Cascade – Consulting an Expert
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Consulting an Expert
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Thu Feb 28, 2013 @ 2:53pm
Location   Main Engineering
Timeline   SD 71 1100
After spending the last few hours trying to get his head straight after the events in the hangar bay, Steve was at his wits end. He had cobbled together his share of alien ships before, but none of them had caused a woman's eyeballs to explode before. He was justifiably spooked. So on that note, he knew it was time to call in a favor.

After secluding himself in his new office and asking that he not be disturbed until further notice, Wyman brought up all the data on the ship that had been collected so far. Once he was satisfied that it was all in front of him on his consoles, he pressed a control. "Computer, open a secure subspace channel to Commander Drakt at starbase 182 - priority two. Security authorization Wyman-Lambda-Omega-7-5-3-1-9."

~"Authorization recognized. One moment."~ the computer answered monotonously as it set up the secure channel and contacted the other base - better known to locals as Starbase Protector.

After a few moments the image on the screen changed from the emblem of the United Federation of Planets to what could only be described as a tiny raptor in a Starfleet uniform. +"Steven, I didn't expect to be hearing from you. Is anything wrong? Is Gwenny all right?"+ the lizard officer asked, concern in his voice. Indeed, if Wyman had given any inclination that his daughter was in danger, the line would have gone instantly dead and Drakt would have been on DS5 within thirty-six hours.

"She's fine Drakt. Just a bit tired since we just arrived on base last night. But listen, I need your help with something. The crew here picked up some strange alien ship. I've never seen anything even remotely like it before, but the folks around here think it might belong to some race called the Yevad. We've never had any official dealings with them, and the Klingons have only dealt with them in passing. I figure if anyone can find out what the Klingons have tucked away in their archives - you're him." Steve explained, purposefully leaving out the whole part about Werbner.

Drakt nodded thoughtfully. +"Transmit me whatever you're cleared to disseminate. I'll see what I can dig up from my contacts at Starfleet and Klingon High Command. If need be I'll have Rhe'la take a look at it - she knows more about engineering than I ever will."+

"Well she had an excellent teacher." Wyman joked, polishing his nails on his jacket mockingly. He was almost laying it on too thick, but the last thing he needed was Drakt showing up guns blazing.

+"Yes - her grandfather. You only got her started on Starfleet tech then handed her off to the Academy."+ Drakt retorted, narrowing his eyes at the Human on the other end of the commlink.

Now Wyman feigned injury - pantomiming a knife in his chest with one hand while tapping commands into a console with the other, "You wound me, sir. Anyway, the data is on its way to you. Hopefully you'll have better luck than I've had."

+"I can't promise anything, Steven. I'll be in touch. Drakt out."+

At that the commlink closed and Drakt's face was again replaced by the UFP emblem. Interlacing his fingers and resting his chin on them, Steve took a deep breath. He could feel the sweat running down his face, but it wasn't particularly warm. "I should have told him..."