Beg, Steal or Borrow – Klingons?
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Klingons?
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Wed Jul 15, 2009 @ 9:45pm
Location   Romulan Café, Promenade
Timeline   SD9 1530hrs
Tag   Isha, Toran
Rianni had come to her favorite Romulan café, the only one on DS5, for a late lunch before going to her office to complete the efficiency reports and officer reviews that were stacking up on her desk like cord wood. She'd ordered the viinarine, the best dish they made, and was trying to enjoy her meal, though she noticed her Starfleet uniform didn't get her the best table in the place, ~Well, not human enough for Starfleet, not Romulan enough to get a good table. What the frack are you gonna do, Rianni?~

Unnoticed by Rianni at first two Klingon females strode into the diner, drunk and looking for trouble. As they walked through the door the hostess wandered over to them, "May I help you?"

The taller of the two, L'rin, grabbed the small Romulan woman by her face and slung her to the ground. It was then she noticed Rianni, a target if she ever saw one. Turning to her friend she laughed, "T'rohna, look at this! A Romulan in a Starfleet uniform!"

"The worst of both worlds!" T'rohna laughed, throwing furniture aside as they stormed to Rianni's table, "The weakness of humans....."

"And the treachery of Romulans." L'rin finished as they sat themselves down across from Rianni, "You don't mind if we join you, do you, Commander?"

"Klingons don't make you uncomfortable do they, little Rihannsu?" T'rohna laughed menacingly.

"Not at all, ladies." Rianni said without looking up, though she was clearly becoming angry, "We have a Klingon maid at the Embassy, and he's working out just fine, though the Remans are cleaner."

T'rohna and L'rin kept their seats, though they were becoming angrier by the second, they wanted to test the courage of the little Romulan across from them before beating her into a coma.

Rianni, still not looking at them, continued to eat in silence, almost complete disinterest.

T'rohna was the one to break the silence, "We are not to be ignored, little Rihannsu." She warned, "You would be well advised to show us the respect a Klingon warrior demands."

"Oh, you're still here?" Rianni sighed, still not looking up, "That explains that smell."

"ROMULAN WHORE!" T'rohna screamed, leaping from her seat to strike Rianni, an action L'rin stopped.

"Stay calm, T'rohna." She laughed, "I'm sure our little Romulan friend was just about to apologize and show us the respect we deserve, per Starfleet regulation. Weren't you, Commander Romulan?"

Rianni, still not even looking at them, continued to eat silently.

L'rin, not willing to simply be ignored and walk away, reached her hand into Rianni's plate and grabbed a handful of her viinarine, "You don't mind do you, Commander Romulan?" She asked mockingly as she began to eat Rianni's meal out of her own hand.

"No, by all means, enjoy." Rianni said softly, still not even looking at them, "I feel noblese oblige applies here; it's my duty as a Romulan to make sure you get at least one meal that doesn't involve live worms."

T'rhona and L'rin both leapt from their seats at that time, flipping the table across the room, "Stand and fight, pah'tak!" T'rohna challenged.

'Yes, you coward, face death!" L'rin added.

Rianni simply shook her head like she was bored with the entire thing and started to walk past them, finally granting them eye contact, even if it was only a look of disdain.

L'rin was the first to reach her, grabbing her by her left shoulder, "Where do you think you're going?"

"Typical Romulan coward." T'rohna laughed, "Afraid of a stand up fight!"

Rianni, moving her left hand quickly into her coat, produced her personal phaser and hit them both with a heavy stun setting while they were posturing, leaning over to take their Dak'thags while they lay unconscious on the floor, "Typical Klingon fools." She laughed, "Bringing knives to a gunfight." She placed the Dak'thags on the counter before the hostess, "My lady, I believe these would be great decorations behind the bar."

The hostess, who'd never had two words for Rianni before this, smiled to her and said, "I agree, thank you." Before putting the Dak'thags behind the bar and pointing to the table at the front of the café, "That is your new table, Lady t'Khellian."

Rianni nodded and smiled in thanks, paying her check and walking out, she had work to do. After all, life wasn't all viinarine and punking Klingons.


Lt.Cdr. Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian