to say any of that, she would know that.

The two caught up on some family business, general news and each other's lives. It was good to see Kretorg, but they had very little time. She still wanted to see her cousins too and meet her brother's mate. "So when can I meet her?" she asked bluntly.

Kretorg smirked. "In fact, now would be a good time..." Alex would be in a foul mood and that wasn't going to change quickly. So now or later, it would make no difference, although, Kre didn't expect Alex to take her frustrations on his sister, but N'shara didn't need Alex to be a sweet and amicable hostess. Alex just needed to be .... herself....

N'shara of the House of Torath
XO of the IKV Hed'not


Kretorg of the House of Torath
USS Rapier
(NPC's by Sharon/Ayren)